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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Hey, those are great gifts!!! (You went to a cemetery on your first date? Interesting. )
  2. Getting back to the Eddie Long situation - I truly don't know what to think. I am an evangelical Christian, and I know as well as anyone how creepy those in church authority can be. On the one hand, I like that he showed up at church, said he'll be there next week, etc., and said he's gonna fight these accusations. OTOH, I did not like that he didn't come right out and say these allegations are wrong, I didn't do any of these things, and whatever comes out in court I know in my innermost being that my heart is clean and my conscience is clear. The cynic in me (she is a big part of me) says
  3. Truly, I cannot fathom. I do get why you haven't caused the grandmother harm...that wouldn't accomplish anything and would make her a martyr. I was (mostly) typing out my feelings of rage. Anyhoo, I'm sorry the eldest daughter no longer talks to you. Does she think you knew about it? And what up with the rest of the family? Do they not believe it all happened, even including the sister-in-law (which if I'm reading this correctly was his own daughter?)? GAH!!! Cannot...go...there...
  4. Why were the lights in the tunnels on in the first place? They are supposed to be observing strict work-in-darkness protocol. You do realize this will trigger a visit from the Tunnel Construction Commander. ::shudder::
  5. I'm not a smoker and never have been, but seriously - you folks who have quit make me SO PROUD!!! My dad was a 2-3 pack/day smoker for years and years, and he put them down and never looked back (this was in the days before aids to help quit). He was one of those who truly loved smoking, and could smell one even years later and want one. But he didn't, and I'm so thankful because he lived a healthy (till the very end) normal life span. I have read that a smoker's lungs begin to show signs of clearing up within a few days of quitting smoking, and in something like five years are as healthy
  6. Hear, hear! I don't have any kids, but when my nephews are with me, they don't go ANYWHERE without me. One is even a third-degree black belt in karate and I still annoy him by standing outside the mens room looking mean at every man who enters and checking how long he's in there. (The parents of the nephews are the same way, I am happy to say.) I really don't feel that is too sheltering or overprotective or whatever. I think it is the RIGHT AMOUNT of protective. The case of Starr & Dru's Nana's kids, however, is different in that it was their own grandfather doing the abusing.
  7. I don't disagree; it's just the principle of the thing. They said they'd drop it and they didn't.
  8. I've heard of sparks flying when people meet, but geez. (And yes, until a person's been in chronic pain, they do not know.)
  9. I hear this is a great vaca place, and I also enjoyed Puerto Rico.
  10. Ditto that!!! Ain't no way...violence is showing up VERY near resorty areas. But I would choose Dominican anyway.
  11. I done tol' you and tol' you - gubment never gets rid of a tax if they have a choice. I don't even drive 400 and this chaps my arse.
  12. I've been very impressed with Kim, and this is no reflection on her, but I will be voting NO.
  13. OHMYGOD!!! How did I not know this?!?!? Are you ok??? (smart arses r us)
  14. I thought they already did that like three times already. Guess I was wrong. Interesting to see a well-established, well-regarded company with near-total market share make such boneheaded decisions as to allow a complete upstart to steal all their bidness away. Sad, actually. Of course, Xerox wanted to sell its copier technology in the late 50s (I think it was), and IBM passed on it, saying meh - who would ever want more than two or three copies of anything, and if you want those, you use carbon paper. (IBM has a long and storied history of doing stupid things like giving technology aw
  15. I have the same ANNOYING problem!!! But in my case, one of the light covers came off (the bulb I was removing kept it from falling and breaking), and I have no idea at all how to get it back up there. And one of the bulbs won't come out with the stupid long-handled thingy I got from Homey Depot for such things, and I am steamed over the whole thing. HELP, SOMEBODY!!!
  16. Eh...you probably missed about 57 comments in the Nathan Deal thread. Better hurry on over there and catch up. Where did you go?
  17. I have this e-mail, but I use Mozilla Thunderbird for all my e-mail needs. More secure and stable from what I hear than Outlook/Outlook Express. I RARELY go online because the page is just so freakin' confusing.
  18. Got it on the calendar. I think there was a thread or two about it a few weeks ago.
  19. Meh. I think the record is something like 16 lbs., so you got a ways to go. (Saith the person who isn't about to pop.)
  20. I'm sure the bugs won't drink much.
  21. I didn't know it was filmed in Detroit...I like that. At least we're not watching something with opening shots of Detroit filmed on a backlot in LA.
  22. No change here. I take everything I hear/read in the media with a grain of salt anyway.
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