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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. He is going back on tour this year with guess who? Marilyn Manson! LOL I would like to see that concert.
  2. There are some VERY TINY spots appearing on the weather radar, so yes it was probably thunder. The only spot that appears in Paulding seems to already be dying down.
  3. MEN can also get breast cancer! Even if you don't have man boobs and have a firm muscle wall, you can still get male breast cancer. Having it increases the likely hood of also having prostate cancer in the future. I believe I read in the article that Angelina may also be looking into the procedure for ovarian removal since her mother died of ovarian cancer in her 50s. Ovarian cancer is typically not found until it is in semi-advanced stages which is what makes it so deadly. When the terratoma was found on one of my ovaries, for 2 weeks I researched the type I might be facing, how likely th
  4. Rhonda, this is exactly what worries me. Yes, he could very well be the type of person who simply prefers an audience, or the woods, but what if he is the type to escalate his behavior looking for a bigger thrill? I knew when I seen his mugshot that he looked familiar but I couldn't figure out from where I might have seen him. When his address was posted I realized I might have seen him at the local Publix. As it turns out he lives in what seems might be his parents home 4 or so doors down from our backyard neighbor! He's on a different street from me, but that is too close for my comfort. Thi
  5. My mom said that when she was a teen and everyone cruised around the courthouse square that they would put a roll of toilet paper on his hand. That would have probably been in the mid 60s. I have grown up in Paulding not ever seeing a hand, so yes to me it looks weird with a hand. For some reason I thought the original hand had the fingers curled slightly?
  6. Thank you Lucky. That was an interesting read.
  7. msgastorm


    The A/C is set on 67-68. I will break into a sweat with bright red skin, a hot flash and sometimes an asthma attack at 70 or above if sitting still, 68 or above if I am trying to clean the house or any other kind of exertion. I have a portable A/C in the bedroom which keeps the room at 64-65 and I go rest in it if I get too hot. I also can't sleep in temps above 65. I already have chronic insomnia, chronic pain and hot flashes to deal with without the temps giving me problems. The hot flashes have been going on for 10 years, I take 2 hormone supplements and I am not in menopause, so the husban
  8. I am going to try my best to be there, but I can never tell how I will physically feel from one day to the next, so put me down as a maybe.
  9. I beg to differ! My grandfather owned almost 40 acres in west Paulding that is now managed by family members. For a couple of decades the creek has had a huge infestation of water moccasins ( yes COTTONMOUTHS!) that various family members go and kill off a few from time to time in order to keep the population down. My husband and my stepfather have personally done this on several occasions. My stepfather says that during mating season you can look and see nothing but a slivering mass in some areas, so don't even try and tell me that they don't exist in a large population this far north. I hav
  10. I turned the heat back on for the past few days. We've had the ac on since March but when the low temps dip into the 40s or lower then I turn the heat back on for the cats and my husband. We have 4 cats, 2 of whom are seniors, and a cat's normal body temp is about 100-102, so it is hard for them to keep warm. Personally I stay hot year round and all my long sleeves have been packed away for several years. In addition to our central HVAC units upstairs and downstairs, I also have a portable ac unit in my bedroom. According to my husband I keep the bedroom "like an icebox" but I can't sleep when
  11. I LOVE the bison steaks at Ted's Montana Grill, but those are now raised on ranches. I grew up eating local deer from my uncles hunting, pork and chickens raised on my grandparents farm. My grandmother smoked her own hams, made her own sausage and fried pork skins. We had fresh eggs daily from the hens. They also had a chicken house where they raised them for market when my mother was young and a few cattle in the fields that were sold at the auction when I was a girl. An uncle once made fried squirrel when we were visiting. I tried a little piece and it did have a chicken taste, although it w
  12. To help stop the stealing gas issue, go to your local auto parts store and spend $10 on a locking gas cap. I have one that locks with a key. It is very easy to install and use.
  13. I was the oddball who liked pinball in the 80s! LOL I would play pinball or shoot pool at the game room. At home we played Atari games.
  14. Damn and double damn! The neighbor directly behind our house whose backyard connects to ours, is located about 4 houses down the street from that address! I wonder if he actually lives there or if his address will change after his court date? How did you find out his address or where is this listing from? I am just wondering how accurate it might be.
  15. Was the coleslaw sweet like it has sugar in it, or a little tangy like it has vinegar in it?
  16. I sometimes use them when I put my hair up in a bun. Try finding blonde bobby pins! When I am able to find them I will buy several packs.
  17. Call my friends at Cross Fit Paulding. They offer Yoga. The location is behind the Paulding Plaza where Macland Road meets Business 6 near the Dallas McDonalds. (678) 324-7692 EmailCrossFitPaulding@gmail.com Websitehttp://www.crossfitpaulding.com
  18. I think it depends on the woman. I had never flashed ANYONE until after my husband and I married when we were 31 years old, then he started getting flashed by me at home! He had never been married before. I had been married once before, but yet I had never flashed the ex when we were married or anyone at any time in my life. No, I am not a prude. It's just one of those things.
  19. She had been a pharmacy tech for TWELVE YEARS but yet didn't stop to think that the cameras were catching her on video as she was stealing the pills? Good grief!
  20. There are now spray paints available that will adhere to plastic. I have purchased some in the same shade of green as our over flow can and painted over anything that had previously been on it, then put our address info in stencil on it in another color.
  21. When I was a young girl my mom planted tulips in Hiram and they did very well. She replanted them every Fall. One year she stopped digging them up and just left them in the ground. What happened is the color started fading very badly. She had some black ones that looked like black silk that faded to purple.
  22. We had ours stolen once. It was a company owned can. We had already been customers of that company for years and we were still paid up customers. They picked up the garbage one day. The can was there afterwards because I seen it when looking out our front windows. Later on I went to bring it up our long hill of a driveway from the street and it was gone! I called the company, the dispatcher verified with the driver that it was not them who took it. Customer service in the company seemed to think it was a competitor taking their cans because they have had it to happen before. It took a few days
  23. I live about 1/4 mile from there. I left Publix right at 10pm then went to the Shell station for gas. The Shell station cut their exterior lights off while I and a couple of other people were still at the pumps. There was a weird guy in Publix that the cashier and I think was extremely stoned, and a woman arguing with someone on her cell phone while at the gas pumps, but I noticed nothing else going on. Certainly not anything that might seem robbery related. The Dollar General does cut off all the exterior lights while the workers are still in the store working on the stock. I have always thou
  24. It was a rental car with a Florida tag. One article said that a backseat passenger was placed into a cab. Another article said that they are living in Georgia during the making of her new movie.
  25. I told my husband that maybe when she is drinking she just turns into a mean, self-righteous drunk.
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