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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I feel sorry for that kid. His other kids are bigger, and while it hurts, they are old enough to know that there are bad things in the world. This kid (I've heard anywhere from 10 to 14 years old) will be the brunt of jokes forevermore.
  2. YEAH, BABY!!! I don't mind going to Wal-Mart, but if I had the choice between spending $30 at Wal-Mart and $35 at a friendly, easy-to-get-in-and-out-of family-owned place, you bet your bippy I'd go to the family-owned place. I think a lot of people just got intimidated by Wal-Mart's (et al) prices and just said well we can't compete, they put us out of business. Sorry, pal, but NO THEY DID NOT. People will choose service and quality over economy almost EVERY SINGLE TIME. Thank you, S&D's Nana, for saying something I've been screaming forever. Really!?!? I wouldn't want to wo
  3. Honey, that is the TRUTH. I am SUCH a better me in the years since 30 than I ever was in the years before 30.
  4. I'm with Shaninigans - I would be raising cain with MY insurance company. Forget talking to the other company...that's what you pay them premiums for. I would also call to speak to a supervisor at whatever agency worked the wreck (GSP?) and ask what was the reasoning behind that.
  5. What a great idea! Do you have an elderly neighbor whose groceries you could buy that day, or something else that wouldn't cost as much if you're short on funds? And hey - a) it's just another day, and 2) it's better than the alternative. But I do love your idea.
  6. Oh, never mind on the raptured unborns. I just saw the thread below. Not all Christians believe in the rapture, btw. Many believe Christians will remain on the earth during the so-called tribulation time.
  7. Raptured unborns? Does this have to do with the world ending on Saturday or something else? RE: Eel shoes - Why are you hoping your shoes aren't made out of real ones? 'Cause they're creepy or because you don't want animals made into shoes?
  8. Lust. I was just thinking awhile ago of ordering the DVD set of Firefly.
  9. Then they shouldn't mind losing that federal funding, then. Just sayin'... Could not agree more. What a goob. I'm guessing the news media isn't all over it because he's taken himself off to Europe and won't be back for some days.
  10. A number of my former-Babatist-now-non-denominational friends have godparents for their children. I think it's a marvelous custom.
  11. 10-4...will check it out tomorrow. Glad to have you back!
  12. :runsscreamingtokrogerfortoiletpaper:
  13. I was the uncool book nerd/smart kid. My publik skule was ruled by the jocks and drug-heads, so since I didn't fit in either of those, I just sort of stuck out in the middle. Glasses, braces, bad hair...it was bad. I hated high school. I'm happy to say that I have blossomed muchly from those horrid days. OT - How was your trip? Or did I miss the thread and pics?
  14. AWWWWWWWW!!! I didn't know it was this soon! I thought it was in the middle of summer or something! Please keep us posted! :wub:
  15. I called Deal's office today to complain, and told the chick who answered the phone that I didn't care if the reporter said Deal's mother wears Army boots, they shouldn't have banned them. She had a "yeah, whatever" attitude, which I totally expected. I'm sorry that it happened on a Friday afternoon so that many people will forget. They didn't ignore it Friday night and Saturday...they were all over it. He banned the news crew from the STATION; it wasn't even the reporter who did the story he didn't like.
  16. I'm calling tomorrow morning and letting the Governor's office know just how I feel about this. If you would like to call, the number is 404-656-1776.
  17. Ah - I was trying to figure out if this was 92 & Pickett' Mill subdivision or 92 & Pickett's Mill Road...I think pacfrog answered my question (Pickett's Mill Road).
  18. mei lan


    Y'all are a lot nicer than me. My answer to all three (none of which I do) is BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Hrmph.
  19. Hear, hear, sister. I didn't vote for him, either...I voted for the Libertarian candidate.
  20. a) Deal is a fair-weather conservative, and 2) this was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I am calling his office first thing Monday morning and making my unhappiness known.
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