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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. The pain could be gallstones, kidney stones, or appendix but it requires a trip to the ER none the less. If it is your appendix that can get bad fast. If it is kidney stones it will get worse and then better. If it is gallstones it can come and go but needs to be seen to. Good luck and I am sorry that this is happening on your birthday.
  2. Has anyone else noticed Casey's eyebrows? WTH happened to them? It looks like she has shaved half of them off. I wonder if it is something that the defense has done in an attempt to make her look like she is interested or worried. I just think she looks like Spock's little ugle sister.
  3. I just found this disclaimer page: http://godhatesgoths.com/disclaimer.html It is appearantly meant as a satire or dark comedy. I think it is VERY poorly done satire however. Normally one can recongnize satire as satire, this does not come off as any kind of comedy in my book.
  4. I have heard of Westboro. This particular chirch is not Westboro but they feel like Westboro shares their beliefs. SICK If it were up to them my sons and I would be killed and John would probably be sterilized so he could not bring more "abominations" into this world.
  5. These people must be so miserable. It is so hard to hold that much hate for people. It makes me sad that he says he takes children to see the kids with disabilities (using my words, not his) so that he can teach the kids of his church that they are demons. This is the worst part. Teaching hate to the children. I feel bad for any child that is in that church who finds out he or she has diabetes, adhd, a learning disability,a speech impediment, or heaven forbid autism. What would happen to those kids? How very very sad that in 2011 there are still ignorant, narrow-minded people passing th
  6. That is the most disturbing thing I have ever read. The pure hate being spewed is...I can't even think of a word for how bad it is. Just one of the very disturbing comments: Cripples, retards and people with learning disabilities are abominable to God, and are worthy only of death for their depraved slobbering, staggering, stammering ways. Why should they be given the best parking spaces? Why should we waste precious resources on wheelchairs and crutches? If it is God's will that they should not walk, then let them crawl like the snakes they are! Just sick
  7. Too many gun accidents lately. Personally I would not have let my 13 year old mess with a gun. Heck he is 18 and shot himself in the darn finger with one of those air pressure BB guns a couple of months ago. The BB was stuck in his finger. Guess he won't do that anymore.
  8. Thanks for recommending them. I took it to Jimmy this morning and have it back already. It was not the vacuum leak that autozone said but it is fixed and we are happy. Awesome nice guys there. I felt like I had always known them. I will definitely go back when I need auto help.
  9. One of the forensic people watching just said her kleenex needs to be patented by Sham Wow because she used the same one all day yesterday and it never looked wet or had mascara on it. I'll be keeping an eye on the kleenex.
  10. Oh yes she is...wiping those fake tears and doing the hand over the mouth pretend dry heave. I think they should turn her lose in the jail with a bunch of inmates who are mothers. That would probably save the state of Florida a bunch of money.
  11. I might have half way bought the nausea thing yesterday but today it's overkill and seems obviously fake to me. I think she is being coached on how a grief stricken parent should look. I literally want to reach through the TV and make her look at the photos. If she can duct tape the baby's mouth and drive around with he decomposing body in her trunk I think it should be easy to look at the clothes that they found.
  12. I'm like you I cannot give her the benefit of the doubt. I think she killed that baby and I think she planned to. I just wonder if she was pretending to be sick today to try to get the jury's sympathy or if looking at the results of what she did actually made her physically ill. I am glad the ggrandparents chose not to stay inthe courtroom and view those photos.
  13. Do you think she is really sick or faking to look emotional? I know a normal mother would probabaly be sick from looking at those photos but she is not normal so it is hard to tell.
  14. Thank you so much for all your suggestions. Hopefully we will have it fixed tomorrow. Spending a day at home without being able to go anywhere seems to be tortutre for him. LOL Funny how when we are teens all we want to do is go but when we get older we just wish we could stay home and do nothing.
  15. Crazy Cuts in New Georgia. I go to Michelle. In fact she just gave me an inverted bob with color and highlights yesterday and I love it. There are ther stylists there as well that I have seen good things from.
  16. I was just gogling gluten free for the heck of it and found this on Rachel Ray's website: Goodies like M&Ms (not the Krispy kind); Dove Chocolate bars and ice cream; Hershey Kisses, bars and syrup; LifeSavers, Rolos, Skittles, Snickers, Starbursts and Three Musketeers are all gluten free. Next time you need to bring in treats for the class, make up little goody bags of your child's favorite candies. I know it is not "good for you" food but it is something that may make good treats. Rachel Ray had other gluten free ideas too.
  17. My husband lost over 50 lbs. using it. He was also sticking to a low carb diet. It wasn't hard for him because he was NEVER hungry. It is like everything else though. You have to stay on some kind of maintenance plan to keep from gaining it back.
  18. I wore a Griffindor Quidditch jersey to 2nd movie. My son was 11 when the first book came out and he wanted so badly for an owl to bring him an invitation to Hogwarts.
  19. Good for her I am glad it is working. I will never know if it would have worked for my son. He is 21 now and feeds himself. I can't imagine how I what I would have given him to eat. All he ate then was carbs. I think he may have starved to death if not for PJ&J sandwiches and macaroni and cheese. Not to mention that now there are so many more gluten free choices then we had when he was young. BTW..doesn't that make you wonder why? Is Celiac disease something new?
  20. No, I wouldn't take the reward. I always think that the next person missing something could be me. I think you should do good things without expecting anything. You will get rewarded in some way in the future.
  21. I always thought I wanted to try the gluten free diet with my son when he was younger because he has aspergers andI heard that some people had some success by getting rid of the gluten. But, like you, I really didn't know if he would try it. He is such a picky eater. I think it will be easier for you though because your son is actually having pain. That is a good reason to change the diet. I hope he finds things that he like and he feels better.
  22. LOL...that sounds like a plan and I hate to admit this but we would not even know where to look.
  23. My son's check engine light came on today on his Ford Focus. He took it to AutoZone and they ran the diagnostic tool and told him that the codes are for a vacuum leak and high/low fuel pressure. They suggested he get a tune up but I want to make sure that the problem is fixed. Who do you suggest I take it to that will fix it right and for a fair price?
  24. I AM I AM!!!! I am probably the biggest HP fan (over the age of 40) in the history of HP. I have read and reread the books so many times and my family makes fun of me for watching the movies over and over.
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