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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. Ralph Roberson! He's painted our rental home many times and I won't dare use anyone else.
  2. I'm pretty sure that you can see your screen name at the bottom of the topic, but no one else can. Hover your cursor over your name at the bottom and it should show your status. Right now I can see my name but it says my status is "offline" and "private". It also shows only one user in the topic, listed as "anonymous". That's me!
  3. They used to have them near the registers at Ace Hardware in New Hope. I don't know if Ace is still there OR if they still have the honey straws. But I know I bought some flavored ones for DH there a few years back.
  4. Ms. Smith's comments were more offensive than the language used above. I think she earned those words.
  5. Ms. Patti Smith should be ashamed of herself for using that analogy.
  6. The Georgia English Bulldog Rescue is top notch! I'm sorry you have to give away your pups. But PLEASE consider using the GEBR to help place them.
  7. Whether she is his biological daughter or not, she was raised that way. She took care of her father and is entitled to whatever he left her. It's not her fault her mother allegedly hid the truth from her. Would you have less issue with it if she was indeed his biological daughter?
  8. Does the entire season come out at one time? The first season was spectacular!
  9. Same name since 2004. Moved out of the county and then out of the country. Changed avatars but not the screen name in those almost 10 years. I think my first avatar was of my beloved Bulldog who passed 4 years ago tomorrow
  10. Yep. Just had a 4.2 two hours ago. But there are very strict building standards here so it's quite different as far as damage. I actually like the small earthquakes, just stress relief so we don't get a big one.
  11. Where I live we have earthquakes every day. Sometimes it just gives you an odd sensation that is hard to describe. But the dogs always know. They'll all start barking their heads off in unison. And quite often there is a sound of thunder to accompany the cacophony of dogs.
  12. I live in a country that does not require prescriptions for most common meds, to include birth control. Basically, you go to a doctor for a consult, they tell you what to buy (if not using the public system), and you go to the pharmacy. Or, for many simple things, you consult directly with the pharmacist. It's a simple concept. They also have condoms in the checkout line where in the US they'd have candy bars….
  13. The words "Paulding" and "tourists" do not belong in the same sentence together.
  14. He is having cages on certain levels and plates on others. Nothing can be as bad as what he's endured every day, sounds like your MIL was the same. I can't help but worry though. So glad to hear that many people have had success with the surgery!
  15. We are still thinking about whether to use cadaver vs. the graft. I remember the surgeon saying that he was going to use another material to mix with the bone graft. But we need to talk with him again about it. Since DH is having four levels done (c3-C7), that seems like a huge amount of bone from his hip. He's only 50 now but I wonder how that effects the hip as he gets older. The more we talk about it, the more he's leaning towards cadaver as well unless the surgeon has a specific reason against it.
  16. I'm thinking about buying a recliner for DH to sleep in but with the hip it might make it more difficult. He is having C3-C7 done.
  17. Has anyone had (or know someone) who has had a spinal fusion (with metal cages), discectomy, and bone graft done? More specifically cervical spine, but I would appreciate hearing any experiences. I'm concerned about recovery time for the spine AND the hip from where the bone will be taken. I've heard that the graft site is more painful than the spine. Everything else has already been tried so this surgery *is* the last resort.
  18. The ones I have had are empty once done, which led me to believe they are just instant coffee. But I suppose it depends on which brand, etc. Either way, I'd rather a real cup of freshly ground coffee.
  19. It's plagiarism when you take someone else's work and pass it off as your own. Or maybe you just forgot to link the source it was taken from.
  20. but they are all instant, right?
  21. Are K Cups just instant coffee/tea?
  22. I sooooooo miss Dr. Raghavan! He saved my husband's life when he had DVT behind his knee. He is the last of the doctors that actually take time with their patients and care about them as well.
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