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Everything posted by marteenj

  1. I don't know about long term pych issues, but in the past 5 to 10 years, the television commercials and media have been tending to portray the male as a bumbling moron that need to be cared for and supervised by the female --- the female needs to be in charge. So, that could possibly explain the paradigm shift in recent years. But then again there is womens liberation since the seventies, so the trend may be longer term than that
  2. It really depends on if you are wanting to go cheap with a short warranty (walmart) or you need a midrange quality (interstate batteries in hiram) or the longest warranty with no hassle returns, etc (NAPA dallas or douglasville)
  3. Taking a page out of rock-n-roll history, something similar happened to Motley Crue's nikki sixx back in the 1990s, but he ended up surviving --- heroin OD, and then he was thrown in the dumpster
  4. and you are surprised at this behavior? it comes from the same sport where referees are attacked and killed
  5. Since i usually get the self-checkout discount, everything has to be unloaded from the cart and reloaded again
  6. Well, that book also said the decline in crime in the 2000s was due to the legalization of aboortzions in the 1970s ---- i did not buy into that one either.
  7. i know it is not "local", but isn't there a huge one near I-20 and anniston, alabama?
  8. well, this how Texas takes care of it.... " A school district in Texas took the rather drastic step of re-possessing the entire stock of the annual school yearbook because of a maliciously adapted caption underneath the school’s cheerleading photo. " http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/texas-school-recalls-yearbooks-cheerleader-bullied-caption-slips-150152367.html
  9. provinos in douglasville scalinis in smyrna sam and roscoes in douglasville they have small booths and high walls -- lots of privacy
  10. There is one in south paulding like that (bakers bridge area). They buy abandoned storage lockers full of furniture and other household stuff and sell it as yard sale. I wondered for a while how they could sell a bed frame and furniture each weekend for 3 or 4 months from that little house....
  11. sorry then, that is all that would qualify the media getting involved
  12. Because they do not want to taint the lineup. Any victims that come forward have to be able to pick him out with having seen him online or in the news.
  13. This county is not the same as it was 20 years ago, and will be much different in 20 more years (referencing crime, etc)
  14. if it becomes a safety issue or if school buses or off-duty police are involved in the speeding, then go to the media -- that is the kind of stuff that gets their attention. i realize school is out now, but after august 1st.....
  15. People have been known to do many things unethical and illegal when placed under stress or duress. Especially when their kids health or safety are at stake. I guess in her case, the fear of being homeless was greater than her fear of going to jail for a few years. No little girl says they want to grow up to be a prostitute. Well, except some of the ones that watched "pretty woman" with julia roberts.
  16. Aren't most phones designed that if you hold down the "9", it automatically dials 911? if you are referring to 9-11, then i don't have a clue....
  17. they are planning for the distant future when the hiram bypass will be complete and 92 & macland road will be 4 lanes.......
  18. Sorry about your pain, but yes, there is a trend where many doctors and dentists are not writing scripts for pain meds, they are sending you to "pain clinics". It is a combination of them being burned by drug seekers and the DEA monitoring every prescription they write for meds in certain classes. As a side note, the pain clinics are starting to refuse patients that do not have insurance. Call around and try to get an appointment after you tell them you are self pay.......
  19. It sounds like another victim of ethanol in the gas most any lawn mower shop will have another primer bulb -- try parker sales in dallas or dallas mower or ace hardware in douglasville and it will be probably under $5 if your carburetor is gummed up with junk, then you may be able to clean it, "if" it is an older model ryobi with an adjustable carb. But if it fairly modern, then it has a sealed carb (via emissions / EPA) and you may not have a choice except to replace the carburetor. Put some fresh gas in it and you can try to spray some carb cleaner in the intake, but sometimes i
  20. in the real world in this county, if you have a job you do not qualify they seem to save the public defender funds for those that are stuck in jail and cannot bond out
  21. first of all, it depends on your version of windows....... but, basically, you/he must have "administrator" level login (or equiv) to change security settings, etc so, whichever login ID has administrator rights would be able to make the changes (or login as administrator)
  22. I agree, to do it right and last a long time, it has to be dug out & a drain pipe put down at the footing and sealer sprayed on the outside wall. If you want to go the extra mile, then put up 30 pound roofing felt / tar paper on the wall when it is filled back in and it will seal it as well & protect the spray-on sealer. ** we hired a couple of neighborhood teens to dig it out. It was about 5 feet deep at the deepest & about 50 feet long & shoulder wide. Took them 2 casual days -- we pressure washed the wall, let it dry and sprayed the sealer (tool rental store) 10 ga
  23. you can plug in an external monitor to see if it is still booting up and to do a backup of your documents and pics, etc
  24. You did not say what kind of car you have. Anyway, if it is that old, then there should be no problem finding the parts to fix it. At both pull-a-part locations in atlanta (south, off moreland avenue or the north location, off buford highway, norcross), there is a used windshield installation company that will install any used one for $99. They are a small company that rents a building in the parking lot. At the pull a part yards themselves, the door mirrors are $14, but you have to remove it from the junk yard car. If your door mirror is painted, you may not be able to find the same co
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