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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. According to my husband, the 47 part of the AK-47's name is for the year they came out. He said that basically Mr. Kalashnikov took a German machine gun, ripped it apart and rebuilt it into something that could be massed produced more quickly. Viola, the AK-47 was born. I am sure we have one around here somewhere. LOL
  2. This is EXACTLY how my 3 day head cold started out last week. I knew it wasn't my allergies flaring up because I take Zyrtec and prescription Nasonex nose spray year round. Also, I had just been placed on an antibiotic for a sinus and ear infections 3 days prior to getting sick. I wasn't having the itchy, runny eyes, itchy nose or sneezing when I went to the doctor 3 days prior. I am positive it was a cold. I have fibromyalgia but yes I most definitely FELT it in my muscles and bone. Plus I was sleeping A LOT, which I don't normally do as I deal with chronic insomnia daily. I hope you feel bet
  3. With 4 adult cats in this house between 7-13 years old and we have adopted all of them when they were between 2 months to 1.5 years old, there is ALWAYS someone in a mood to act out. We use water bottles that are for house plants to shoot at the aggressor or I thump an ear flap! I am afraid I might accidentally thump their nose too hard and give them a nose bleed or swelling. Plus if they can't smell their food they won't eat, so I stay away from thumping the nose. Thumping the ear flap makes them stop immediately because it stings. They have also learned what the words "be nice!" in my stern
  4. Happy Solstice to and your family sweetie!
  5. Haha! I thought of you when I seen "Pagan celebrations also were..". I thought "Oh Pagan girlfriend. Where is my little red haired Pagan girllllfrienndddd!" LMAO! So what exactly do you do in a Pagan manner to observe winter solstice or Christmas? I am seriously curious. I doubt you will throw off all of your clothes and jump into a lake to join the Polar Bear Club as part of your Pagan winter solstice celebration or tradition. LOL So inquiring minds like myself want to know how do you celebrate.
  6. That is a very bad light for trying to make a left hand turn. I noticed this quite a while back and it seems to be getting worse.
  7. I am sure MRS. CLAUS might have a problem with this. Remember, Santa is married! Unless of course that is Mrs. Claus on his lap.
  8. The tentative date is set for April 26th, so it shouldn't be cold. Is this an outdoor venue? I've never been to it. I would be interested in seeing him perform. The greats are worth it. I seen George Jones play in Kennesaw back in the mid 90s. It was standing room only, but he was worth it.
  9. Oh my word! I use to send out about 100 a year! Seriously! We would get around 30-40 a year. Then one year I realized it was getting too hard for me, even with the use of a mail merge data base in MS Word to print the labels, so I reduced the amount to somewhere around the 60-80 mark. Then one year I didn't get any out and that grew into several years. Now, we receive a few cards from family members. It takes a year or two to get on other peoples card list and build up to where you will receive a lot of cards, so give it time if you want to do it. Some of our family members from up north send
  10. Are the twins identical? Also, since they are girls will they need to be renamed?
  11. He is awaiting extradition from the Douglas County Jail presumably to New York since that is where her body was found. I don't see why he would be tried in metro Atlanta at all.
  12. I read in another recent article about this that the new evidence is his DNA. However, the location of where it was found is not being released to the public yet. I believe it said that the investigation into her death was reopened about 18 months ago? I found it in an online search of his name.
  13. The plastic icicles are hazardous to animals because if they play with it and eat it, they can easily cause a blockage that needs corrective surgery or the animal could die. I LOVED the irridescent icicles but I quit using them when we started adopting our cats. Have fun decorating but be safe!
  14. OH..MY..GOSH! Do you know what other terminology is used to describe a person who has no sense of right or wrong? A PSYCHOPATH! This just stuns me. Well if the court wants to accept this excuse of "blame it on his parents" then turn about is fair play. The victim's family should sue the driver's family in civil court.
  15. Gosh that made me miss ELO! They had a rather unique sound. Thank you Dana.
  16. I'm sorry! I was just trying to prepare everyone for the weekend.
  17. Wellllll alrighty then! It sounds like a drunk count dracula and his drunk date!
  18. It should be partly sunny or sunny today through Friday night. By Friday night through Sunday the rain should be back.
  19. Loctite is like a cement in gel form. That stuff would probably cut through any toilet paper put down on the seat and it wouldn't take but a little bit to glue you to it good! I feel so bad for this person and I see a lawsuit coming.
  20. Isn't $15/hour more than what most first responders earn in the state of Georgia?
  21. I am betting that Gas Logs Etc. will also provide this service. They do a lot more than gas logs.
  22. Subby, here is the recent post of someone on Paulding.com looking for a room for rent. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/305694-need-a-room/
  23. Thank you for the heads up Lucky. I am a frequent shopper there and usually late in the evening. I try to park as close as I can and I am always very aware of my surroundings. It wouldn't hurt for you guys to pick up some self defense spray that fits into your pocket. I carry a small 3-in-1 spray in my pocket all the time. I grab it up as a habit when I grab my keys. This 3-in-1 spray has a strong pepper spray, plus tear gas (a much smaller amount than what you would see a swat team use) and a UV dye that can help identify the perp if caught. Sabre is the brand that I use in a small pocket siz
  24. I was also thinking East Paulding Drive at Dallas/Acworth, so you are not alone. I just call them 381 or 92.
  25. It's so beautiful! I had just bought ANOTHER tree (as my husband would say) last year or I would jump at the chance for this easy set up. About 99% of the time I will use white with added multi-colored lights but I like to use multi-functional colored lights to give the tree some glimmering with the light motion. Yes, please post pics after you decorate. I wish I had room to put out my tree that has a base this large, but it will have to wait for now.
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