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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. My youngest is 18 and my oldest will be 21 this weekend, both boys. Most of the time I am not sure how I feel about them. They seem to be self-destructing, and of course I can't talk to them. What do I know, huh? Sometimes I feel like I don't like them but mostly because of the way they make me constantly worry. Neither of them is disrespectful to me but they just will not listen. They think they know everything and it drives me crazy. The 18 year old wants to move out. Good luck, he has no job. The 21 year old wants to move back in, because he is not doing well in college this semest
  2. They don't wait until Prom night anymore.
  3. Another of my handsome son. I love to see him cleaned up, it doesn't happen often.
  4. Here is my son and his girlfriend.
  5. Yes, Special Ed students can walk but they will receive a Special Ed Diploma. That is very different from a General Ed Diploma if they want to get a job, go to college, tech school, etc. With that said, I still hate standardized testing. If the kids are passing the classes they must take tests, EOCT's etc. to pass the class and receive the credit. There is so much less test anxiety for them with the regular classroom tests. I feel it shows more of their true ability.
  6. I work in a PC high school and I have seen this first hand. I am very outspoken on my thought on all the "mandatory" testing. There are people who can do very well in their classes and just not do well in the standardized testing setting. The kids are ALL put in the gym for this timed test. We are talking about hundreds of kids in rows taking a test. This is not the perfect testing environment, so if someone has test anxiety this will send them over the edge. I do not believe that a person's academic ability can or should be judged based on this one test.
  7. fishnthec

    My son

    You must be so proud. He looks great in uniform.
  8. My son and his girlfriend before the SPHS Prom last night.
  9. The statistics say that the median income for a family of 4 in GA is 68,000.00. So technically that is the middle class in Georgia. I think that middle class runs between 40,000 and 100,000 depending on the size of the families.
  10. We had Progressive when my son got his permit and they wanted to raise our rates over 1,000.00 a year. We switched to USAA who didn't require insurance for learner's permits.
  11. I have always been fascinated with the history of it all. Our country is very young in comparison. The ceremonies and pageantry are just something that is so different from our culture and kind of charming.
  12. Obviously there are Big differences in the way cursing is dealt with at our local high schools.
  13. LOL...I can almost understand this from the kid working there changing the sign. It makes me wonder about the literary skills of the manager though. Quater N Pounder.... that is either dirty or scary...
  14. That is not true. I know most people think that if a student curses a teacher he/she is automatically written up, suspended or whatever. It probably should be that way but it's just not. I work in the a high school and I can tell you that most of you would be REALLY surprised at the language we hear EVERY day. I hear the F bomb at least 5 times a day and that is a really low estimate. The teachers are cursed at daily. Some teachers will write it up and the kid may get a period or possibly a day of ISS. Most teachers just overlook the language because there are so many other behaviors th
  15. Whatever...jeeze...I think the OP was just letting everyone know that she saw lots of cops out and everyone should slow down. Good advice I'd say. I have also seen what seems like more cops out sitting watching traffic the last few days. Quota...no quota...who gives a rats behind...just slow down or get a ticket.
  16. Teachers ARE educators but educators are not always teachers. All of us have the potential to be an educator.
  17. After we had to have our 16 year old cocker put to sleep I swore I wuold not get another dog. One night while I was asleep I dreamed that she was sleeping beside me and she was healthy and I even felt like I could smell her pet shampoo. When I woke up I had a feeling that I needed to get another dog. My husband reminded me of what I said but I just felt compelled to look. I got on the internet and saw the face of the dog I knew I was supposed to get. I rescued her and she has been the most perfect pet I could have ever dreamed of. I don't knwo if that was all in my head or if my Honey d
  18. I know that lotions and powders with "shimmer" in them are very popular now and are sold almost everywhere from Vicotia's Secret to Rite Aid. I am not sure if this is what you are seeing but it's possible. I bet they are a booger to clean out of the tuxes too.
  19. I saw her in Burger King last week when I was in there with my 18 yo son. I talked to her and she spoke, but he was not herself. She usually calls my son baby and makes a fuss over him but you could tell she wanted to be left alone that day. So she sat at a table alone and talked to herself. Sometimes you just have to talk with someone who understands ya...right?
  20. I think with things the way they are these days there are lots of people doing jobs they don't particularly like, but need for a paycheck. I have been in a very low paying job for 7 years but I have always been passionate about my work so I have stayed. In the last year or so I have lost my passion and I have given my letter of resignation. I am going back to school at 46 yo to find a new passion. It is really scary because I will be without a paycheck for a while. Luckily, my husband is the main bread winner at our house so we can still survive. I can certainly understand how someone wo
  21. That is what they just said on WSBTV. Sounds like she is being safe.
  22. He is an incredible young man to have survived that and still have compassion for people. His "father" and the wife should have been put under the jail. Not given shortened sentences. There was definitely no justice done there.
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