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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. We had planned to see it today but it just didn't work out. If we don't get a chance to see it tomorrow I am sure we will see it over spring break.
  2. I don't see anything wrong with the punishments (like others I think there are great benefits to writing and doing laps and think those are incredibly smart ways to both punish and help a child out) , nor do I see anything wrong with the OP thinking there may be something more productive out there. What works for one kids doesn't necessarily work for another. I just wanted to add that the first time (and maybe only time or only one of a few times) my son had to change his color I told him he had to write an apology note to the teacher~~ this mortified him and he did not want to do it. I'
  3. Man, that would totally suck. I have to say I think my bank doesn't give you your card back until you are totally done and once you take it no more transactions can be completed unless you enter it again. I would never leave my card and I always double check the screen to make sure it has the "welcome" message to the next person. I hope your bank fixes this flaw soon. I can't imagine having something like this happen.
  4. I wish I could help you but I can't. I will say this happens to me and I usually don't have to pay anything because I always make sure to pay the extra $5.95 on my car insurance for emergency roadside assistance. It always pays for itself. If you haven't already checked to see if you have that kind of coverage it might be worth a shot. I tend to use it in groups of three and have already used it twice in the last month~~then I seem to do good for the rest of the year~lol. Good Luck!
  5. I'd be curious to hear what others think as well. I haven't tanned in probably 20 years but definitely prefer a little color on my skin. Just this morning there were talking on the news about states banning tanning for teenagers. I think that might be a good idea, that and plastic surgery but that is a whole other topic.
  6. I think the location would be ideal. I travel down East Paulding for my groceries, dr. appts., dentist, Church, etc.. I don't usually make a special trip to go to McD's or any fast food for that matter (except Wendy's 99 cent kids meal night every other week or so) and I know if a place went in I would be there more much more often than I am now. Before Little Caesars opened in New Hope I would get them maybe once a month (Monday's because a portion of all sales from 4-7 pm go to the school system). Now Monday is Pizza night for the kids. I agree though it is probably not going to
  7. Please, please let this be true. This would be both a good thing and a bad thing for me~~lol.
  8. I went to the meeting and besides the bullying policy they also discussed a few other things. One thing that stood out was that the price of lunch and breakfast in the schools by some federal law has go up 10 cents a year until it reaches a certain amount (I think it was @$2.70) which if I heard correctly is the price the schools get reimbursed for the free lunches. If someone knows more please feel free to correct me. They also mentioned that they ordered some new buses, had to replace some mechanical stuff (at EPHS) that was old and no longer cost effective to keep fixing, and cooli
  9. LOL~~ Stretch loves Delia's. Maybe if you just took her to the mall and happened to go by there she would like it. She has also started liking Forever 21. And although I haven't personally taken her there yet her friends all talk about Charlotte Russe (sp?). Good Luck~~who knew shopping could be so stressful!
  10. I went to the School Board meeting this morning and one of the things mentioned was that some new buses had been ordered. I think they said six? I'm not sure if they are to help with the overcrowding or to replace older buses but hopefully it is the former. This isn't just a problem at the high school level but at some of the other levels as well. I try to drive my kids into school as much as possible but I almost always have them ride the bus home. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be in charge of a school transportation dept.
  11. I use Kayak or go directly to Airtran. Sometimes the Airtran flights are a little cheaper one way sometimes the other. Also when I use Kayak sometimes I can get the same price with another airline. We don't fly often but when we do it seems like airtran has the best rates. I also get e-mail alerts from both websites. You should also "like" them on FB. Last year one day Airtran had some special celebration and for a very brief period of time there was a ridiculous deal going on (like $25 but it had to be used in the next two weeks and booked that day).
  12. I too thought something looked off with Fergie. I think it was in her face somewhere like maybe it was swollen or maybe she got some work done. I don't know if she is trying to get pregnant but I wondered if it might be a side effect of some medication or something. I know my face gets puffy sometimes. At least I don't have to sing publically when I'm feeling particularly not best. I don't think she looked bad, just different. Regarding the send off. I thought Karen had an awesome voice. Not my choice to win the whole thing but I definitely think she has a career ahead of her. I wa
  13. I love her books. I didn't realize she was going to be in this neck of the woods. Unfortunately I have three kids and a busy schedule next week. Oh well, I hope you find someone to car pool with. Where is she going to be?
  14. Do you happen to know any place that teaches Diving lessons? Years ago I looked for my kids and couldn't find a place and was just curious. We've been Season Pass holders at Sun Valley for @ 7-8 years and they don't offer them.
  15. Really? I thought Thia sounded beautiful. Kind of reminds me of some of the previous winners who were under the radar and didn't stand out until later in the competition.
  16. Apple is great about replacing them. My son had his for @ 3 months and it fell off his nighstand and hit the corner of a drawer on his dresser and broke. We took it into the I-pod touch store and they just replaced it. We would have been happy to pay for a new screen. The only bummer was his original one had been engraved. If I knew it was going to break I wouldn't have paid the extra for engraving. (I know they don't charge to engrave but at the time Target.com had them on sale for $195 plus 5% off for using my Target card and another 3% ebate vs. $229 through Apple.com). Good Luck~
  17. Mondays are always Little Caesars night in our house. A portion of the proceeds goes to the school system. I figure we are probably going to have pizza one night of the week so why not make it Mondays.
  18. I was really bummed I didn't get a chance to take the kids to see it. They all knew several of the kids in it. I have heard nothing but great things and hope to be able to go next time.
  19. I can't wait to hear the family speak next week at West Ridge. I better remember to bring my Kleenex!
  20. How fun! I've never been called but have always wanted to do that.
  21. I don't think they could get away with eliminating or combining the early release days for conferences. It would be nearly impossible to schedule all the conferences in one day~ just too many people involved (parents, I mean). Also I don't think there are that many early release days maybe 2? and the teachers need those for training. We have already taken away so many of their teacher work days which means they are being asked to work on their own time. It's good though for people to come up with ideas and share them.
  22. Thanks Lucky for going and letting us know what all was discussed. I hope the post the minutes soon so I can read over it all. I'm off to mark my calendar for the next meetings. Here's hoping I can make them. What is YDC?
  23. Thanks!! It doesn't look like I will be able to go after all. Too much to do before tomorrow and not enough time to do it in. Hopefully someone else will go and fill us in on anything interesting.
  24. Thank you. I was clicking on the calendar to the side where it posted the meeting. The time is at 6:15 pm but it doesn't say what topics will be covered. Oh well, I guess I will find out when I get there.
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