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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Folks, put yourself in her shoes. She is 17 years old and has a condition that will be with her for the rest of her life. She has grand maul (sp) seizures and this dog is a huge help to her and her family. She has been in the hospital many times over the last year. The dog wears a service dog vest and that is all that is required. I know that this story hit Facebook the night it happened and maybe somebody from there contacted the news. All she wants is for the public to be knowledgeable about this, whether it be her or somebody else. If it had been my child--I would have probably walked i
  2. I will be the first to say that it depends on "who you know" and who can get to the governor. I have seen it happen--first hand. Not just with Deal, but with Perdue also.
  3. I have one that I got several years back at Home Depot on Black Friday. It is a Steam Fast and I have not had any problems with it at all. It was the very best $25 I ever spent!! It come with 2 cleaning pads, but I finally broke down and ordered more online, but I did use a kitchen towel as a replacement before I did that!!
  4. Were announced today. Dean Bucci, Lani Skipper and Sandra Miller. Even though the people of the county would lose a very good and trust worthy attorney to represent them--I think Dean Bucci would be a wonderful choice!! Below is the link for the Daily Report article: http://www.dailyreportonline.com/home/id=1202675998154?kw=JNC%20Nominates%203%20for%20Paulding%20Superior%20Court%20Bench&et=editorial&bu=Daily%20Report&cn=20141110&src=EMC-Email&pt=Afternoon%20News Hope it works.
  5. My bet is that he gets off with 5 yrs or less probation--not parole?? Or they might let him plea first offender and if he keeps his nose clean for 5 yrs, then it is removed from his record.
  6. Same thing happened when the kid at South Paulding Middle School made that threat on 9-11. The threat was put on Instagram, and I was told that they were waiting on him when he arrived at school--they didn't know exactly where he lived. My grandson watched most of it go down.
  7. Most of those offices in Darby's Crossing are very small. You walk into a central hall and then there are offices branching off that. Ours had a VERY SMALL reception area and then another SMALL office behind it--and they were very dark feeling.
  8. If it is Cobb County and in Superior Court--it is simple on their website. Other counties and courts--not so much.
  9. Good DUI Attorney. Most DUI's can be reduced to a lesser charge and doesn't go on the record as a DUI. One of my former bosses was a DUI attorney in Cobb and he rarely ever got anybody convicted of a DUI.
  10. Long arm casts SUCK!!! My son and his son have both had long arm casts before. Heck, my son fell and broke both wrists at one time a few years back. He was helpless for a few weeks. Luckily, one was worse than the other, so they put one of them in a brace after a couple of weeks. I had a friend many years ago that used to competition roller skate and she fell and broke both wrists at the same time and had 2 long arm casts at the same time. At that point--you are totally depending on somebody else. Imagine trying to go to the bathroom with 2 long arm casts??? Good luck with yours Blondi
  11. None. I never have any because I live off the road and most folks can't see my house. Even when I was younger and lived at home, we never had any because we always had big dogs and folks were scared of them (this was many, many years ago when you could let your animals run loose in your yard!!).
  12. How does one lose a police dog?? That's an awful lot of money in that dog for it to be lost.
  13. There is a small brick ranch on Nebo Road, just a few houses down from South Paulding Middle School. It does look kind of rough, like maybe the last renters weren't so nice to it?? they had a For Rent sign out last week and was cleaning it out and cleaning it up.
  14. I have lots and lots of stuff to drop off. Didn't want to fill the car up if she wasn't going to be there today!! Thanks
  15. He was also very active in the Ridge Road Ballfield for many, many years (for us old timers!!) Thoughts are with the family.
  16. And it will only get worse. Seems like every year as the holidays approach--robberies go up.
  17. Cartersville seems like a nice little town, but if you ride around for a while--it has some very seedy areas and people. Just look around at all the pawn shops up and down Tennessee Street, and there are little hundred dollar finance companies on every street corner and all of those are kept in a booming business because of the very low income households. After working up there for 6 months, I have a very different view on Cartersville than I did when I worked up there over 10 years ago.
  18. See about them getting jobs in the Aldi/Racetrac area on 278 since there are 2 apartment complexes right there. Or the Dallas area--the apartments behind Ingles go on your income (or at least they use to do that). What size clothes are needed?? Don't know that they are my size, but if they are, I can get some stuff together.
  19. I normally like some reality TV, but this show is awful!! And I have a friend that will watch Honey Boo Boo and she thinks it's funny, but she won't watch Duck Dynasty because she said she didn't like to watch folks make fun of themselves and be so stupid?? I still can't understand that one!!
  20. Scenes like that just royally piss me off.
  21. Then that makes it pretty simple. Shut the current Booster Club Corp down--or just not renew and the state will shut down. Open a new Corp under different name(change one word or something). At that point, the bank has nobody to go after because the business that the loan was made to no longer exists. I have seen this done many times. BUT, you need to find an attorney first that has no connections with Paulding County whatsoever and talk to them. I can tell you that I know of at least 4 or 5 attorneys that have given this same advice to clients. I can give you the name of a guy in Woodstock th
  22. Somebody contact Randy Travis at Fox 5--he would have a field day with it!!
  23. My suggestion would be to go WAYYYYYY out of the county for an attorney. And before I sat down and talked to one, I would look at the Secretary of State's website and make sure that they didn't make any type of campaign contributions to school board members (or any other county seats held). You would be surprised at some of the attorneys from Cobb and Atlanta that contribute, even out here.
  24. Even if they are incorporated, if they own no assets that amount to anything, there is no need to file Bankruptcy. Any type of business or corporation only has a need to file Bankruptcy if they have assets that creditors or the Bankruptcy Trustees can go after. If there are no assets, and all debt is basically unsecured, then they just shut the business down and reopen in another name (if they want to). This is done all the time, whether it is right or wrong. The only catch is if the business owner has signed on or guaranteed any business debt. At that point, they would have to file a personal
  25. They can't. He filed Bankruptcy and has obviously discharged the debt in FEDERAL Bankruptcy Court. And it's all legal, nothing they can do to him.
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