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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Not a decade too soon, although Madea will cry.
  2. HOW PRECIOUS!!!!!!! Look at how those socks dwarf his tiny feet! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... I'm so happy for you, GB. Give the missus our love. :wub:
  3. The new Love's truck stop at Emerson (one exit up from Raceway/QT) had gas for $3.59 today. That's what's driving them down.
  4. Interesting comments, all. OK, IF she does NOT need surgery (as two doctors have now said, as I read it), then they should be able to put a cast on it, no? SO, let's approach this another way. Does any of her family/friends have enough money (individually or together) to sign for the care she needs? How much would it cost to put on a cast? Anybody know?
  5. Well said, dearest...very well said.
  6. TRUER WORDS WERE NEVER SPOKEN. See the movie "28 Days" with Sandra Bullock for a good look at that.
  7. I KNOW!!! Mrs. B, we have definitely missed you, but what a reason you had for being gone! PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS!!!
  8. Ditto here. I'm happy for it to protect my stuff, but I got it to protect ME. (Yes, I know nothing will really stop someone who wants to get in, but it would give me fair warning and call for help.) I use Ackerman; they installed and they monitor. Very happy with them. Yeah, my system has that as well. Very nice feature, I think.
  9. Got it. I really can't blame you - I have thought about doing same, but haven't checked into it closely yet. Is there REALLY something that necessary to warrant all that extra money per month? Wise girl, you...
  10. What do you have that you don't get TLC?
  11. Yes, I'm sure it was me, since a) I have no FB account anymore, and 2) I don't know your last name.
  12. OH MAH GAH... (I am so borrowing "trashtastic"! )
  13. I second what the others say. I've had people VERY near to me in similar situations, and the only HEALTHY thing you can do is back off after you give him the different options available to him. You must realize that he may die or go to prison because of this, and whichever occurs (because one most likely will) is his choice, not yours. One of the people in my life chose prison AND death, one chose death, and the others are clean now for many years (albeit not from meth...from cocaine, alcohol, etc.). I also agree with jenilyn (of course) - Alanon would be a great resource and support
  14. Like there's a man alive who wants to hear about female problems. I say we offer them the password and see how quickly they run screaming into the darkness. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
  15. You go, girl. I am ALL ABOUT not putting up with crap any more in my life, and I think you did a very healthy thing. I'm with you there, sister. I've been through some REALLY rough years lately, and I just have no patience for stuff like this. I'm happy some others like it - my SIL keeps up with tons of family and friends that way. But it's just not for me. I tried it and hated it, and I feel so much better knowing I no longer have a FB account.
  16. mei lan


    HAHAHAHAHAHAA I swear, this is me! hahahahahaaaaa
  17. Thanks for that. I didn't know anything for sure, but have had a very bad gut feeling about dealing with them.
  18. What...he forgot to carry his 4? Geez Louise...
  19. Oh, honey, I could tell you stories. This is a MAJOR thing I hate about myself. I am trying to get better as I get older, but I swear sometimes I still get snookered. A friend (who had just betrayed me) told me one time, "You give people WAAAAAAAAAY too much credit." Obviously. :angry2: If you need a shoulder to cry on, you can use mine. :sigh:
  20. I can't remember...one of the organizer web sites. If you PM me, I'll e-mail you the list when I get home and see if I made any notes of where I got it.
  21. OK, not bad. I'm guessing most of your fees would fall into the $150/$20 range. It could work. I would pay $20 for a $150 grocery trip. In fact, I may try to rustle up the change and get you to do it! Do you have a standardized shopping list? I made one up for me based on what we like and the aisles of the grocery store (I found the idea online and modified it for us). Yes, I am a geek.
  22. Ooh...around here, I don't know. Are you gonna figure your time hourly, or a percentage of the total bill? And are you going to figure fuel separately? Also, are you going to have a minimum order from a certain store? If I had extra money, BELIEVE ME, I would pay you to do my shopping. I HATE IT!!! Keep us posted. There may be a good number of folks who'd be interested in paying for such a service.
  23. You are so correct, sir. Waylon bucked the establishment more than once as well, but lived to tell the story. You probably know that he refused to record any new music (in the 70s?...80s?) until the rules were re-written to give songwriters more of a percentage of the money. He also had a run-in with the CMA bigs. As did George Jones, who refused to do an abbreviated version of a song, but then, Alen Jackson abbreviated his own song and launched into George's song. I LOVED IT. The CM honchos of today don't deserve to tie the shoes of those who have gone before.
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