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Everything posted by tbird

  1. If your child comes home with an article of clothing (or anything) that does not belong to them, do you even ask where it came from?? I ask this because grandson has "lost" a brand new American Eagle jacket, American Eagle belt (don't ask!!) and 2 lunchboxes this year. Yes, I know he should be more responsible and believe me he is suffering consequences. But I cannot believe that a kid could come home with something and, as a parent, you would not ask where it come from. We work hard to see that he gets nice clothes and such and it just burns me up that some punk can see it left in a class
  2. Yeah--maybe they need to start their own take down thread??
  3. My 12 yr old grandson plays all the time. He plays in tournaments (or something similar) all the time. Or maybe it is Call of Duty that he plays in the tournaments?? Those are the only 2 games he plays.
  4. These booms have been going on FOREVER. They don't bother me any more at all. I have had them shake my whole house many times. Just like a bad storm--I just say whatever and go about my business!! I think they have something to do with sonic booms, but that's just my theory!!
  5. I was wondering if that was Arnold's dad, but he is not mentioned??
  6. tbird


    Love it!! My niece had cats named Elvis and Priscilla (Prissy). They looked like yours except they were long haired and Elvis was HUGE (17 lbs).
  7. You need to try the Goya stuff and olive oil. Tastes the same and much better for you!! I use the Goya seasoning in dried beans, green beans, basically anything that I would have used bacon grease in. First time in almost 40 years that I have not kept a jar of bacon grease in my fridge!
  8. The sad part is that you can rarely find any good, decent treatment centers--whether it be for drugs, alcohol or both. Most will only take somebody for 3-5 days and then they want them to go into outpatient (and these are folks that have insurance that will pay for 30 days of treatment). Most facilities are not anywhere close to us, so outpatient for folks is pretty much out of the question. Most of the time if you are in treatment, you don't have a job, so how can you afford to drive back and forth to treatment?? I always thought that if you had insurance to pay for it that you would be a
  9. I hate to hear about Ms. Stella. Any of the old time skaters at Sparkles (70's and 80's) will remember her working in the concession stand. And of course, I have known Freddie just about all of my life (along with the Carters).
  10. I always put a little bit of sugar in mine. My mother told me a long time ago that my Granny used to put sugar in almost every fresh vegetable she cooked. If nothing but taking a wet teaspoon, dipping it in the sugar and then putting in the cooking pot--it helps to take the bitterness out of the fresh veggies. And I now use the Goya ham seasoning in all of my vegetables instead of using bacon grease and other types of fat. Although, in beans and such, I do still add just a tiny bit of EVOO!!
  11. If this is for the teenager that recently died, I think I would contact everybody that contributed and see if they would be OK with contributing to the fund to help pay for his burial expenses. You can list everybody's name on the donation and I am sure it would be greatly appreciated. I know that you are supposed to send flowers, but when the family needs money for burial expenses--that would be my first choice. If they aren't comfortable with donating to the fund, you might give the funds directly to the funeral home and then give a card to the family stating what you did and who all contrib
  12. Well, it is Paulding County and we aren't that important to the ATL news stations. But, I will bet that if they put any type of race issues on it--we will be on the news in a heartbeat. And there were actually 2 arrests for murder. One yesterday and one today--assuming later at night and during the night. Unreal. But hey--I am glad that they have made arrest so quick.
  13. There was an arrest yesterday with a murder charge--wonder if it is connected?? It's just not everyday you see somebody charged with murder in Paulding County.
  14. I did hear of them finding someone dead and detectives were at skating rink questioning some folks. This is not 100% confirmed, but did get from a good source with some attachments to the rink.
  15. No advice for you, but dang--they let their dog do that??? I would have been mortified if my dog had done something like that. But then again, I probably would have never taken my dog to somebody's house like that, but if I had, I would have at least made sure to keep them in a crate to prevent something like this happening. So sorry.
  16. If they didn't just take the laptop---then why didn't the person get a phone call. They could have easily called and said, hey--we are closing shop and you have until this date to pick up your computer. they got NOTHING. That is a very crooked deal if you ask me. They are not finished with this. There are other ways to find out who owned the place and one way or another--they will find it. And there was never any work done on it--he was waiting on them to call and tell him what had to be done.
  17. I will check that out. The thing that really worries me is that their website says that they are permanently closed and seized all services. Just wonder what they did with everybody's computers???
  18. I think a good choice was made.
  19. I know somebody that left a laptop there to be fixed and now it is closed. No phone calls or anything and they are out a laptop. Poor business.
  20. Are you using any type of fabric softener? Liquid would work best. I use it in everything except my towels and I use the fabric softener sheets on them (I only buy white towels and wash cloths and bleach them). And I am a fabric softener junky--if it says to use 1 cap full I use 2 or 3 because I love the smell and the softness of the clothes. I also keep my dryer on the delicate cycle--for everything. And, of course, I iron everything I wear. Just the way I was brought up. And I use the Magic sizing spray when I iron--not the starch spray. But I would definitely try the liquid softener
  21. I can't believe you live in FL and have no homeowners insurance?? Doesn't that scare you to death? It would me. Even inland, you have the risk of some pretty bad flooding. A couple of years ago when PCB had 20+ inches in about 2 days on july 4th weekend, several folks I know had major flood damage. And that wasn't anything to do with a hurricane!!
  22. You would be surprised!!!
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