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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Anything that Elvis sings!!! I am truly not an Elvis fan. They have turned the volume up on the elvator music at work. Seems like every time I step into the elvator--it's Elvis!!
  2. SO TRUE!!! And I also believe that just because they make all these clingy, strappy clothes in big sizes--doesn't mean you have to wear them!!! I mean, come on, skinny jeans in the Women's department??? Give me a break. Big women DO NOT need to wear skinny jeans!!! Hence another reason that I am wearing clothes from several season ago!!!
  3. Yeah--I get totally disgusted when I go shopping. Everything, from shoes to clothes, is either geared for teens or grannies!!! I want something in between. I have got to the point that I am just doing without new clothes or shoes because evertything out there is UGLY!!! And I can't do the high heels any longer--thanks to a bad knee.
  4. I think they are fine ONLY if they are worn somewhat the same way a pair of tights would be. And ONLY that way. I work in a very nice office building in the Vinings area and I am appalled at the way some of these "professional" ladies walk in this office.Any given day you will see at least 8-10 women walking in with leggings and just a regular top. As stated before--leaves nothing to the imagination. I don't care if you do have a killer body--not a good look. I have only seem a couple actually wear them with a long top and look decent. And while we are in the same general topic area---
  5. Heck--I have a hard enough time driving and drinking coffee!! Can't imagine eating a bowl of cereal and driving. I would have to carry a change of clothes to work every day!!
  6. I record it and watch it on the weekend. I do really like the show. Have not found much of interest in the new shows.
  7. My son and his wife lived there years ago. His truck was broken into twice while they lived there. They also had an apartment above them raided one night. They moved shortly after that. And they were in one of the front buildings, which you would think would be safer???
  8. Exactly my car!!! I drove it to death, sold it to a guy that did some minor work on it and sold it again and I saw it around town for several years after that!!! I could always tell it was mine because I had slots put on it!!
  9. 1969 Camaro SS 396 4 speed. Had no clue how to drive it!!! My dad tried to teach me and give up and sold the car. He got it at a good price and made some money selling it. Then he bought my 72 Pinto (which was also a 4 speed, but much easier to learn on!!) I did later on get a 79 Camaro and loved it also!!
  10. That was my second car--minus the hatchback--same color!!! Was a good car. Many years later, I actually bought another Pinto!! (with another Camaro in between!!)
  11. If you just want somethig to transport/keep cakes--try the Dollar Tree. They sometimes have plastic ones similiar to Tupperware. Hey--for a dollar--they work!! They look nice too.
  12. tbird

    Kids tablet

    My grandaughters (5 and 6 yrs old) got a Naabi (sp) and it is really neat. They have all kinds of games and learing stuff on it. I especially liked teaching them how to play solitare!!
  13. From a legal point--you NEVER take the test. If they don't have the test to use against you--then you can usually get the charges lowered. And not speaking from experience--used to work for one of the best DUI attorneys in Cobb.
  14. My dogs love cat food so much that I have to keep hers up off the floor to keep the dogs from eating it. And the cat loves their Iams dog food. My grandson had a cat that refused to eat cat food and only ate Iams dogfood . Grandson's same cat would not drink water out of a bowl either--you had to turn the water on in the bathroom sink for him to drink!! And mygrandson flooded the house severl times doing that!! Many years ago, my son adopted a Jack Russel from the pound and for the longest we could only get her to eat cat food. At the time, they said that they had more donations for cat fo
  15. Absolutely!!! But something tells me that there is more to this story. Or maybe he/she is just part of this new "ME" geneation, you know, me, me, me, me. I have certainly noticed a lot of that in younger generations.
  16. Yeah, go ahead and call the media. This could be one of those "Another reason to vote early" segments. And I thought that most of our elderly were using the absentee ballot??? Sure makes sense to me.
  17. Lockheed has had a two tier pay structure since back in the 70's and 80's. When I hired on there in 1985--I was in the lower pay scale. Even the older workers didn't like it and they said it wasn't fair--but then again, they had to have voted in with the union contract--right??
  18. Never have any--except the grandkids. Not buying any candy, they can have Little Debbie cakes since I have them already!! And they prefer them over candy most of the time anyway.
  19. It is not much better than it was before, except folks have a little longer to think about how they are going to cut in front of you!! I very rarely even get in that right lane--it's useless and I consider it rude to wait til the very last minute and "expect" someone to let you over.
  20. FYI--my steam mop does not bother my back like sweeping and mopping for some reason!! Sweeping and mopping makes my back feel like it is breaking in two!!
  21. I use it all the time and never had any problems. It is actually one of the easiest sites to use among all that I pay online???
  22. No wonder that they same ole ones turn this into a "let's back Clark Ambulance again" thread. I doubt very seriously that the EMT's and paramedics from the other places were out there and not getting paid. Did the County and City of Hiram not just have some of those huge roadblocks??? Clark has to supply them an ambulance for those--right??? And if they stay out there all night and do not transport a single person---then they have just paid their workers to sit and wait without a prospect of mamingany money at all??? I all comes out in the wash.
  23. I definately would not be calling this person myself. This should be given to the SO for them to handle!!!
  24. SHe was a great lady and a mother to lots of us who grew up at the skating rink back in the 70's and 80's. My thoughts are with her family, whom I have always thought very highly of.
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