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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. favorite GW Bush moments: - his walking from Marine One to the WH the evening of 9/11...the look on his face was priceless. - his first pitch at the World Series opener after 9/11 - his mangling of words such as strategery (which I don't even know if he said but it's still funny), misunderstimation, etc. - his bluntness with reporters - his appreciation for the military (former National Guard fighter pilot)
  2. He is not the shy, retiring type, that's for sure. I think I would like him immensely as a person, because he's a lot like his mother, and I KNOW I would like her as a person. She is a PISTOL! Haven't read the book, but he is a funny guy and no doubt an intelligent guy (for all the media's portrayal of him as a dunce). I think he has a good heart, and had some good intentions, but got side-tracked by wanting to go along to get along (kinda like his dad, whom I also like but disagree with some). He kept us safe, and for that I must give him 100% credit. He nominated two good SCOTUS jus
  3. YEPPERS!!! I note that neither of their (his and Amy's) careers has gone anywhere since, so more people must agree with us. He not only ditched her, but he didn't want to give her much money, either, in spite of her putting her own career aside to raise their daughter while he became a big star (janice Gill of Sweethearts of the Rodeo). Court gave her 38% of his earnings while they were married, which was the bulk of his earning time. What a putz...he could never spend all the money he has, and he's the one who abandoned the marriage and then he didn't want to give her money? Sheesh. WAY
  4. Awww...what a great idea! Here's my Daddy; USN Radioman 1st Class on an LST ferrying men and materiel in Pacific in WWII.
  5. Well don't be sextin' my nekkid pitchers to no teenagers and mebbe you won't get hurt.
  6. OK, then, smarty-britches...iron skillet, 2x4, brass knuckles.
  7. Geez, if that was my husband, he'd have a big ol' rolling pin mark upside that thick head.
  8. I should think Dr. Phil would be a mandatory reporter, and I'm guessing he would have already gotten DFCS (or whatever they call it where she lives) involved prior to the airing of the show, and that whatever happens is part of their recommendation. Just a guess. I thought she (the mother) looked like a sociopath...or at the very least, anti-social. Little response even though comments were being flung at her...just weird. Edited to add that I can be VERY anti-social when I'm tired or don't get enough sleep, but I don't take it out on defenseless little kids. Stupid adults...that's ano
  9. You people are so dim. The term is vertically-challenged.
  10. None of the three does anything for me. I mean, I recognize they're handsome, but they just don't rev my engine.
  11. What sort of person not only does all this, but then voluntarily goes on TV to talk about it? Ye gods.
  12. Yeah, what I love is that they don't know whose it is, where it came from, how it was launched, but they know for sure that it's no threat to the country. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  13. I lean towards no, but I'm certainly not in a position to know.
  14. Oh, I've already voiced my opinion in writing, but I just may check this out as well.
  15. That did NOT look like any jet contrail I ever saw. It looked exactly like a missile contrail. I'll tell you what would be frickin' freaky - if it were the Norks. And I wouldn't put it past them.
  16. I don't drink coffee except when it's really cold outside, and I just make it here. But I do like their other stuff, like the hot chocolate, muffins, coffee cakes, etc. Had a piece of AWESOME cinnamon swirl coffee cake just this morning.
  17. I LOVE these operatic flash mobs!!!
  18. Things get on our nerves. Feel free to spoke wheels and write tickets, FBBC...you'll feel so much better.
  19. Well, if it's cancer, early detection is FANTASTIC, and the cure/treatment rates are excellent. Please do keep us posted.
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