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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I also took Topimax for a year or so. My migraines seem to happen randomly. I will not have any for years then I will have a year of them. Topimax helps though.
  2. I didn't read the link so I don't have all the facts but I think that people these days are quick to sue for everything. What happened to the days of having heart attacks, accidents, etc. and dying without having to blame someone else? I think there is a place and time that suing is appropriate. Like when the doctor cuts off the wrong leg or makes a mistake of that kind, or in the case of DUI drivers killing innocent people. I for one though remember well the days that people knew that accidents happened. In 1969 my father was the driver in a car accident that killed him and 5 other peo
  3. I have had both and I love the gas heat. In the winter our highest bill is about 150.00 for our 1800 sq ft house. That is if it is really cold too. We also cook with gas and heat our water with gas so that is not all heating.
  4. WEll, I just got mine yesterday and it was 412.00 for my 1800 sq ft home. We keep our AC on 74. I am thinking we might need to replace our unit before next year. It's about 15 years old now. I believe the newer ones are more energy effiecient.
  5. 3;46 PM and it is 113 in my backyard!!! Lord I hope my old AC keeps plugging on.
  6. I'd venture to say that many people would see this softer side of you if they would quit being so judgemental and try to get to know you.
  7. I believe the media coverage is why they got such a firm punishment too. I am just thinking that kids who act like that will only get worse if they are out of school for a year. Too much idle time with kids like that is a recipe for more problems. I think some long term community service would have been better. And maybe have them check in with a parole officer every week. Take a monthly drug test. Show them what it is like to lose a little freedom not give them a year's owrth of it.
  8. Something that seems to be very popular these days are barn weddings. IT doesn't sound like much but they are very pretty when done right. You just need someone to let you use their barn and get in there with some elbow grease and clean it up. There are lots of pictures on Pinterest to look at. Decorating with candles in mason jars and simple flowers really work with this theme.
  9. I'm very excited. I want to work there!!!
  10. Mrs. Fournier was the mother of a friend of mine. Please pray for her. This is very very hard for her.
  11. 99% of the time it IS the parents, even if they don't know it. There is that rare 1% (like yours) who to spite all the parenting still turned out to be a smuck. When you have sat in room after room with parents who are being told what their children were doing to get in trouble and hear parent after parent find excuses for their kids it is very hard not to blame the parents. Teacher- Your child called me a bi$%# and then kicked little Billy Parent- What did you and little Billy say to my child to make him do this? Happens day after day after day.
  12. Unfortunately this is not an uncommon occurance. After working in the school system right here in Paulding County for 7 years I can say that this is quite mild compared to what I have seen. The problem is there is NOTHING that the school system can do about it and the parents WON'T do anything even if they are called. The kids know there are no consequences for their actions. The parents and their "jump to sue" attitude has made it impossible to effectively teach kids. No one wants their child to feel bad or lose priviledges. If we don't hurt their feelings or take things away or God for
  13. I'll admit I didn't listen to the audiobut I read the short article attached to it. I think that it depends on how you define friends. Certainly men and women can be friends, talk, occasionally hang out, etc. I think that it becomes more complicated when that person becomes you "best friend". My best friend is female (so am I) and we go out together, talk on the phone, have the occasional weekend getaway etc. Although I have men that I consider my friends I don't think that I could have the same level of intimacy with them as I do my best friend without some sort of line being crossed. A
  14. I was hoping that you would see it that way. Being friends with an aspie is an aquired taste so to speak. Not everyone will take the time to aquire that taste, but it they do they may be surprised. Most aspies tend to be very loyal and good friends to those who are accepted into that circle of trust.
  15. That would take a pretty big front porch.
  16. Please don't take what I am going to say in a negative way. It's really not a negative thing. When I first started reading your posts and talking to you a bit I diagnosed you with Asperger's syndrome. Mind you, I am not a doctor in any way shape or form. However, I have had many years of training in the Autism/Asperger's spectrum. Not to mention that I have raised a son with Asperger's. He is now 22. Many of the most creative thinkers, inventors, geniouses, etc. are now believed to have or had (when they were alive) Aspergers. People with Aspergers are generally very smart but a bit soc
  17. I know this to be true, but I don't understand why.
  18. I guess that is the point I was trying to make when I posted this. I can fully understand a scholarship to help the students who need the financial help. Then you could say thatthat particular scholarship was helping to break the education barriers for the poverty stricken. But in my opinion, everything that we do that separates people by color adds to the racism that this country continues to suffer from.
  19. I agree with only parts of your statement. I think the boy was right to return the money since it was not intended for him. However there is a cycle of poverty and a lack of education in MANY poor white communities as well as black communities. And although it may be true that you can set any stipulations that you want on ascholarship award, that does not mean that it is fair and unbiased. The opportunities should exist for everyone. The only physical stipulation that the winner should have to have is that he or she be human. That might help break the cycle of poverty and lack of educati
  20. What nags at me the most about this whole thing is that it is called the Martin Luther King Scholarship, yet the fact that it is available only for one race of people goes against everything that he fought for. I know that many people will bring up the fact that a "white's only" scholarship could never exist. I don't like that argument either because it sounds like someone would actually think "if they can do it, we can do it". It makes me sick that there are still they's and we's. Really...will there ever be a time that we can look at each other and see only another person, not a color
  21. http://news.yahoo.com/white-high-schooler-returns-scholarship-intended-black-students-223410181--abc-news-topstories.html I hope the link works. If not...the short of it: Warren, 17, a recent graduate of Riverside's King High School, won a $1,000 scholarship sponsored by Riverside's Martin Luther King Senior Citizens Club. While a cover letter to guidance counselors indicated that the award was intended only for black students, the application merely "encourage[d] African-American students to apply," according to King High School Principal Darel Hansen. Etta Brown, the chairwoman
  22. New Georgia Publix. Fast, friendly service.
  23. I know what you mean. I make and decorate cakes. I don't use fondant because I really don't like the taste. But my specialty is making designer cakes that you can't get in most bakeries. I sold them for a while but found that not many people are willing to pay for the time that goes into one. Now I only make them when a friend or co-worker has a special day that calls for something different. I also find that if I am doing them for free it is because I want to. When hobbies turn into a business then it is work and not as much fun. That is a very nice cake by the way. She wil
  24. I have a hypersensitivity to background noises. Somedays don't bother me that bad but on my worst days I can even hear the humming or fluorescent lights and it seems so loud that I can't concentrate on anything else. It is a pain. My hubby doesn't have misophonia (that I know of) but it absolutely drives him crazy to hear someone chewing. This was such a problem when my kids were smaller that we finally had to stop eating dinner together as a family just to keep the peace.
  25. It is an awesome place to take pictures. I always thought a photo studio in there would be great.
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