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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Not sure of their prices, though tree farms tend to be cheaper than corner lots ... tree farm on Ridge Rd.
  2. It was to her great benefit that I don't play the hypocrite game but my oh my was it ever hard to keep it restrained.
  3. We were in the entry at Borders in Austell one day with a woman on her cell phone spewing all kinds of profanity in front of my two kids (9 and 3) and blocking a couple racks of books the whole time. We gave up on looking at the books they had there and went on inside the store. When we came out, there she sat ... still on the phone. While I was looking at some of the books they had outside, my kids were walking back and forth on the sidewalk and giggling. The woman had the nerve to tell them to be quiet, that they were being rude. I lost it a bit.
  4. I was just in there today and those things were calling my name. Not sure how I got out of there without giving in.
  5. Construction Worker William McCaffrey Cleared After Nearly 3 Years In Prison When Accuser Recants A construction worker imprisoned for nearly three years was cleared by an apologetic judge on Thursday after his accuser admitted she lied about being gang raped to make her friends feel sorry for her. William McCaffrey hugged his lawyer when state Supreme Court Justice Richard Carruthers -- who'd also presided over William McCaffrey's rape and kidnapping trial -- threw out the conviction and dismissed the initial charges. DNA tests also had called the conviction into doubt. "I've been
  6. Are we sure Maxim didn't get any TARP money?
  7. Yep ... there are a number of complaints about the list this year.
  8. Tonic water (quinine) works for legs ... you could try it for your arm.
  9. Was this reported to authorities?
  10. She's certainly not an ugly woman but Maxim's Hot 100? No flippin' way. Halle Berry isn't on the list at all.
  11. It's in a very mixed up state right now ... GA Supreme Court said consent is a defense and so lawmakers are scrambling. Cases already in the pipeline are being brought to court because, as the Cobb DA said, the question "... is one that a jury must decide."
  12. "...The Georgia Supreme Court ruled in June that when the student is a willing participant and is 16 or older, the student's consent can be a defense for teachers facing a sexual assault charge..." link
  13. brown 1 lb of ground beef ... saute one medium onion ... cook noodles from one box of mac-n-cheese, then complete prep as directed. Once all of these are finished, mix together in large pot. Add one can tomato soup and then dried oregano, salt, and pepper to taste. Tastes even better the next day. Mum called it "poor man's spaghetti."
  14. Oh come on ... you can handle it. And I know who the area grocery stockpilers are ... we can raid their places for food, if need be.
  15. Now that you have corrected/clarified, I have no issue. (I know my opinion is oh so important to you and all. :lol: )
  16. 911 is for life and death emergencies. Every law enforcement agency has a non-emergency number.
  17. ditto Isn't this area about due for another measurable snow? '93 was a loooong time ago.
  18. Those crazy people spent $150,000 on a closet ... meanwhile that "mansion" near Crossroads (on 7.65 acres) goes for $168,000.
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