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Everything posted by Elwood

  1. I wouldn't call that discrimination at all. An employee on medical leave would be a liability, when that employee returns they might have lite duty which would make them more of a liability. Why should the company keep an employee who may cost them money over an employee that wouldn't. Sucks that it happened but not discrimination when the company is looking at the bottom line, although you can call it what you want. Did the company that hired the YOUNGER person who would work cheaper than you actually tell you who they hired? That seems odd that they would call you in and point out th
  2. If it cut into their bottom dollar then of course they would. When was it that Ford recalled it's original electric vehicle, I think it was Ford, can't remember and don't feel like losing myself in google yet today.
  3. WOW! That wasn't very nice. You should meet my friend Jesus, he'll help you feel good about yourself so that you won't need to insult people on message boards with your negativity. God is love people, god is love.
  4. Maybe the parents are waiting so they can file a lawsuit...
  5. After reading this thread I would imagine that the grade changed not because you won but because administration realized it would be easier to give you a grade you didn't deserve that to rage against a Christian with his "I'm being discriminated against" rag on. Since you still have the paper would you mind posting it? I'd love to read it.
  6. None of that says what his defense was. You said you won so I'm assuming you went to administration and that administration would have then asked him to support his grading method. What were his reasons for you deserving a zero for the paper?
  7. Really? Wow! Out of curiosity what was the professor's defense?
  8. Teaching someone something is not infringing on their rights, if it was then religion is in some serious trouble. Where does it say that bad grades are being given to those who disagree? I must have missed that.
  9. I don't care. My fellow Americans are allowed to think and believe anything they so choose. As long as they don't infringe upon the rights of others I don't care what they think, feel, believe, or eat. It's absolutely none of my business.
  10. What do you expect? When you put the gov't in charge of your health care they can say "That ain't healthy, stop it", they are paying the bill after all.
  11. OP...I tried sending a PM but error message said you couldn't receive anymore.
  12. I currently have two accounts with them them, but after a few more transactions post they will be CLOSED.
  13. Is this at the location where the Paulding Forest signs are?
  14. [flash=728,304]http://www.paulding.com/directory/images/dir/gotcha.swf
  15. That is an interesting pepper, I've seen videos of people eating a sliver and having to go to the hospital...then I've seen videos of someone eating at least a dozen hot wings made with it and nothing. Have you eaten them?
  16. That is SO true LPPT and I'm glad your brought it up. If any of you radical Christians, Muslims, Jews, Skinheads, Black Panthers, or Shriners need a hate spurring website brought to reality on the Internets that Al Gore created I can make it so...and I will see that it is good. I don't discriminate so bring it on, I'll build a site for Jerry Falwell.
  17. Children make great weapons don't they?
  18. ROFLMAO...In case you weren't aware oranges, which have leaves, grow on trees, trees have leaves and those leaves have stems. The trees they grow on are outside and are more likely to have bugs on them than not. Do you really expect some of those things to not be detectable in a chemical analysis of a product made from the stuff? Not that I'm saying you should buy it over Florida juice, but to use that as the excuse why you don't, does not make much logical sense Pretty much the same thing here, you grow stuff outside and then are surprised to find bugs in it...oh my the shock..who
  19. What I meant to say was that my initial reaction is always much worse than the refined reaction.
  20. Even though I can be an asshole...I'm generally a lot nicer that I want to be.
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