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Everything posted by tbird

  1. With all the media attention and the way the parents were talking on the news, I would bet that they went to see an attorney before they even planned their sons funeral. Sad. Sad. Sad. I just wonder if they will change their tune since all of this other stuff has come out now. Probably not.
  2. tbird

    Anyone else

    All the lists are updated now. Looks to have been several drug arrests made last week. Wonder if that had anything to do with them not updating the list?
  3. tbird

    Anyone else

    This happens quite often. I think maybe the person that does it might be off a few days or something like that!! Usually doesn't last long and then the info will be back dated. Wouldn't doubt it at all. I know of it happening before, but the Busted magazine did publish the pics!! This was back when The Patch posted the daily arrests and their pics NEVER showed.
  4. tbird


    yes. I always have to leave a message, but the little customer service girl, Camille, is very good about calling back! Try calling the main branch in AL, they have always been helpful also.
  5. If it is a clothing item, they usually pay the shipping back to them, anything else--they will usually deduct it our of your refund. And you can sometimes request USPS return labels--just depends on the item. Any kind of broken glass is non-returnable, due to safety reason. And health and beauty items are also non-returnable. You get a free replacement (if the item is sold and shipped by Amazon) or a refund (if it is sold by a third party, but shipped by Amazon). Items that are sold and shipped by 3rd parties are a whole different story--I stay away from those. If Amazon doesn't ship i
  6. Flint Hill, on the 92 end of Hiram Sudie does them once a month. They usually have a sign out. It is the second church on the left from 92. Small church kind of sitting on a hill.
  7. I have a friend that worked at JD's Glasswork (or something like that!) in Marietta for about 15 years, He did stained glass there for door panels and such. He made his mother a beautiful, huge hot air balloon window for her bathroom. She even took it with her when she sold the house and had it installed in the new house. When she sold the house in Acworth--she left it there. No where to put it in her beach house--even though it would have looked really good on a beach house!! Son wound up moving to the beach too!!
  8. We had to get our a few years back after the big snow storm. Ace Hardware carries them, but I would imagine they sold out with all these threats of snow!
  9. Not long--not even to my shoulders. Mine just looks so much better when it is pulled through the cap. Hairdressers want to do foils because they charge more for them. And I know all about long hair and the cap. I am from old school where you used to get your hair "frosted" and my hair was down to my waist!! Depends on where you go. Some places you just pay for the name!! But I know that I would NEVER pay that much! I have never paid more than $70 for highlights, cut, style and eyebrow waxing until recently!! And my hairdresser was very well known here in PC, she just didn't believe in r
  10. tbird

    Anyone Aware

    I did get a Nixle about an accident on Nebo around 5:30 this morning and it took them a couple of hours to get the road open.
  11. I just want someone that will pull my hair through a cap and do highlights!! Everybody wants to do foils so they can charge more. My hair is very thick and to get the level of highlights I want--is almost impossible with foils. The last lady did it was good with the cut, but the highlights just weren't enough. And the amount of them that is needed--they would probably want to charge me $200!! My hairdresser moved out of state and I miss her!!
  12. While it is definitely possible to beat Amazon's prices on some things--it is hard to beat their customer service policy (believe me--I know!!). They do everything possible to satisfy the customer.
  13. Yeah, folks really have to look at it. If you are not a frequent Amazon shopper or don't do their instant video stuff--it is usually not worth it. They did have a special last month where you could sign up for only $72 a year!! I also heard that they were coming back with the monthly installments, which I think a lot of folks would prefer.
  14. And you can also share your Prime with up to 4 people for free.
  15. Six cans will make a HUGE amount of chicken salad!! I just made some a few days ago and only used 3 cans and we still have plenty left. I like mine with slivered almonds and sometimes grapes added--and always sweet pickle cubes. Also, if you will add just a touch of garlic salt/or powder and onion powder--it will make it taste much better.
  16. Yeah--hit Publix. I do the same. I buy both to satisfy everybody. I prefer the whipped peanut butter, so I get some whipped, creamy and crunchy when it is BOGO. And of course I stocked up before the holidays for candy making.
  17. Just some things I noticed in the video. 1. Why does David Austin not place his had over his heart during the pledge? Has his heart dropped down into his stomach area? 2. Several times I noticed the Attorney to be rolling her eyes while Todd was speaking. Really--how professional is that? 3. Does Mr. Austin ever smile?? Does he always have that "nasty taste in his mouth" smirk?
  18. tbird

    windows 8.1

    Windows 8 is the sole reason I purchased a refurbished computer from Newegg.com. I got one heck of a powerful computer, with Windows 7 and paid a fraction of the price. Love, love, love it!!!
  19. I second checking out A & M--great people to work with. I bought a chair for my office a few months ago and got an AWSOME deal. Very nice, mid back, armed chair and it was only $25. You can't get the cheap one at Walmart for that!!
  20. FYI--Amazon has a promotional offer today for a year of Prime for $72. This is only for new members or if you are in the free trial, you can cancel that and sign up for new membership, (or if you have signed up for Prim in the last 2 days, 22nd, 23rd or today). www.amazon.com/transparentprime
  21. When you have a tall 6th grader and he is in men's sizes--it's not much of a contest. He is bigger than all of his friends. His Dad is 6'3" and he is going to be just like him. So, yes--he is just as big or bigger than some of the older kids I see at the school (and I am there 2 times a day since he is a car rider).
  22. Update--the jacket is back. Seems the 6th grade grandson saw an 8th grader walking down the hall wearing his jacket. He walked up to him and said "give me my jacket" and the kid took it off and handed it to him. I asked him if the kid give him any argument about it and he said no. Guess he was just borrowing it-huh??
  23. He hates wearing a belt, but I made him wear one because (even though his pants fit) the way he is built, they tend to want to ride down. Can't stand anything that looks like sagging pants. I was sure to get a cloth like belt just for the comfort reason, but he said he took it off and put it in his locker and it disappeared. Plus--if you are spotted with your hind side showing--they can actually take you to the resource officer for indecent exposure. Yes, I have seen it before in Cobb when I worked for the criminal defense attorneys. He has to replace the jacket and lunchbox out of hi
  24. He left the jacket hanging on a desk and when he went back for it, it was gone. Has asked teachers about it and they know nothing. Thing is, I do believe him that he asked the teachers because he knows that we would walk into that school with him and look and ask around. And what middle schooler wants Mom or Grandma to walk into school with them??
  25. If you read my first post, you would see that ALL lost and found areas of the school have been checked. In fact, for several days in a row.
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