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Everything posted by Elwood

  1. The county has zoning laws, if he violates the zoning laws he should pay the penalty doesn't matter the intent behind the violation. The same people who bitch about stuff like this are the same ones who would be bitching when the neighbor decides to plow his front yard for corn. Sorry honey but you don't get it both ways, laws are pretty black and white, a line is drawn and that's where it has to end for EVERYONE, not everyone but the guy who's giving it all away.
  2. Thanks, I hadn't heard that song in almost forever...Love it
  3. Maybe the Christians are keeping the muslims under the bridge so they don't kidnap the Christians and take them south?
  4. Ms.Pris72...-sigh- I don't do no good no how...these doctorate holders are gonna argue with you till those peace loving muslims finally cut their throats...and you really need to be more tolerate of the Black Panther hate group, that's so racist of you...why does everything have to be about color...
  5. i don't think they should do a "fat tax" but I do think that tickets should be priced according to weight.
  6. Somehow I'm thinking that if it was terrorism it wasn't done by the eco nuts as they are trying to save the eco not destroy it...but maybe that's what they want me to believe...
  7. That's exactly what I say whenever people start talking about kids eating paint chips.
  8. Just one more thing she can't do right...is that too harsh?
  9. I try to have control over my words rather than letting words have control over me, when I refer to gay people I prefer queer, I don't know, it's almost cute, it's the Q I know...faggot...eh I prefer hearing that when I have my head buried in a pillow with my hands tied behind my bac.....hold on I got to run to the bathroom.....
  10. She didn't refer to the woman as that, she was merely illustrating that the word was used by black people and that it shouldn't cause offense for that reason.
  11. You can't really have a political discussion of any nature without the crazy from either side getting involved. Eventually it all goes down the same path which is why they made the political forum optional in the first place and also why most people avoid politics and the political forum.
  12. I didn't check everyone but Lynda Abernathy hasn't been active since 2004 the next one down the list was active today, after that I didn't look
  13. Those pictures were great...very humbling. I'm not trying to turn this political or anything, but the two comments I read, one about "maybe we can change our future" and the other "what we have become" both inspire the same thought in my mind. What we have become is the result of the average American adopting the "me, me, me" attitude and also ignoring politics and what is going on in Washington. Most people are too concerned with what they don't have to inform themselves of what their own government is doing or even what it can do. Informing yourself and voting sends a loud message to Washing
  14. I listed the winners Lynda Abernathy stczts Squeezul kdc Group369 Garnet1679 11302 doesn't seem to be anybody
  15. It has nothing to do with the spill not being as bad as they said it was. There have still been the same number of barrels of oil leaked into the gulf. The difference is the natural biological response has been better than what was expected. Storm winds helped evaporate the oil, microbes in the ocean helped break it down, all those little process that help break down the oil that leaks into the environment naturally are working quite well.
  16. ooops apparently there was a mix up in the time of the debate
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