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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Oh wow! I did not know this and I am frequently in that area. Please post a reminder for us all next week. I will try to stop by next Thursday.
  2. I checked online. You CAN get him a state ID card even though he is a minor. Take the usual stuff, his certified birth certificate, your driver's license and SS card, maybe take his student record. The student record part wasn't clear, so I would call the driver's license office to find out what you need to bring and specify that he is a minor that needs an ID card.
  3. I would think carrying around a birth certificate that could become lost would be a hazard for ID theft. Maybe he could get a state ID card? My husband has both a driver's license and a state ID card. When he travels to plants around the country he uses the state ID card for entrance so that he doesn't accidentally leave his driver's license. Most everyone seems to accept it, except where a driver's license or birth certificate is absolutely needed. Do the kids these days have student ID cards from their schools and would one show proof of his age?
  4. It may be dew from the roof draining into your down spouts on the side of the house. If it's REALLY quiet I can hear this same thing with mine. ************************************************************************************** "A few months back late at night just before bed when the house was silent I heard a strange dripping sound, like water dripping onto a metal vent. It was after a cold spell and I thought a pipe must have burst. I went about checking under every sink and faucet but no signs of water. I went to bed resigned that the next morning I would find a puddle of water in my
  5. He is seeing a specialist tomorrow and may miss some work, but he should be fine. I love you too sweetie! <3
  6. I thought she was the Rhonda you ment, but I wasn't sure. I already knew she has been doing better and her latest MRI brought good news, but I didn't think it was my place to pass so much information along. I am glad you chimed in Rhonda! I have been away from the computer all day. It's my husband's turn for a health issue in our household. Nothing serious but I have been away from home with him. Yes, Rhonda has been VERY busy turning out some beautiful artwork the past few months. You guys should check out her studio Facebook page for her artwork. Rhonda, I was so excited about your r
  7. Which Rhonda are you referring to?
  8. Yeah, I seen this on the news last night. It was close to Macland Rd at 120/Dallas Hwy where he was pulling out. That is very near to where the girl in March had an agressive driver wave a gun at her. She was at East Paulding Dr at 120/Dallas Hwy. With ten rounds pulled that quickly and sunk into his van the gun was probably a semi auto with a magazine. Those holes look fairly large too. I hope a camera at a light caught the tag. It doesn't matter what the story is, as long as the van driver didn't pull a gun then the other driver had no right firing a weapon into the van, much less 10 tim
  9. My prayers have been sent for quick healing. Sending you a hug hun.
  10. msgastorm


    Not everyone that has gout has high blood pressure (BP) or kidney issues. My husband has had gout flares for about 10 years now and he has neither problems with BP or kidneys. At first he was placed on indomethicin one dose a day that was increase to 3 doses a day during a flare. He would also use Advil for the inflammation and pain associated with flares. Drink a lot of water, especially during the flares, as this will help to get those crystals moving out. I would NOT use heat on the red, inflamed area but use an ice pack or frozen gel pack, heck even a frozen bag of peas will help. His flar
  11. She did die of blunt force trauma and was dead before she was put in the lake. The area of the lake where she was found is still being "scanned" (a machine is being used) for his head. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/source-investigators-find-body-putnam-county/nfyK5/
  12. Malware Bytes or Spybot Search & Destroy is also what we use to remove spyware. It's not hard to install the free software and run a scan on your hard drive yourself.
  13. HWAM, Dallas also has a recycling center at the dump open during the week. I also have several electronic things around the house that need to go. I guess I need to write myself a note to remember.
  14. I have seen things like this happen when the deceased and the living person share the same or similar names.
  15. This infection can be transferred by tick or flea bites, cat-to-cat bites, feline blood transfusions and from mother cat to her kittens. It has to be caught EARLY in order for antibiotics alone to work. Felines that are blood donors are now supposed to be screened for this infection before donating blood. The infection can continue living in donated blood for up to 7 DAYS without it's host! Once a cat is infected, even if they are able to fight off the infection with treatment, they are a "carrier" for the rest of their life (or nine lives ) and have to be watched for relapses. Apparently the
  16. I hate to say this, but the 17 yr old and possibly even the 16 yr old could be charged as adults if a judge decides to do so. An adult charge of theft by taking is nothing to sneeze at, no matter how the badge was obtained.
  17. She was found about 5 miles from the home with no obvious blunt force trauma according to that AJC report. Since this community has such a large amount of security, I am thinking she was taken with the murderer(s) as insurance that they would get far enough away from the crime scene, then she was killed and dumped in the lake. It sounds like he was the obvious target of the crime.
  18. Call and leave a message that you are cancelling your call to him. Then call another company that DOES have 24/7 emergency service and mention that you are pregnant. I know that Cool Ray does.
  19. Yes, you should start with the Marshall's office to file a complaint but it may take them some time to process it and get out there. Meanwhile, MAYBE the Paulding Sheriff's Office can send a deputy to remind them that littering is a crime with a $500 fine (last I checked) here in Paulding. Call the Sheriff's office non-emergency number and ask 770-445-2117. After that if the company causing the problem has any sense they will pick up the trash and start using trash cans.
  20. We did too and we have been VERY happy with Cool Ray! We had been using Ragsdale for maintenance on our old HVAC unit. We started having a problem several years ago with it not cooling correctly. Ragsdale came out and supposedly everything was ok, but it was just that our "attic is very hot!" After another year of this I called Rainwater in and Craig himself came out. He knew what he was doing and what he was talking about. Our coil was shot and we were going to have to make a choice to repair a 14 year old HVAC unit or buy new. Meanwhile, Craig Rainwater recharged the unit to give us litt
  21. Here is the website for this event. http://westcobb.shoptheavenue.com/promotion/2014-05-07/ladies-night-out-avenue Stradial I am sure they are doing it because Mother's Day is around the corner.
  22. Oh heck yes! Ours typically is on from March through October and we have 2 house AC units! The portable unit in my bedroom stays on all year. Anything above 66 has me sweating.
  23. I've seen the pink one on the right at Pike's Nursery for many years. They have them in several different colors. I don't think I have ever seen the one on the left with the candy striped blooms.
  24. The National Weather Service is saying the most severe storms are expected after midnight tonight.
  25. Paulding County is one of many counties already under a Flood Watch that I am sure will later be upgraded to a Flood Warning. The forecasted rain amount for Paulding County Monday-Thursday is between 3.0-3.5 inches! This is not counting the rain we have received Sunday. As for forecasted possible tornadic activity our highest threat is expected to be Monday night, with a slightly less possibility for Tuesday but the threat will still be there on Tuesday. A tornado WARNING will not be issued until rotation in the storm is seen on radar or visually. I suspect a tornado WATCH will be issued by Mo
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