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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Even if the bank had removed this member from the loan, his filing for Bankruptcy takes all of his responsibility from the note. Even with it being a secured debt, all he had to do was surrender his interest and as far as he is concerned--it just became an unsecured debt and would have been discharged. And I do believe that I would speak to an attorney about the bank pretty much trying to force the new folks in the club into being responsible for this debt. I don't think they can do that. Should the new club continue to pay for the building?? If they are getting use from the building
  2. Used to be, you could at least eat chuck roast for cheap--not any more. Even just ground beef has gone up quite a bit.
  3. I would think the closer you get to Cobb County, the more rent you are going to pay for something decent. There have been some good options shown here--hope you check them out.
  4. That's the worst part!! Never had a broken arm or leg--but the kids and grands have had plenty!! And FYI--a bread bag work much better than garbage bag--not all that excess bag hanging around. Best of luck with it. The brace should be much easier than a cast!!
  5. Might not be any consolation, but if you give a notice and they do not allow you to work it--you are entitled to draw unemployment. Happened to me one time. Give my notice and could not start the other job for another 2 weeks since the other girl was still there. Since my employer did not want me to work out my notice and would not pay me--I had no problem getting the 2 weeks as unemployment. it just made them look bad.
  6. Go find that link to David Austin's campaign contributions and look at all the attorneys that have contributed. And they are not all just from Paulding County--they are from metro Atlanta. I was very surprised to see some of the names and firms.
  7. The Dallas New Era would NEVER post anything like that. They never go against the officials that be. Heck, they don't even hardly do any news at all, unless you happen to read the legal ads. Lots of information to be found in them--just not about the powers that be. One of the main reason I haven't bought one of their papers in YEARS. Not even worth a quarter in the store.
  8. My bet is that the Commissioners themselves will never see this letter. Their secretary will open the mail and dispose of. Just how things work.
  9. I have used these a lot but have found that they don't always have them every Friday.
  10. The first mortgage company cannot go after them in any way unless they get a Court order to do so. It is very, very rare for a first mortgage to come after you for any deficiency balance. Second mortgage holders are usually the ones to come after a person. Once the first mortgage forecloses on a home, then that second mortgage note is considered an unsecured debt. The only way to get past a lawsuit and judgement is to file Bankruptcy. They will more than likely get some sort of 1099 for the balance of both loans and Bankruptcy will also take care of that. My advice would be for them to contact
  11. Don't you work in Cartersville?? If so, I learned that is just how most folks up there act. Don't get me wrong--there are lots of very nice high class folks up there, but there are also a lot of very low class, uneducated people up there. It explains why there is a finance company and bankruptcy attorney on every corner. Yes, I worked for one of the BK attorneys and lets just say that it was a totally different clientele than I had ever been used to working with.
  12. But I can guarantee you that just about every single one of those Commissioners are sitting in church every Sunday morning being the good Christian. Don't see how they can even hold there heads up and look in the mirror--let alone deal with the public with a straight place. The one thing I absolutely hate in people is a hypocrite.
  13. Since they no longer own the land--could the lawsuit still continue?? I really have no clue. I have never worked in any type of litigation and have NEVER wanted to!!
  14. If the deal was some type of loan mod--then those are really tricky. When they put you on probation and tell you to make X dollar payment for X months and they are due on the 1st of each month--they mean business. If you send in one penny less or if the payment does not post by end of business on the 1st--then the agreement is null and void. I always told my clients to have their payments in at least 7 days in advance and to send the exact amount--no questions. I can certainly understand that if this was the case, there might have been some trouble with the payments due to the medical prob
  15. If this was a true eviction, they have to hire an eviction company to do that. Law enforcement is only there to make sure that there is no fighting, etc. I don't even think that law enforcement is allowed to touch anything--they are just there pretty much as an observer. I had to do a couple of evictions for previous bosses that owned a condo they rented out. You had to line up the eviction company and then call the Sheriff's office to line up the deputy. In all cases, they were put off a couple of times because the tenant would come up with some of the rent owed. You would then have to ca
  16. I get the fact that folks want to confront the Commissioners, County, etc. and in this case--it seems like the ideal thing to do. Although, I can just hear exactly what they would say right back to you: "How can you blame it on us?? We never told them not to pay their mortgage and have their home foreclosed upon.". I am sure that they (County) are sitting back right now thinking that this is finally going to stop, thinking that they have no more means to keep fighting. I sincerely hope they are wrong.
  17. Doesn't Tommy Graham still own Alpha Omega?? Wouldn't that be ironic--one of the guys fighting them is now helping them?? If the house was foreclosed on earlier this year, they are really lucky that this has not happened before now. I have seen mortgage companies show up with a notice the afternoon of the foreclosure. they usually give the folks 14 to 30 days to vacate and then they start the eviction process. And even with the eviction process, they are given 30 days notice to vacate. I guess with all the health problems and such, it has just caught up with them. So sad.
  18. She is not even showing booked in on the online offender page. But then again, they only put what they want to on that page. Half the time they don't even put what folks are charged with. If I was one of the offenders that had my charges on there, I would be raising all kinds of hell because of the folks that have no charges listed. Who is having them evicted?? Mortgage holder or the County??
  19. But hey--they are going to get them an administrative assistant that will start off making more than most county employees. Yep, sounds about right. NOT
  20. For administrative assistant listed on the Chamber website. $30-40K per year??? I don't think many county employees start off making that much?
  21. I look at the arrest records for Paulding pretty regular. Just a habit I guess. Used to do it at a job, when I worked at a firm with criminal defense attorneys. You would be VERY surprised to see what these folks get arrested for. Definitely not your typical DUI's and such--even though there are plenty of them also. What burns me up is when they don't put exactly what the charges are--makes me think they are trying to hide something from the public. Of course I know that any government office in Paulding County would never try and hide something from us--right??
  22. I had to really LOL when I heard that this morning. Then I heard earlier that her BF (I think) filed a return for 99 million?? I can honestly say that I have known a lot of stupid people in my lifetime, but nobody has been as stupid as they are!!
  23. Yes, I finally found it, but the filing for this year has not been filed yet. I don't remember how long they let it sit until the dissolve for not filing.
  24. Did your wife look at you like a demon--like the guy said on TV?? He is certifiably crazy and I am thinking that the wife isn't too far behind him!! If you just watch him talk, you can see the crazy in him. Oh yeah--listen to your wife--she can make your life miserable!!! LOL
  25. I thought the same thing. Wanted to take my granddaughter, but not sure it would be worth the $$$. For that kind of money--she better see a ghost!!
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