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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. I am sorry Tranquility. I will also pray for your BIL. Keep us updated.
  2. We've used Cook's Pest Control for about a decade to spray the exterior of the house once a month. I think it is like 2-3 foot up and out from the house? The only thing we see is an ocassional spider inside. The rest of the bugs stay outside. Our cats do not go outside and are strictly indoors though, so you would have to find out if it might affect the pets.
  3. You can also get oral cancer from tobacco products. I know a guy that this happened to while in his mid-twenties. I had just told him about 4-5 years before he was diagnosed to stop falling asleep with his tobacco dip in his mouth. "Awww...I've been doing that since high school." was his response. Yeah, well it's never too late to stop a bad habit.
  4. Yesterday was the first day of the year that we have hit 80+ degrees. More of it is to come over the next few days. Completely TAN?
  5. I see a Vision Works and Aspen Dental on the blueprint. I am not sure what the small space between them will be as I could not see a name.
  6. Considering that the State of Georgia considers defense spray a weapon the same as a knife or gun is considered a weapon, then I bet these kids who were caught are going to be in more serious trouble than they bargained for.
  7. The National Weather Service is forecasting a low of 31'F with frost for Tuesday night. Yes, cover your plants!
  8. I've been interested in taking this class for years. This particular one is right up the road from me and in the evening, so maybe I will get to attend. Thank you for posting!
  9. I have noticed that in Georgia they tend to start coming indoors when the temps get to 90'F or above. They are coming in to get cooler. If you can have chickens a few free range chickens in your yard should get rid of them as the chickens love them! Our pest control service sprays the exterior perimeter of our home every month and it seems to help.
  10. We've used Cook's Pest Control for over 10 years for an exterior perimeter spray once a month. We have never seen a roach. All of our fire ant hills have diappeared. They keep the spider webs cleared from around our doors, steps and deck. Once, hubby hit a hornet's nest with his weed eater. The hornets chased him into the shed. He waiting 10-15 minutes before making a run to the house because the hornet's were still outside the shed waiting on him! By that time my husband had about 6 stings. One call to Cook's and we were thinking they would be out the next day but they came out within 2 hours
  11. You aren't the only one! I am actually ALLERGIC to it and so far it seems to be the only thing I have had that kind of reaction to in my life. The irony is that I married a man who seems to love almost ALL beers! Oh well, he love and appreciates me for who I am. I don't even like lobster or crab legs, so good luck getting me to like frog legs, alligator or such!
  12. The dogwoods in my yard bloomed two weeks ago. Weren't we in temps reaching the upper 80s by May of the past 2 years?
  13. Nope. We still have "blackberry winter" to go through. That will start the flowering on the blackberry bushes, but it generally doesn't get cold enough for it to snow!
  14. I see the bid for a City of Dallas project. Where is the proposed site for the wastewater treatment plant?
  15. Thank you for the response. It sounds like a Marshalls. We will see.
  16. I need a mover that will move my husband's gun safe to the garage (about 20 feet, if that), then move it back once we have new carpet installed. When it was delivered a decade ago it was brought in on a hydraulic hand truck. I am not positive but I believe the weight while empty is over 1,000 pounds. I know the exact weight is on a label inside, so I will have to look. Any recommendations for something heavy like this?
  17. They were just on WSBTV news again. Monday (yesterday) they were reinspected and received a new score of 91.
  18. I think the not washing hands was the main reason. The manager on the news showed that previously their scores had all been in the 90s. I think they said one other reason for the low score was an animal food stored in the same place as human food? It was WSBTV that I seen the interview on, so maybe it can be pulled up at their website. It was mainly about the hand washing as that is a huge no-no. One worker didn't wash their hands and went back to preparing food. The other worker didn't wash their hands and went back to washing dishes. Not even the washing dishes thing is allowed because it wo
  19. I don't see where the location was posted, so I found it at the link. This looks like fun! The 3nd Annual Cruise the Coop Date: March 22, 2014 Address: 724 Paulding Meadows Drive Dallas, Georgia 30132
  20. We didn't like Ragsdale. One time they came out and after they left the air conditioner wasn't fixed. We tried them again a couple of years later when we were looking for a quote to replace the old HVAC unit and add a 2nd HVAC unit to our basement. The person that came out was EXTREMELY rude to me, took our measurements wrong (it was WAY off!), then he quoted and tried to sell me units that were entirely to small for our house. We dropped them and went with Cool Ray who measured correctly, discussed EVERYTHING I had questions about in detail and are very pleasant to deal with. The bottom line
  21. <br /><br /><br /> Thank you for the information. You have explained a lot to me as well. I think I will pursue having the tests done this summer or the end of summer. I don't think I am taking a beta blocker as I am not quite sure what they are.
  22. <br /><br /><br /> Thank you for the info and your reply. Yes, that would be great if proper allergy treatment would also help my fibro. My rheumatologist wants me to see a neurologist at this point. I will wait until after the spring pollen season lets up to make an appointment with an allergist as I understand how busy they can be during that time. I can't even have dental work done during the pollen season because my nose will be so stuffy and it's too hard to breath while my dentist is in my mouth! LOL
  23. I have a question. I desperately need to see someone about my allergies as I have had problems since I was a kid. My primary care doctor and I have kept me on Zyrtec and Nasonex(Rx)for many years to control them. It gives me some control but I still have constant drainage down my throat year round, with breakthrough symptoms during the pollen season. I can't imagine how bad it would be if I weren't already taking the Zyrtec and Nasonex year round. I know that if I can't breathe through my nose it will sometimes send me into an asthma attack because I will be breathing through my mouth. My ques
  24. Maybe it was a small earthquake? They can sometimes cause noise other than rattling. Also, we just had that earthquake in east Georgia a couple of weeks ago and it did have an aftershock almost as large as the original quake. It could be that west Georgia is now shifting from it. I don't know about Hiram but most of New Hope sits on granite.
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