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Mama Carol

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Everything posted by Mama Carol

  1. No, the man is dead because he had health problems and did a bit more physical activity than he should have. Was he 350 pounds? Did he have congenital heart problems? I suspect STRONGLY that if the doctor had felt the man was that near death, the tests would have been done pronto, not a week or more later. And the man could have just as easily died driving down I-85 and taken a half dozen people with him. Would THAT have been the doctors fault for not telling him not to drive?????
  2. I don't know. Why should he have stopped all physical activity until the test was performed? Seems like if he were at HIGH risk of dying from physical activity, the test could have been done STAT. Then again, I was sitting in the doctor's office with either a gallstone or a kidney stone and imaging couldn't get me in for two weeks. I only wanted to go to one particular imaging center though. Another one could have gotten me in sooner.
  3. IMO, it's just rude not to send at least a little bit of money with your child if they are invited somewhere that they might need, or want, some money. It's unfair to the person they are with to expect THEM to foot the bill. The only exception would be if you said "Little Johnny does not need to bring any money because I'm paying for everything". If you say "please send some money with Little Johnny in case there is something he needs or wants" and the parents don't, there is NO second invitation. PERIOD.
  4. If you don't get a handle on this now, the first week of summer vacation, you'll be on here in another month saying yet another child has been treated to a day out and that the family could well afford to have sent money. You'll resent the fact that you spent money that you shouldn't have. You'll be right, too. It's a different matter when the child being invited can't afford it and you can. You simply have to make it CLEAR that the child needs to bring some money for anything over and above what you're providing, whether you're using a two-for-one admission or you're paying their adm
  5. No second chance. If the parent doesn't send money the first invite, they don't get a second one. And make it CLEAR that even though the admission (or whatever) is covered, snacks or ANYTHING else is not and they should send enough money to cover whatever their child may want or need.
  6. One generally does not refer to the payroll department as "she".
  7. I'm confused. I thought you worked for the county. Anyway, I hope you get it straightened out soon. If you think your check is wrong, do the math. It should have everything that is deducted. And after deductions, it doesn't have to work out to be minimum wage.
  8. So, are we supposed to only remember American military on Memorial Day? The Australians took part in D-Day. I would expect they had casualties as well. They also helped in the invasion of Iraq in 2003 which we know better as the War in Iraq. Why not honor their sacrifices as well as those of Americans?
  9. I just LOVE election season. NOT!
  10. I can't wait for everyone to have the chance to see it.
  11. I seem to recall hearing that you should NOT clean a wound with peroxide but instead use soap and water.
  12. JJ please keep in mind that my nephew's wife has been being treated for incurable but treatable lung cancer now for 10 years and she is doing great! It can be treated. She is LIVING proof that it can be. If the doctors say yours can be treated, take them at their word and treat it. Beat it! I hate to hear you're having to fight that fight again.
  13. There HAS to be some common thread among these people. Might be something as insignificant seeming as they used a tube of antibiotic ointment from the same lot. Gotta be a common thread somewhere.
  14. I had forgotten that was what she had! Hope your evening goes better than your day.
  15. The top lobbyist group for many years has been a small business advocacy group. The name: US Chamber of Commerce. Only three of the top ten lobbyist groups in terms of spending are corporations. The others are advocacy groups, such as AARP, National Association of Realtors, American Hospital Association and American Medical Association. The US Chamber of Commerce has spent as much on lobbying as the next THREE largest lobbies have put together. This from the US Chamber of Commerce mission statement: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world's largest business federation representin
  16. Food Depot carries some stuff I simply can't find elsewhere. I'll be stopping by there some. I'm :yahoo: to know that I have a CHOICE and don't have to go to Kroger.
  17. I gotta agree you here TP. Congress isn't pro SMALL business. They are pro BIG business. Corporation size has nothing to do with it. In fact, some of the largest "corporations" aren't even corporations.
  18. How do you explain the President and CEO of the MEGAcorporation my husband was employed by knowing exactly who he was? Knew him by name. Not just employee #110245. KNEW him. I'm quite sure the man had more pressing things to keep up with that the name of the service tech who lived in Georgia. I think the ball field held some interest for him, as did the family businesses. Again, not ALL corporations are huge and not all corporations are evil. And not all corporations treat their employees as a number. Stop making blanket statements. It's grossly unfair to the large corporations
  19. If I'm not mistaken, he was actually ill from it BEFORE Aimee. I could have misunderstood what they reported on the news, though.
  20. I just wish he would stop lumping all corporations together. HUGE, huge, huge difference in S corporations and the corporations like Walmart, Coca Cola, etc. But a lot of people don't know the difference and if someone says corporations are bad that might give some people the idea that ALL corporations are evil and don't care about the consumer. In our corporation, which had two shareholders, we dealt with a lot of megacorporations (Bowater, International Paper, Georgia Pacific, Coors just to name a few). When we dealt with those corporations we usually dealt with a low level manager
  21. Really? Corporations are not for us? I was a shareholder in a corporation. I had nothing to do with China. In fact, never been out of the US and we had no customers on foreign lands. Most of our customers were in the southeastern US in fact. Stop lumping ALL corporations together! Please!
  22. I think they all basically work the same, or at least on the same principle. My mom had Life Alert. She used it a couple of times, too. She accidentally pressed the help button once and they answered immediately and asked her if she needed help. She said she didn't, just pressed the button by mistake. When she did use it, twice I think they responded immediately and summoned help. My sister was her emergency contact and they called her less than a minute after my mom activated the alert. In a one story house, I think it works great. In a two story house, it may require two base un
  23. I gave the actual number because it is lower than the current unemployment rate.
  24. I bet I've only heard of fewer than a half dozen of those and have watched maybe three. I do like Harry's Law but then again I'm a Kathy Bates fan.
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