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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Not a brain fart--Lockheed and Dobbins are 2 separate facilities. When I worked at Lockheed, we had to have special permission to get on base--you had to go thru Dobbins Security to get on the base and then Lockheed Security to get back into the plant (even though you were driving a Lockheed van).
  2. Plumley & Bucci are well respected. I know several folks that have used them and they were very satisfied. www.pblawfirm.net/
  3. Just saw this on FB: Newstalk1330 ‪#‎BreakingNews‬: All Three Of The Teens Missing From The Willowbrooke Facility In Villa Rica Have Been Located... Madeline Terry and Audrey Aldridge have been ...located in Panama City and are in the custody of DFACS. On 05-17-14 Samantha Abbott was located in Panama City Fla. Abbott was injured and went to a local hospital for treatment. The injuries were not of a serious nature. She has been returned home. It has been determined that the three girls stole a 2004 Ford Ranger Super Cab pickup truck, silver in color.
  4. Just the fact of being in the Panama City area is scary. Yes, Panama City Beach is a top vacation spot, but you venture over that bridge and go into town and it can be a very different place. The news and papers down there are full of drug bust, killings, etc. You constantly hear it down there. I don't know if it is just that the small town reporters have nothing else to talk about or what.
  5. Glad she was found, however, somebody had to help her get out of state. Hope they have that person also and there should be charges for them also.
  6. From what you are saying--is one of these girls maybe the one you were talking about a week or so ago??
  7. Depending on what county he got arrested in--you can look it up online and see exactly what his charges are.
  8. I see many flights going in and out of the Cartersville Airport just about everyday. Not talking about the little bitty planes either. These are considered jets (or so my boss says), owned by Phoenix Air?? With having McCollum, Cartersville, Peachtree DeKalb and a few others I can't remember--why in the heck would they think an airport in Paulding would be such a hit??
  9. She needs to sit down with the cops and detail everything that has happened--and have proof. My daughter pulled that crap one time after I caught her skipping school. I whipped her with a belt and she called 911 and told them I had beat her. 2 cops come walking into my house, I told them exactly what happened. One stayed in the living room with me and the other went to her room to talk to her. I told the one in the living room with me that if they thought I was abusing her, to go ahead and take her--I had a right to discipline her. After about 10 minutes, the cop come out of her room and said
  10. Curios--does anybody else live with the man?? If so, you can actually sue their insurance. I never knew that until went to paralegal schooI and one of my instructors told us. So, anybody that has grown children living in their homes and have their own car insurance policy--they can still come after you with a good attorney. My niece's husband was hit a drunk driver (he is Cobb County Police, was on duty, on his way to a call, lights, sirens, etc). She ran thru a redlight and hit him--totaled cop car and beat him up pretty bad. He was out of work for little over a week and was told that he
  11. Brian Cahn is a very good attorney and even though I don't know Valerie, I have dealt with her husband many times. He is an attorney in the United State Trustee's office and a very nice guy.
  12. Most places that have armed security guards use off duty police officers (which in my opinion is the way to go). The main reason they probably don't use them is the cost. I am sure that an off duty police officer charges much more than a security company, but then again there are lots of companies that ONLY want off duty cops.
  13. My friend in PCB posted pics of Front Beach Road flooded, 98 around Publix is flooded and the Outpost (biker bar) is flooded. Also, a neighborhood next to hers is flooded, Jamaican Lakes.
  14. Yep--it was Beavers. But, like I said a while back, I blame the DA's office just as much. They should have called a special meeting and got those indictments before the bond hearing.
  15. The 6 month thing was a huge question for me also. Although, I do know that it takes a very long time to get results back from the GBI crime lab. The minute they got those results back, they should have called a special grand jury meeting and not waited for the regular one. That would have kept him in jail.
  16. They have finally indicted the father of Eric Forbes. 8 counts and the ADA says he is worried that he might be a flight risk--ya think?? http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/video?clipId=10102226&autostart=true#axzz30IY5HRB1
  17. Had a friend that took her husband in--they told them they were full and to go to Cobb!! New hospital, no space, no service--yeah, sounds about right??????
  18. It normally takes longer than overnight for anything to clear (the whole process). They can get them back from the feds a week or so later. I know that they used to call us when something was coming back that looked sketchy. I would still wait a week or so before I did anything with the funds.
  19. I certainly wouldn't use any from this county. There are several in Cobb that I would try. Sent pm.
  20. My parents had an oval above ground when my kids were little. It was HUGE (I think it was something like 18-32??). It was big enough that we could put the kids in one end and we could stay in the other on our floats without them bothering us!! I looked at them several years ago at Rec Warehouse and they started at about 6K plus installation. The round ones were much cheaper, but I think the ovals look much better. Best of luck!
  21. I know that back when that law first went into effect, we had a Cobb County policeman in our office and asked him about it. He said that they were basically told not to write tickets on it because they would not hold up in Court. Said that the driver could just say that they were making a call or dialing a number, not texting. Not sure how they are looking at it now. And I don't know how they could really prove it without some sort of records. This is not saying that I am for texting. I think there should be a law about talking on the phone while driving. If most folks would worry about dr
  22. I member when I was a kid, we used to eat dinner at the hospital cafeteria all the time. They had really good food and there wasn't much around back then!!
  23. That is true, but you got to find a bond company that is willing to sign on that band. If I owned a bonding company--there would be no way that I would sign on it. Especially the dad that killed his son--he just looks sketchy to me and I could see him being a major flight risk.
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