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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I agree. I think the crude remarks are uncalled for.
  2. mei lan


    Idiots. Well, I'm glad it's back.
  3. Dear Lord, that is the cutest thing EVEF!!!
  4. I know!!! If things don't shape up soon, I'm demandin' a refund! :runningfrompubby:
  5. My twin, he is such a character, no? Oh, and momof3...I'm way glad your arm didn't fall off! :hugs:
  6. mei lan

    mei lan

    I had to take the secret way to Fred's so I could stock up on milk and tp and such afore th' big storm this week.
  7. I haven't had time to watch the vid, but will later. But I'm originally from Rome, and it's one of those towns where it's easy to know 1/2 the people in the county. That can be good, and that can be bad. Oh, I thought the Christopher Adams dude did a good job for Harper. He held out to the end because he didn't want to testify against her. I'm guessing his attorneys finally made him see reason, because the DA never wavered on the death penalty thing for either of them.
  8. DDD on this board knows things and doesn't get overexcited. GAH!!! http://forum.gon.com/showthread.php?t=791328&page=8
  9. Pathetic story of a nice guy who murdered his so-called best friend in cold blood so he could be with BF's wife, with whom he was having a torrid affair. Who everyone thinks put him up to it. Word was that they were also gonna do away with his (the murderer) wife, but thankfully that didn't happen. I know, or have a close connection with, virtually everyone involved in this case, including the judge. They were all set to go to trial with both of them till the last minute. He kept wanting to plead guilty, but the DA in Rome (Leigh Patterson) refused to take the death penalty off the t
  10. mei lan

    mei lan

    What a coinkidink! I was just thinking of signing on and saying hi to peeps...I feel loved! I been busier'n a one-armed paperhanger at a wallpaper-hanging convention! I been busier'n a beaver workin' to rebuild stuff tore out by Phil and Si Robertson! We've been going through mountains of stuff trying to sort through crap that has accumulated for a very long time in preparation for a move, and what with that and down in my back (I heard stradial has back issues, too, but IDK if he's just whinin' or what... ) and a bunch of other stuff, I've just been out of touch with everything.
  11. I tried to like that show, but it's so overacted and overwritten that it got on my nerves. That wa sthe first couple of episodes...maybe it's better now. But the cop who was her boss killed himself? And IRL? I like him as an actor.
  12. Ooh, honey - Harry Connick, Jr., can eat crackers in my bed ANY TIME. :swoon: You are SO correct about current judges having musical talent (esp. the two guys...not that JLo is a dork, but the other two are magnificent musicians and songwriters as well as being able to sing). Even I, who have NEVER EVER watched an episode of AI in my entire life, watched one this week, and actually enjoyed it apart from the hapless idiots who put their entire faith in this one audition to Change Their Lives Forever. Even if they make it, that's a pretty stupid approach to life. But whatev. I also L
  13. Don't you just love her (momof3)? :wub:
  14. That's true as far as it goes. HOWEVER, nobody - NO PERSON - can keep up the facade long-term. I know a girl who married a guy she'd dated for five years and they were divorced within six months. But she didn't KNOW him...she'd gone to dinner and a movie with him every week for five years. And even then, I can guarantee you there were signs...she just didn't want to see them. The longer a relationship runs, the more the other person's true nature will out.
  15. No, I get it. I'd be the same way, and I'm glad to read that about him. Again, I hope you find one soon as well. I'll keep my ear to the ground (admin, right?), and def. keep you in my prayers.
  16. Now we're up to 10,000 pluses. A million, even!!! :virtualkissrightonnc'smouth:
  17. I completely agree with getting your hair done prior to any interviews, but the above sentence gave me me the willies just the least bit. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way...I just get the heebie-jeebies at the thought of anyone being in a controlling relationship.
  18. Some idiot old-timers just being cantankerous. He should have gotten 100%. He was one of the best pitchers EVER. My brother and I say the Braves were as good as they were in spite of Bobby, not because of him. I think John Shuerholz had far more influence on their excellence than did let-me-set-the-record-for-getting-thrown-out-of-games Cox.
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