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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. His mistake was signing the birth certificate saying he is the father of the child without having paternity testing done. That birth certificate is pretty binding. It can be changed but it's hard to do if the true parents won't consent to the change.
  2. It doesn't just disappear when it evaporates, that's IF it completely evaporates instead of hitting the ground. It changes into a type of ozone that is hazardous to people with respiratory disease. I have asthma and I have had wheezing for 2 days, which is not normal for me as my asthma is mild. So does my cat and she is also having a flare up of her wheezing. My uncle also lives in Paulding and has COPD. This makes me worry about him. I need to call and check on him.
  3. The fuel was dumped over Paulding at 5,000 feet. I don't consider that "high altitude". What altitude should the plane be flying at in order for the dumped fuel to completely vaporize before hitting the ground?
  4. Wow! I just watched a couple of trailers. I can tell that I am going to LOVE this show! Thank you for posting.
  5. Well, I was also thinking Douglasville when they said Hwy 5. I guess that tells you how long it has been since I have done any shopping other than at the mall in Douglasville. I always head toward Kennesaw or Hiram now. I will have to find this OTP on Canton Hwy. Maybe next week after my 2nd eye doctor appointment this year! I am getting frustrated with trying to find a new color contact lens.
  6. Thank you, but with my living on the North East side of Paulding I almost never make it down to Douglasville. I usually head towards Town Center/Kennesaw area or Hiram to shop. Sometimes I will go to Acworth.
  7. Don't forget that Michael's Craft Store carries some seasonal items too. I like to try and hit the Garden Ridge in Kennesaw about 1 time per season. I have hardly left the house this summer due to the heat, so I still need to check out the new Hobby Lobby in Hiram. Have fun!
  8. Ok,ok. I will try to watch the movies To Kill a Mockingbird and Casablanca some time soon. I've always thought I would like Casablanca, but I have never taken the time to find out. Someone mentioned the Wizard of Oz, this and Gone with the Wind I have lost count of how many, many times I have seen them both.
  9. This county is large enough (space wise and population wise) that we should be able to have retail stores and industrial manufacturing in the same county. I firmly believe we need both. Yes, Paulding loses a LARGE amount of retail business to both the Town Center Mall area and the Douglasville Mall area, which means we are also losing sales tax to Cobb and Douglas counties. Every woman I know in this county goes to those two mall areas for retail shopping on a regular or semi-regular basis. I do believe that I only shop in Paulding for grocery items, auto tires and craft store items. Most of m
  10. A mall would at least keep more people from Paulding shopping here in their own county and thereby keep more tax dollars in this county. It may even pull customers from other counties to spend some of their money here in Paulding which would also pull in more tax dollars, as I can easily see people from Polk and Haralson counties driving to a mall in Paulding. However, I don't think Paulding is ready for a mall. Maybe if we had a water reservoir and gave them a tax incentive, a group would then consider building a mall here?
  11. We are building retirement communities in Paulding county and inviting people to come here to live in them, but yet we have no way of getting those retirees (who possibly cannot drive) anywhere around the county nor have we built things like indoor pools to help them with their needs! Sorry, but I have spent most of my life paying taxes in this county, after watching other generations of my family members do the same, only to see too many schools and parks built without adequately taking care of those we already have or building onto those already existing. Meanwhile, residents are constantly
  12. I have actually been prescribed pool aerobics over 10 years ago for my chronic pain issue but I have no where to do this (no we can not have one dug at our home as there is too much rock). I have discussed this with MANY other people in Paulding and they have this need or see the same need in others. As our elderly population grows older this will become a more necessary way of life. Kids could then also have the recreation of dive teams. We have had how many parks built in this county in the past 15-20 years and how many of them have indoor pools? It's ridiculous that a metro county with this
  13. I have neither read nor seen the movie. Like Jenilyn stated, I have never been fond of the classics. As a preteen I read just about everything I could put my hands on, including the Britannica Encyclopedia! However, I tried very hard to read through Little Women with no success. It is a fairly long book, which I MADE myself read about 1/4 of the way through, at which time I realized how very bored I STILL was with the story and put it down. Over the course of my lifetime there are very few books I can say that about. This is how I feel about most classics.
  14. The bolded question actually sent me into a fit of laughter! Even in the LATE 80s the only business around 278 in Hiram was the skating rink, an Amoco station and a ton of cattle fields. Hwy 278 was a 2 lane highway with no stoplights, only stop signs. I am one of several generations on both sides of my family who have grown up in Paulding and I've spent most of my life watching this county grow, and grow, then grow some more. Yes, it is true, the county desperately needs less retail and more manufacturers, etc. I agree with CMORG. More families will start moving away. While most of my fam
  15. Isn't there a place called Hope Ministries in Marietta? They help the homeless to get back on their feet with clothing, food, shelter, etc. I am sure they can use the clothing. I am not sure if they will take the meds.
  16. Yes. It was between March and June that he was sexting with the minor. Here is a link that will open a PDF of the indictment which includes details of all 8 counts and a list of the jurors. http://media.cmgdigital.com/shared/news/documents/2014/09/04/IndictmentUSE2_1.pdf
  17. Is it maybe a new area to get on the Silver Comet Trail? I thought I had heard something about additional parking in the Hiram area. I know for sure there are supposed to be some new improvements soon, to include another new mini car and security cameras.
  18. I believe this is the business that my husband used for his jump when he turned 30. That was 14 years ago. He said everything went fine but he doesn't want to go again. Thankfully he did this a few months before we met because I would have been scared for him.
  19. You guys do realize that amoebas are found in ALL water systems? Yes, even good ol' Paulding County water. This is why when you do sinus rinses you are supposed to use distilled water or water that has been boiled, then cooled.
  20. I agree that if firearms are in the household then safety should be taught to the children and maybe teach them how to use one under VERY strict supervision. HOWEVER, an Uzi is entirely too powerful for a 9 year old to safely fire, no matter if male or female, simply because they do not yet have the arm strength to control the gun at that age. In the case of an UZI or other powerful firearms the person should be at least preteen age in order to have the proper strength. Most people I know that were raised with firearms were preteen age before firing or receiving as a gift a RIFLE. At some poin
  21. They finally posted a link to the story. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/deputies-paulding-county-father-shot-wife-son-then/ng8GL/ "The Sheriff’s Office says they believe Bryan Miller, 41, shot his wife Cara, 29, and 21-month-old baby Paxton, before shooting himself. Police say they were all shot in the head with a handgun."
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