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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Oh--you would be VERY, VERY surprised at what happens around here and is never told. There are several offices in this county that can keep things swept under a rug (especially if you are a well known wealthy family, just saying). The majority of crime that happens in the county is not announced--at all.
  2. I really don't know how this thread got on the topic of BBQ!!! Panama City Beach has an awesome BBQ place on Back Beach Road--not far from the 79 intersection. Salty Sue's. It is kind of strange to have good BBQ at the beach--but you can't eat seafood every night!!
  3. I have never been impressed with Williamson Bros. Heck, I prefer Sonny's to them!! Best BBQ around is the Hickory Hut. Have eat their BBQ all my life.
  4. But see the problem is that yellow means CAUTION--which means slow down and be cautious. Just being cautious in that situation would cause traffic to slow down greatly (or at least it should). If folks were just blowing through at 55 mph--then that would not be very cautious--would it?? And if I was sitting on the crossroad, trying to cross Macland at a busy time, I would certainly be royally pissed if all the cars just kept flying by and not giving anybody a chance to cross over. I mean--is it their fault that the light isn't working?? All in all, I think there are too many folks on the r
  5. I thought if a signal was not working you were supposed to treat it as a 4 way stop?? At least safety wise--I think that would be the wisest decision. Maybe not the quickest--but wisest. Safety first.
  6. You sound like me!! I was mixing up my potato salad this morning and could not figure out why it didn't taste right. I had even gone so far as to sprinkle the paprika on top--and it hit me--I forgot to put the pickle cubes in it. So, I added the pickles, and when I stirred it up again, it turned more orange than yellow!! Oh well, it still tasted good and that's what I get for trying to cook with a killer headache this morning!
  7. My son had to have the laser surgery done about 20 years ago. He was a kid at the time. Back then they give you a shot in your toe to numb it. When he had to go a second time--he fought all of us and Dr. give up. Told my insurance company that it had traumatized my son so they put him to sleep and did both big toes at the same time. He hasn't had a problem since--even though his big toe nail does look a little funny (they lasered out each side of it).
  8. Well, at least you have moved away from all of us moronic people in Paulding County--right?? Enjoy the idiots in Marietta!! Especially the area you moved to. LOL
  9. I got it from her years ago and I cannot find a copy. Had it saved on another computer and it died so I lost a bunch of stuff. I know it took fresh cranberries, sugar and water to boil, and you added nuts and orange peel at the end, but I think I am leaving something out!!
  10. My niece just sold their house out of Canton Road. They did not expect it to go this fast and now they are scrambling to find another one, but they are moving to Towne Lake. They have been told that houses in Towne Lake never stay on the market longer than a week. They have an offer on one now. If they don't get it--they might have to move to an apartment for a month or two.
  11. Didn't know you were buying a new house!! Congratulations!!
  12. Go to Sally's (or maybe Walmart) and get a bottle of cuticle softener and put it around the nail and then soak it. You need a pair of those little cuticle nippers they use at the nail salon and you can snip the corner and then pull out with tweezers. If you can stand it--they could probably get it out at the nail salon also. I would ask for one of the older ladies!!
  13. Is your guy in that office complex on Towne Lake--right before it forks off??
  14. My DIL gave me one--first one I have every had. She give it high on my arm and told me that it would make my arm sore, but I have noticed nothing at all.
  15. Believe it or not, but Meth is not the only big drug around now. We are seeing more and more overdoses and deaths by Heroin now than ever. Very sad. Not saying the Meth problem isn't bad--it's definitely still out there, just something else joining it.
  16. Nothing is showing in the arrest records. There are generally several folks arrested everyday for some sort of possession, but I haven't seen anything major in forever. I will say that certain areas of Ridge Road (and the roads off it) are very well known for the meth heads. And then again, they could be holding off making names and charges public. I know from my years in the criminal defense firm--they would sometimes hold folks for 48 hrs or so and try to break them down for more info.
  17. There were 3 big ATT trucks with trailers sitting in the parking lot at Dallas Nebo and 61 this morning when I took grandson to school. They were still there when I picked him up at 3:30. I would imagine they had something to do with it. Thank god mine wasn't out today--I was scared that it would be.
  18. Lord, that Free Stuff Dallas FB page has had nothing but people wanting somebody to help with Christmas. I know that some folks are having a hard time, but when it's the same folks over and over again--it gets really old. Folks are on there asking for cars??? I am not in any way putting down needy people--just dang. There is a huge difference in need and want.
  19. If you know somebody that worked for a larger (Maybe Cobb) school district, they might have one. We used to have those small old timey desks when my kids were little. Cobb County would sell them for a couple dollars and my Dad would always grab a few at the auctions. Of course, the fact that he was over the warehouse and supplied most of what was in the auction, made it easy to know what they were going to be selling.
  20. My U verse just come back on. Only my TV was out--which is weird. Usually the internet and TV go at the same time. I will say that I have had more issues with U Verse the last couple of months than I have the 2 yrs that I have had their service. And I was just a little ticked off today when it kept going out during Dr. Phil!! that mama June is one crazy woman-not in a good way. And totally disgusting to boot.
  21. I don't know who Jessica is, but I almost guarantee you that if the parents saw some nasty stuff--they asked her to delete it. they just aren't like that--at all. Neither are any of their 3 daughters. And, for whoever said it, she did not seem mad at all on TV. She was more hurt than anything. She just wants everybody to understand how it works---or that is what I got out of it.
  22. They are trying to educate the public about this. They could have easily gone to an attorney and sued the crap out of these folks--this is serious stuff here. But that is not the kind of people they are. They just want the public to be aware that people have these service dogs for a reason--a very good reason, not just for pets.
  23. That is not the point. If you have frequented the same place for years and just wanted to go there for dinner--why would you think it would be a problem?? Everybody has their favorite restaurants.
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