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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. One of the several reasons I won't get one. They HURT and I don't like pain; they cost MONEY and I'd rather do something else with my money; and they're PERMANENT...what if I don't like it in 10 years? Yeah, not for moi...
  2. Another furious conservative here...what Deal's office did was UNACCEPTABLE. I am so calling their office Monday morning and complaining. i'd send an e-mail, but those are too easy to dismiss. I want them to hear the unhappiness in my voice. I don't care if Fpx5 said his mother wears army boots, he should have let them in. And then their unapologetic attitude (saying Fox5 should apologize for the story they ran) just adds fuel to the fire. This is unacceptable. I didn't like Deal before; I REALLY don't like him now.
  3. The new truck stop on I-75 in Emerson (Love's, I think it is) has gas for $3.79...I'm guessing that's a promo. The tiny little Sunoco (or whatever) in downtown Emerson near Doug's is also $3.79 as of 8:00 tonight.
  4. Papi might object...oh, wait...he's a man...never mind.
  5. I can help move lots of books. Right to my bookshelves. Which is prolly not where you want them to go. Actually, I'd really love to help, but I just can't swing it. Hope all goes well, though. HATE water damage! (Don't let LPPT see this...she'll have a panic attack.)
  6. Oh, I meant to say earlier GOOD FOR YOU for monitoring the FB page!!! I cannot believe that there are parents out there who know nothing of what their kids are doing online. WAY TO GO.
  7. Wayyyyyyyyyyy too easy. But it's Friday, so I'll cut you some slack. Do try to generate more controversy with your topic titles next week, though.
  8. WAY TO GO, BABY!!! This is the key!!! I have no children, but I do have nephews (ages 4 to 30), and they all know that if they go up against Aunt Mei Lan, THEY WILL LOSE EVERY TIME. In fact, I have told them this very thing before - ok, be stubborn. You will NEVER out-stubborn me. You wanna pick a fight with somebody (and it's always about behavior y'all are describing), you'd best pick it with somebody you can beat. WHICH AIN'T ME. Hang tough, y'all. You'll be glad you did. My parents stood firm, and we are all glad they did.
  9. She's already a year old?!?!? GAH! How precious!!! I love those little teeth...I like the pic where she's pointed at the camera and her finger is right up at it. What a precious baby.
  10. I am qualified to respond to this, having a great-grandfather, an uncle, a brother-in-law and his brother who were all alcoholics. The latter three are dead YEARS before their time as a direct result of their use/abuse of alcohol (two in one-car drunk-driving accidents). I also choose not to drink right now because I have two nephews who are 14 and 4, and kids often don't understand the concept of "moderation". One of them is the son of the dead BIL. My personal choice, and I'm not trying to foist it off on anybody else. However, I fail to see why the freedom of a community to VOTE on
  11. Facebook Security Protection Update #16,743. But this one will work. No, really, it will. Just sayin'.
  12. I read a book about Scotland once.
  13. Amen, sister. My rule is that you'd best make that first hit count 'cause I won't be around for the second one. And you'd best be runnin', 'cause my male relatives and loved ones will hunt you down like a dog and beat the ever-lovin' crap out of you. Bullies don't bully people they can't bully. Sounds silly, but it's true. Gavin deBecker also says this, which is quite insightful: "Men who can't hear no choose women who can't say no." For a good read, check out his "The Gift of Fear". AWESOME book. I've read it at least three times. I'll bet the bookworm could hook you up.
  14. There was another thread about it awhile back; somebody said the owner closed the restaurant and moved back to California.
  15. Make sure you snatch his candy while you're at it.
  16. No! I think it's MARVELOUS that we have a local board where we can keep up with stuff, since there's no other news available around here, and if those who don't live here don't want to read about local stuff, they can skip it. I love having all manner of people on here.
  17. I'll help ruin it some more. She helped me out yesterday by making me laugh so hard I cried at the mental pic of the dog jumping on her float in the pool. I'm still laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHAAA
  18. :sigh: Very astute my dear. Depressing, but astute. :sigh: Somehow, I think I missed a few posts of this conversation. :D
  19. AMEN, SISTER!!! Anybody who has ever worked with battered women will tell you this is all too common, and that this was INCREDIBLY likely that it wasn't the first instance. In fact, the most dangerous time for a battered woman is when she decides to leave. Gavin deBecker (security and domestic violence expert) says the first time a woman is hit, she's a victim. All the other times after that, she's a volunteer. That sounds harsh, but it is the truth. It's just a damn shame these women don't have a) enough self-respect to not put up with crap, and 2) a loving family whose male members
  20. Maybe when she gets well she can team up with the lady in Gwinnett who shot the guy who broke in and tried to hurt her. Some folks only understand one thing - the potential of pain to themselves. And I'd make sure he understood it.
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