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Everything posted by tbird

  1. It was on myfoxatlanta.com and wsbtv.com and on both channels this morning. Haven't watched news this afternoon--too busy watching this a$$hat on Dr. Phil that thinks it is OK to beat his wife with a spoon??
  2. Interesting, there is no SNE Family Farms listed with the Secretary of State??? Can they legally use the LLC name without it being registered??
  3. I didn't hear anything about one of the engines catching on fire, just that the engine light come on and they turned that engine off and dumped the fuel. Same story on Channel 2 and 5.
  4. I agree 100%!!! Even though the last time was a middle schooler--he was in 8th grade and should have been old enough to know better. I sincerely hope he pays dearly also. Something has got to teach these kids that they can't go around doing stuff like that and I am afraid that the parents aren't (or don't want to) going to do it.
  5. Sheriff's office posted on FB, but I had heard about it before then. If caught, they will be expelled, but not sure for how long. If alternative school is available, then they will probably be allowed to go there.
  6. I am sorry, but when these kids are caught, they need more than just a slap on the hand and a little probation time. In this day and time, this is not something to play with. There was a kid at South Paulding Middle School that posted a bomb threat the day before 9-11. They were waiting on him that morning at school and arrested him. Totally uncalled for. They don't realize that their little joke is not funny.
  7. Go to Food Depot and look in the lotion section. They carry something called Dr. Bell's Pomade. It comes in a white and black plastic tub and they have 2 sizes. It costs very little, but is some of the best skin medicine I have ever found. A friend of mine went to visit her mother in California years ago and brought some back with her. For a very long time you could only find it in the Mexican stores. We use it on everything!! Burns, cuts, scrapes, sunburns, rashes, bug bites--everything!! All of my grandkids ask for it as "Mexican Medicine"!! I try and keep several tubs of it around here
  8. The west end of PCB is much better. We used to stay at Gulf Highlands all the time, but then we got a taste of the west end and will NEVER go back to that part of PCB. I have a friend that lives right before you get to the Winn Dixie and Publix (where Front Beach and Back Beach come together--it is like a whole different world down there. We rarely even get on Front Beach Road, using Back Beach to go everywhere (and rarely ever go past 79 unless the kids want to go to Pier Park or we go to eat somewhere in that direction).
  9. Classy. NOT!!! Why was there not law enforcement there for the day?? Even if they were filming a TV show--looks like it went bad and should have been stopped. Wonder who the white guy was sitting in that chair on his laptop?? He looks scared!!
  10. Looks like somebody realized they had jeopardized their upcoming lawsuit and went back and deleted all of their posts??? No other reason that I can think of to delete everything.
  11. Sorry that has happened. Somebody would be really pissed if they got my bank info!! LOL
  12. One of my friends flew to Italy (or Greece, I can't remember) and stayed there for a few days and then boarded a cruise ship back home. She was gone about 3 weeks and it cost her less than $2000. They are new cruise ships and they are bringing them back to the US, so they sell the cruises really cheap just to keep from having an empty ship coming this way!! They do them all the time. This year, she is flying out to Arizona (again, I think , but somewhere in that area) and they are driving an RV to somewhere up north. She is very excited to see the scenery on the way and said it was much c
  13. tbird

    Stop In!

    Tried to send you a message--but it says you cannot receive new messages???
  14. I was quite surprised last week when I attended a JV volleyball game and they charged $5 per person--even my grandson, who is 12 had to pay that much!!
  15. Keep a log of what happens. When meds run out, when they are requested, response time for staff, etc.
  16. I can't believe that anybody would get him out of jail. Wonder what happened to the girl that was involved in all of it. Hopefully he will be caught soon, he seems like he is a little full of himself and will mess up again soon.
  17. If you watch the arrests on the Sheriff's website, you would be surprised to see what goes n in our county. For years, I followed this at the law office I worked at for advertisement purposes. Just lately there have been several child abuse arrests, all kinds of theft and identity theft and dug charges with intent to distribute. The very odd thing is the fact that several months ago they let a guy out on a very low bond for the murder of his child, they now have someone on intent to distribute charges and they have a bond of over 150K--go figure. Not saying that selling drugs isn't bad
  18. When that law first went into effect, my former boss (criminal defense attorney) asked a Cobb County policeman (that was sitting in my office) how they were going to handle it. His response was that they would not be writing many tickets at all because the offender could always get off by saying they were searching for a number and not texting. The years I worked with that firm--we never saw a ticket for it.
  19. I have talked to Blondie a while back about this and plan to do so again. Anybody that does this and is willing to give information, it is greatly appreciated!!
  20. My question is--why was a 22 month old in a rear facing car seat?? Was he not too big for rear facing. I know that mt niece is only 13 months old and she is a small baby. They have just put her in the front facing seat. Her Dad is a cop and did it by the book. If this kid is still in a rear facing seat--what did they do, prop his legs up on the seat?? The whole story just gets more unbelievable every day. A former boss of mine is on HLN and CNN almost everyday talking about this. He is a criminal defense atty in Marietta and his comments DO NOT AGREE with UGAdawgs (or whatever the name
  21. I don't always get the nixles either. And it seems that there are some days that they don't update the arrests on the website. Makes me wonder if the same person does them and they don't have a back up for the job. Maybe they don't understand what "cross training" means!!
  22. If it involved 2 trucks and a trailer carrying a Bobcat--it was my son's friend. All are OK, except the trucks!! Wasn't really anybody's fault, unless you can blame the trailer. Just one of those freak accidents.
  23. Exactly what I am thinking!! My 11 yr old grandson eats an adult meal and then wants more!! And yeah--the clothes and shoes thing--I blame on the ozone!! His feet are huge!! He is in a 9.5 adult Nike and his Dad only wears a 10.5!!
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