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Everything posted by Mariposa

  1. Just put one of those black bars across part of the face. The opposite of this.
  2. I guess custodians and lunchroom employees can leave schools on their "lunch break." Teachers don't get lunch breaks and aren't allowed to leave campus during our planning without special permission, our only "break" during the day. Its not considered time off..so we technically have no time off for 8 hours. Many days we have meetings during that planning. I knew one teacher that used to go out to his car and smoke during planning...I don't know what he did when we had meetings during planning...but I don't know what else teachers do if they smoke.
  3. I recommend talking in person or by phone so you can agree on something that will be consistent between home and school. Its going to be hard to come up with a mutual plan in notes back and forth.
  4. If this is the guy that was in the new medical building at the corner of 278 and Bill Carruth, I don't recommend him. The one and only time I "saw" him, he didn't even come in the room. He stood in the door for a about a minute as if he were too busy to come in the room and didn't even look at my foot. There was med student who was in the room who wasn't sure and he told her what it was without even entering the room. He was wrong. I should have disputed the charges to the insurance.
  5. I think PB Ritch is the only one that is a regular school. New Hope (old Abney) has some specialized programs, with only a few students. Not sure what the third would be??? Matthews??? It has offices, no students. I think they are demolishing a re-building part of Hiram Elem, but not the whole school.
  6. In our litigious society, there's no way I would paddle even if it were allowed. (I hope I spelled litigious correctly )
  7. EXACTLY!!!!!! (oops I agree with what the poster said about what she is experiencing in class, I don't know enough about the situation to blame this parentor teacher for behavior. I just think she and the teacher need to get together and talk about what WILL work for this student)
  8. A dictator and deregulation...that makes no sense.
  9. I'm wondering if either was the same two companies that NEVER fixed my roof
  10. I'm hoping to see it over Spring Break
  11. I would contact the teacher by email or even phone if you have concerns. It is great that you are concerned about him having on-going behavior problems in class. As other posters have said, you two can probably come up with something together that is an immediate consequence at school that works for him and you can follow at home with consequences/rewards. We did this earlier in the year with one of my students who has special needs. The usual stuff has no effect whatsoever on him, but take away his library book or library visits for few days and he thinks his world is ending. This great
  12. no closets or hallway (they can't be unsupervised) We do turn the desks but if classes are crowded, it does little good. They just turn and talk.
  13. But, what are these other punishments. Everyone keeps saying do something else, but no one is offering alternatives. I'm not trying to be ugly, I just want to know what teachers should do?
  14. Sorry I misread. I thought you said it WOULD have long-term consequences. I'm just wondering what people think is OK consequences for a teacher to give.
  15. So, what consequences should teachers give?
  16. I'm not blasting the original poster in this, it just made me want to ask this. Being a teacher myself, and seeing a lot complaints on here and in my daily job about student punishments... What type of punishment/consequences should a teacher give for behavior in a class? (ISS, OSS, and many other big things are given by the office, not the teacher) I know it will be different for different ages.
  17. I didn't know it was there. Will have to check that out!!
  18. I have some other ideas that don't involve any of those cuts
  19. You can fit 3 elementary students to a seat. You can't physically fit 3 high school students to a seat unless they small or average size. I know what the rules are, but it is not based in reality.
  20. Yep, Probably not the last we hear from him....ISSUES. Off topic, but I like your Avatar. I've always hated those nasty circus peanut things, too.
  21. I'm sorry...lay-offs, benefit cuts, and furloughs just stink
  22. I guess he'll be on the next celebrity apprentice..or the drug show...or dancing with the stars...something
  23. I would be happy if they knew what a country is. (No, not kidding)
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