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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That's a classic by Aaron T. I was gonna post it if you hadn't.
  2. Happy birthday, precious person!!!
  3. Oh, and thanks for the info as to what happened in the meeting.
  4. So now we find out he's checked himself into some long-term treatment center (i.e., some pricey rehab center that functions as a hidey-hole when people don't want people bothering them about something stupid they did). Fine, whatever. I will say the statement the Duggars issued about it sounded very unhappy with him, and VERY supportive of her. I didn't expect them to do any differently, but I did think that was good. I do also think this - maybe, just maybe, if they hadn't swept the whole molestation of the sisters thing under the rug when they found out about it and made him confront
  5. Oh, Whitey, you ignorant slut - don't you know that people in office know better than us pathetic little peons out here? We need to understand that they are our betters, and that everything would work just fine if we would just shut up and hand over our tax dollars for everything they request.
  6. Well, perhaps the tone could have been better, but the message is spot on. Any person 18 or older really should have a will. No, he didn't expect to die at 49. But neither did my BIL, who died at 45. Thankfully, his estate wasn't complicated or challenged, but it sure put the fear of God into my sister...she made a will straight away, for the main reason of setting up guardianship of my nephew (whose father it was who died). They are incredibly simple to do...I typed all ours up and we got them notarized at the bank. I do wish the OP well in this endeavor...I hope her situation turns
  7. You are correct dearest - God is MOST CERTAINLY not happy about this. Duggar's behavior is sickening. One other thought: I don't care if a woman chooses to be "just a housewife" or "just a SAHM" (I put that in quotes, because it's only an idiot who would put it like that...those jobs are HARD WORK). My quibble is with people choosing to do so without having had enough exposure to the real world to make an informed decision, and with their not having any means to support themselves and their children should the need arise. The worst thing I think I've heard about this whole mess is t
  8. In this case, I wouldn't call hiring a lawyer spending money for no reason.
  9. Honestly, I feel so sorry for her. How humiliating...he is such a putz. This woman is so correct that she should have had an education and work experience before getting married. Let's say he died without insurance instead of this...how would she support the kids then? I have a school chum who is of this mindset and she just could not understand why her eldest child wanted to go to college (which she did on full scholarship, no thanks to her parents) instead of getting married right out of high school. I said the same to my childhood friend about her needing to know how to provide for her
  10. Yes, but are ALL chupacabras in Mexico? Hey, Blondie! Welcome, Hilda!
  11. True story - if you want peaches good enough to slap yer maw down, visit western Colorado mid-August. The Grand Junction/Palisade area is the growing mecca, and I'm telling you...after eating some of their peaches, I'm ashamed for Georgia to be called the peach state. OHMYWORD, they are so good!!! You can get growers out there to ship to you, and they'll tell you when they were picked, etc.
  12. Excellent perspectives from SusieQ404 and Stonewall. I hadn't thought about reactions at power plants; I also didn't know that Bowen was that big. I've been thinking about my trip to Hoover Dam in 1998 recently...there are concrete bunkers in the hills overlooking the dam to house anti-aircraft weapons during WWII in case anybody tried to take out the dam. I believe they stationed some sort of personnel there after 9/11 for a time. I know they stopped the hard hat tours for several years, and they built that big bypass bridge to keep trucks off the dam...it's also for general traffic r
  13. I can't think any large operation would do just five chickens. IMHO, you'd be better off asking around for some old-timer who might do it for you, or do it yourself. But you could call around...maybe the meat depts at local grocery stores or the folks at West Metro Meats could steer you in the right direction.
  14. WILL YOU STOP SPREADING THAT HIDEOUS RUMOR??? You'll just get Blondie all upset again.
  15. It's my understanding that bedbugs would leave a mark. This would be irking me to the max. I hope you find out what is going on, or at least get rid of it.
  16. Hey, chickie! Ain't seen you in awhile. New Mexico (including Taos) is one of my favorite places on earth.
  17. It's like car lots who build next to each other. It helps the business of both stores. As far as the third store, since Blondie hasn't chimed in, I'll say (on her behalf) that it's an adult book store. With an entrance to the tunnels.
  18. Do you feel the bite, but there's no indication of a bite? Do you get up and look straightaway to see if you can find anything?
  19. Do a search on the forum for tunnels and that should explain. And welcome!
  20. Oh Em Gee - I just remembered...those SCORES of firefighter funerals, and Rudy attending every one he possibly could. Scads of hurried promotions to fill vacancies so the dept could continue to function. MO - God bless your uncle. My own dear father was a member of the Greatest Generation as well. He served in the Navy in the Pacific during WWII.
  21. And thank you for explaining Imgur...I have always wondered where the name came from. :duh:
  22. It was really strange not hearing anything in the skies except the occasional fighter jet flying protection for the first few days. I was living in old Smyrna about 1/4 mile from First Baptist Smyrna right in one of the landing paths for Dobbins, and no jets, no AWACS (which make the most incredible noise when they fly over)...nothing. I remember hearing (and later reading) stories of planes which had to land in little towns in Canada, etc., and how the people there welcomed them into their homes and they slept in the school gyms, etc. Makes me cry just thinking about it. As to that mor
  23. Photo is there. I'm no help, though...homey don't do fungi. :shudder:
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