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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I am interested, and had already read that. But thank you.
  2. I took my then-10-year-old nephew to the Ga. Aquarium shortly after it opened. That place totally creeped me out!!! Unlike the TN Aquarium, it is closed-in and dark and cavey (good word, huh?)...it was uber crowded, and I kept a firm grip on the back of his shirt the entire time. He is used to me that he didn't complain. He's now 14 and a third-degree black belt in karate, and I still stand outside the men's room at the movie theatre and tell him to holler if somebody tries something. He just rolls his eyes...but again, he's used to me.
  3. I'm glad you pointed out, OP, that there is an L in salmon.
  4. And you, my dear, get an A for sarcasm. (And I do not disagree. However, I do not want limits places on free speech.)
  5. Mighty conveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenieht, if you ask me.
  6. Oh, toolbars and crap. I didn't mean that they are installing things sneakily (although they could be, but I seriously doubt it); they just annoy me.
  7. I always use Bing now. Google just annoys me with stuff like this, installing all manner of crap on your computer to do things, and their helping the ChiComs oppress the dissidents in China. I'm NO fan of Microsoft, but I have been very happy using Bing.
  8. Dude. You sound like a 7th-grade girl.
  9. Well, at least I don't feel quite so badly after reading this.
  10. I don't even have kids, and I'm that bad. I may not be as emotional as you (tearing up, etc.), but I can't even click on the stories. I never know what's actually going on with them, because I just cannot go there. Also, I do not know the answer to the original question. I'm useless today.
  11. OK, converse is making sense. Maybe if we keep this going, I might have some semblance of understanding by Christmas.
  12. Well, pubby and mrnn have given me more food for thought, although I still don't understand why the conservatives are against it. Is it simply due to someone putting controls on internet operation, thereby opening the door for more future controls (i.e., possible content control) in the future? Which would be BAD. But what's stopping them from trying to put content controls on the internet now? I mean, I am not connecting how this net neutrality thing is not in the end-user's best interest. I shall continue to look into this.
  13. OK, I may need to retract what I said earlier. I said in a previous quote, "I agree with mrnn completely re: net neutrality." But then I went back and read what he said, and I didn't understand it. So I read around on the interwebz to see what I could find about it, and I didn't understand that, either. Even the Wikipedia dumbed-down version. Basically, all I can gather is that the liberals are for it and the conservatives are against it, but I cannot figure out why, because I cannot figure out what the hell it means. I mean, I get that it would force carriers to let everybody access/sen
  14. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks Shrek is creepy. My older nephew has them all, and I've just never been impressed.
  15. Sorry to spoil your fun, but your post just made me think of my mother, and made me want to hug you.
  16. And I agree with mrnn completely re: net neutrality. Just give it a month or two...new channels show up on there ALL THE TIME. Send them a comment, as well...they seem to pay attention to customer wants.
  17. I was gonna comment, but that cave man scared the CRAP out of me before I got to the post, so now I gotta go change my unders.
  19. I think the "fixed that for you" thing is a way of disagreeing with you but still making a joke out of it. AS LONG AS they make it clear that they edited what you said.
  20. Count me in the spelling/grammar nazi camp. Actually, I'm a Recovering Spelling/Grammar Nazi...I am such a perfectionist, but I realized several years ago that acting on same is just terribly useless. So I don't correct unless it's just outrageously wrong in a setting where it really needs to be corrected (i.e., not here, but in a professional setting, and like a couple of other posters...where I know somebody wants to be corrected, etc.). My mother is a frickin' GENIUS, and she can't spell worth a crap. She can tell you what parasite behaves this way in the intestines (she's a microbio
  21. Yes, it's not cool, but as long as the original post can't be changed, I'm ok. DEF. not cool, though.
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