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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Laurie, my earliest memory of that parade is when I was 7. I was a fairly good majorette in a group of about a dozen. We didn't represent any sports team but we wore little gold mini dresses with sequins and white sneakers. That was cold! Batons on frozen fingers can be even colder, but I had one of the highest flat spin throws around and was very proud to be with our little group. For some reason though our group, the bands and others on foot were behind the HORSES! Talk about not thought out! May your parade float have sun shining down on it and your route be free of horse manure!
  2. OK I have teased her enough. Laurie always seems like she is up for anything, so I'd bet she would be there with bells on in several inches of snow.
  3. Lordy woman, do you not get hot flashes or does caffeine not get you warmer? You sound like my husband. I always ask him how managed to survive 18 years in Minnesota if he freezes in Georgia!
  4. She could wear tights, or better yet pink thermal underwear underneath.
  5. Ummmmmmmm.......nevermind I won't say it. LMAO!
  6. Where on earth do you find one of those? I had the idea to get one for hubby's camping trips but thought they couldn't possibly make them!
  7. The National Weather Service isn't saying snow and I don't believe it until they say so. NWS Forecast Dallas, GA
  8. Walmart has those flasher bulbs back in the garden department with the Christmas lights. I just bought some tonight. All flasher bulbs will be clear with a little red top. I like to add my "chaser light" set over my nonblinking lights, that way the tree is never dark.
  9. It sounds like a cross between "redneck Saturday night fights" and "All My Children" LMAO!
  10. LMAO at Chickie! It means it is going to rain.
  11. LOL too funny, but no, some of the women go into the woods too and this year an 18 yr old FEMALE got 2 bucks, her little brother got 1 and she learned to hunt from her mom, her aunt and her grandfather. My oldest niece (16) was tracking in the woods with some others, but she came up on a black bear and a fox.
  12. Hubby and his buddies left Friday morning as I was leaving to go shopping. He won't be home until Sunday. I think he just likes the quiet of the woods and riding his 4 wheeler for the most part. In his hometown in Minnesota they hunt differently than the way hunting in done here in Georgia. The WHOLE TOWN goes hunting in groups on two weekends. One group flushes the deer out of the woods, while another group shoots the deer (usually it's the older men, although this year an 18 yr old female got 2 bucks). They dress the deer and hang them in these huge barns and let them partially freeze o
  13. Some lights have a small fuse box inside the end of the plugs. There is usually a little cover that slides open. When the fuse burns out then you will have a whole string or half a string go out like that, because the newer strings don't go out just because one bulb burns out. Sometimes you can find replacement fuses at Walmart or Garden Ridge, or just buy a new string. I have a little kit that I found one year that includes replacement bulbs, fuses, and a tester. I hate the new LED lights though. They just don't look as pretty to me. I still love my chasing lights with 10 combinations! Good l
  14. We've had a Sony wired 5 speaker surround sound system for years that we really love. If we ever want to get another we will stick with this brand. The speakers are actually pretty small but put out a lot of sound and there are a lot of settings to control what you hear and how you hear it. Our DVD player, Blue-Ray player and LCD TV are all hooked up to it. One of hubby's buddies liked it so much that he bought his own for his large screen TV.
  15. Awwww, I am so proud of you! Find some blue snowflake beaded garland or blue tinsel garland and you will have a red-white&blue tree.
  16. From what I read, what had happened with this court case was that the original mortgage was sold to another bank, then it was resold again and again. When it was taken to court the current bank who holds the mortgage could not even produce paperwork for the mortgage and THAT is why the judge got po'd with the bank. In our home's 11 year history the mortgage has been sold twice. Our home mortgage is now with it's THIRD bank and we are still the original and only occupants. We've also never refinanced, so I guess the banks just don't want to keep our mortgage for some reason, even though our equ
  17. White Christmas - Bing Crosby Christmas in Dixie - Alabama Wizards in Winter - Trans Siberian Orchestra and ohhh so many others. I have stacks of Christmas CDs.
  18. C) the last Saturday before Christmas
  19. Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope you have a safe one.
  20. Ditto! He has a gun safe so large that you could fit 3 of me in it and I am no longer a petite person. He also usually saves birthday or Christmas money to buy a new one every year.
  21. Sometimes Publix bakery has premade pumpkin pies. Yes I have heard that there will be a canned pumpkin shortage this year. Something about too much water in the fields. So much that the farming tractors couldn't get into the fields to harvest the pumpkins? I can believe it.
  22. Thank you sweetie! I am looking forward to it. I will PM you with my preferred show time.
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