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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. The Help by Katheryn Stockett I have been looking at it for a while but when I found out they were making it into a movie to be out in August i thought I should read it. It is a really good book. If you liked To Kill A Mockingbird you should try this one.
  2. I would say write it off as a lesson learned. I do think she should do what she needs to in order to get some support from the father. If he and his family is interested in being a part of the child's life then they should be interested in helping to support him JMO
  3. Trashy to me is more about cleanliness not clas. The Hiram store in question, being older, doesn't look clean. I go to the newer store on 120 because it feels cleaner and the produce seems fresher. As far as people go, if not wearing makeup and not dressing like a "southern belle" is trashy then heck I am one trashy broad. As long as a person is clean and has all of their parts that should be private covered up they are good with me. Also, I tend to associate the way people treat their children with trashy. If their kids are dirty, mouthy, rude and act like little idiots in public that s
  4. Did you try West GA Tech? They have a Douglasville Campus and 3 other campuses so maybe you can get in there. Also the fact that it is almost free is a perk!
  5. West GA Tech in Douglasville has a cosmetology program in Douglasville believe the Hope Grant will pay for part of it if you are a resident of GA.
  6. No kidding. I get it. We make too much for our kids to qualify for Hope but not enough for us to actually pay for it. Drives me freaking nuts. The middle class are put in a position to remain the middle class.
  7. Some orthodontists will suggest them when the kids are young. Our orthodontist said that is okay but because their teeth will shift when they lose baby teeth and replace with permanet teeth it is possible that they will have to stay on longer or even have more work done. It ismuch more successful to wait until the child has all their permanent teeth. My son got his when he was 12 and had them for 2 years. It didn't really break the bank because we made monthly payments.
  8. Really Easy Shrimp and Grits By a box of the shrimp scampi. Heat it as directed and set aside. It will have lots of butter, garlic sauce. In the meantime, cook up a couple of servings of grits (I use quick not instant. the 5 min. kind). When they are a soupy consistency add about a cup of shredded cheddar (or your favorite cheese)then stir inthe shrimp with the butter sauce. Let stand for a few minutes and eat! Yummy. If you prefer, you can buy raw shrimp and sautee them in olive oil, butter, garlic and cajun seasoning until they are pink instead of the boxed scampi. You could a
  9. Don't beat yourself up over it. You can "what if" yourself to death. It's no one's fault it is just something that happened and your husband should not try to make you feel guilty. When something like that happens you need understanding. Really...it could have happened to anyone.
  10. Thank God he found you! Could the "giant man" possibly be the man who has worked there as long as I can remember pushing carts? He must be close to 7 feet tall, he is a black man and always friendly! He even wears a shirt sometimes that says "cart pusher".
  11. I gotta try that! I love a good vegetable pizza, that is about as vegetable as it gets!
  12. What if you go into a convenience store and fill up a fountain drink, stand there and drink half of it, fill it up again, do this a couple more times before you finally go to the counter and pay for your drink. Is that stealing? I really want an answer to this.
  13. I love my kindle. One thing that I love about it is that I put it in a ziploc bag and read while I am floating in the pool. I never could do that with a book!
  14. So what does it mean when one of your friends is suddenly a very colorful and out of proportion cartoon character?
  15. With these temperatures it should warm up as it goes in. Heck, with the outside temps hypothermia doesn't sound all that bad!
  16. Don't you wonder what in the heck makes us dream about off the wall people like Al Roker?
  17. I woke myself up last night laughing and couldn't stop. I had a crazy dream about being at a get together with everyone I know. (and I mean everyone) Then one friend walks into the room and she is a cartoon character of herself. She obviously didn't realize it though because she was working the room. Everyone else seemed to be in black and white and she was a big colorful caricature like the ones you get drawn of you at the fair with a giant head. I couldn't stop laughing. What do you think that dream means?
  18. I am glad that he is better. Honestly, there is no pain like it. I am thankful the epidurals worked for me. Although the doctor told me that once it has buldged there will always be a weak spot there so it can happen again. I have to be very careful not to do anything that might hurt it again. I guess taht is another upside to the surgery. If they remove the discs, they canot buldge again. Do they put something in the place where the disc was?
  19. DAMN!!! Our system is broke. I watched the video and all I can say is that man needs to go to jail for fraud, not have some nurse living with him feeding him and tucking him in. How does that even happen?
  20. Don't give p on the epidural yet. I had to have two of them before I got relief. I was actually scheduled for a round of three of them though because sometimes it takes that many. Tomorrow will be a better day to see if there is any relief. He will be sore from the cortizone today. It is thick, a little like peanut butter and takes a while to actually relieve the swelling. If he gets ANY relief inthe next couple of days he should go back for the second and maybe the third. Each time there is more relief. I would save surgery as a last resort. It may be necessary but it is much more in
  21. I don't think there is a house on it. I believe his land is actually on Ridge Rd. but at the 92 intersection. To be honest, I met him when I was doing trips with my school kids once a week to the place where he works. I never got to talk to him enough to ask all the questions. His property is not the property that the big businesses were looking at but his is attached to it, so if a business bought the property next to his then his would sell also. He was always excited when the big businesses would show interest because that meant he would be able to retire and take care of his elderly
  22. I know someone who owns the land on the corner of Ridge and 92. he told me that there have been several big stores looking at his land and the land on the other side of the road. I know WalMart was one of them and Walgreens was also looking at it. There were also a cuple of the big name grocers that were looking into that property. I have not talked to him in several months so if someone actually bought it I don't know that, but I do know there was a lot of interest.
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