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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Ha this sounds so familiar! Usually all westbound Dobbin's flights and any lifeflights going to or from the hospital are directly over my house in New Hope. After 11 years I have learned the sound each of them make. Once I noticed the sound of a low flying helicopter that didn't seem to be going away. I looked out our front door and there is a helicopter hovering over the road with 3 uniformed soldiers hanging out of the bay waving to the neighborhood kids! It was so neat and I am sure a memory for the kids.
  2. Set up a video camera in your bedroom and start recording right before bed. Then you should be able to find out if you are misplacing items in your sleep. As for the light, my lights in my bedroom ceiling fan were doing the same thing a few months ago. My husband figured out it was the light switch on the wall and we put a new one in. No problems since. You should get it checked out. If this doesn't help you figure the problems out then call PsychoMom for an investigation! LOL
  3. I have to agree about the commercials. Most Americans do not like so much skin shown on TV but the Europeans do. We do not have children who will see, but dang it has gotten bad and no I am not a prude! As for VS products, I use to be a frequent shopper when I was younger and loved them, BUT as of my 30s they no longer have my bra size. One thing Mama never told me is that you might have another growth spurt in that area as an adult!
  4. Oh that is wonderful DeeWee! I have been concerned for you both and I am so happy for you. Congratulations!
  5. Yep. I've already bought our Christmas cards. They should be sent out within about 2 weeks. With my fibromyalgia I have to decorate the house a little at a time, so I am planning to start early. It makes me sore just to put candlabras and lights inside the windows!
  6. How cool Soapy! You guys are SO creative! The witches at the cauldron were so funny.
  7. Where is NCG in Acworth? I haven't been to it yet. Usually if 278 doesn't have what I want to see then I drive to Town Center.
  8. Yeah, one year 3 of my neighbor's teenage sons all came by dressed as women with very silly grins on their faces. One had his bra on outside his blouse. They were funny. I gave out over $80 in candy in less than 4 hours that year. People were pulling up in extended cab trucks with trailers full of hay and about 20 would jump out at once! <BR><BR>Now they are college age. They still decorate the yard but these days they will throw parties with cars lining the road, as was the case tonight, but they are good kids.
  9. Yes local bobcats and cougars will sound like a high pitched woman's scream.
  10. Dang, I wish I had known about the one tonight. When I was 13 I use to take take pictures of civil war reenactments as my brother and our neighbors were participating. I was one of the very few girls who camped out at them. I can remember them packing the loads in the alumium foil and how loud they were. Even without a cannon ball those loads can still kill or take an arm if you are standing too close.
  11. Surepip, my Mom said she isn't looking for white leghorns. It is a great deal though. Good luck!
  12. I guess I need to make the drive to check out one, either on Canton Hwy or in Douglasville. Garden Ridge in Kennesaw is beginning to be bad.
  13. We love tilapia from Publix cooked in cornmeal this way.
  14. I agree with all of this. Plus you should have oil changed, radiator flushed and refilled, all belts, hoses and tires inspected before leaving and at least 1 spare tire each for the truck and the camper. Going through the desert can be a real witch or worse if your truck overheats, so do some maintenance before leaving. I did a cross country trip similiar to this in 2004 but we only had 1 week. Hubby and I flew into Santa Barbara CA, rented a car and drove another 60 miles to pick up the mustang I had purchased. We left out with just my mustang driving cross country back to Atlanta. We cr
  15. What kind of hens? I can ask my Mom if she wants any more but she will want to know what type.
  16. Yes, I don't understand how the animal was not burned by being up against the radiator. I am glad that he had no severe injuries. If he was well enough to escape from his cage later then I am sure he is fine. Beautiful brown eyes by the way.
  17. OOPS! Sorry but hubby just informed me that Adventure Outdoors does NOT have an indoor range. He said he goes to Nick's Gun Shop (I think he said it's in Sandy Springs) or Ed's in Temple for an indoor range. As far as handguns go, I like a .38 or my husbands 9mm Glock. DO NOT get a titanium gun. I had a beautiful solid titanium .38 that was purchased brand new as a Christmas present. It was only 1 year old and it blew up in my husband's hand. It almost blew his thumb off, but if it had been me using it, it would have taken half my hand. The first digit was twisted around with no less than
  18. I love, love, love Thomas Kinkade Christmas cards. They always have one of his Christmas paintings on front and usually a bible verse inside. However, last year we did go with a photo card and it went very well. I use Microsoft Word for labels and my address database, then I send them out myself. I think at one point our card count got to 140 but I have cut it back to around 90. So far I have not seen any Thomas Kinkade cards yet and I start preparing our cards the first week of November. So any suggestions on where to find them are welcome. Good luck all.
  19. My hubby collects guns and makes some of his own ammo. Both of us are also licensed to carry. He likes Adventure Outdoors to purchase some of his firearms and camping gear, sometimes he goes there for indoor practice. I do believe they offer instruction courses. I would call ahead. By the way, ammo has had a HUGE price increase in the past year. Just FYI.
  20. I 2nd the Delsym cough syrup. If I get a bad cough or bronchitis that isn't bad enough for a prescription cough syrup, then I take Delsym 12 hour. It comes in grape or orange and really works great. It is only for cough though, so you would have to add other meds as needed for other symptoms. I now keep it at home all of the time, just in case.
  21. Darryl, I am sorry to hear about this accident and how it has affected your family and injured your son. I will keep you all in my prayers. By the way, I think you may be the Darryl Millsap that rode the same school bus as I in Hiram in the 80s? Take care and God bless!
  22. I use Draino every 6-8 weeks in my bathroom sink, garden tub & shower to solve this problem.
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