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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm glad it's not just me! I'm a sporadic buyer (never a seller there), and MAN, the deals are few and far between. Good to hear about Amazon...I've done a couple of selling things there and like them a lot.
  2. Hmmm...I had not heard this. I haven't noticed anything different, but then, I wouldn't, really, I guess, unless I had an alarm situation. Thanks for the heads-up...I'll monitor their service. Heh.
  3. Ackerman...been with them for 11 years. Great service; $21/month, I think. (I pay by the year, so I forget the exact amount.)
  4. I will keep your son in my prayers. Everyone else has excellent suggestions, and the only other thing I can think of to add is PLEASE TELL HIM that he is NOT the only person to ever go through this. No matter how bad he feels, how matter HOW he feels, please make him understand (reinforced by his sister, or anybody else you can get to tell him) he is NOT the only person who has felt the way he does, or who has been in the situation he is in. Many, many others (including me, although not the same circumstances) have been where he is, and have made it through the darkness to a better, happier
  5. THANK YOU!!! I'm reading through this whole thread thinkin' what the heck?!?!? If my card people can't tell my buying habits any better than that, I do need another company. (I'm giving you a plus to counteract your negative. ) Funny story, though, about credit cards - my old boss was such a show hound...nothing was too good for him. He shopped in the nicest stores, drove the fanciest cars, etc. (Great guy, just a prima donna.) So one day AmEx calls him and says they're sending him a new card because of fraud. He says what's wrong...they read off the last several charges: $5,000 f
  6. For the record, I'm not for either. I think we give WAY YONDER too much money in aid to other countries. I'm not exactly to where Ron Paul is on the matter, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaang...
  7. I've never run into one in the 8 1/2 years I've lived here. Anybody else?
  8. Took me a LOT of years to learn this one. But OH, so true. So, so true. Did I mention this ie true?
  9. He's got two (Sotomayor and Kagan), but it won't matter...they'll both vote for the bill. The real question (as ever) is how will swing vote Kennedy vote?
  10. This. If the mandate is unconstitutional, ergo, the entire law collapses.
  11. It wasn't the piece itself; it was some of the comments. And my rule has nothing to do with which forum the post is in. I just don't like to get into arguments. Reasonable discussions, yes. Arguments, no.
  12. Do you mean WEREN'T to rule? Otherwise, I don't understand the question. And it couldn't without costing additioanl trillions.
  13. I'll let you know when I can get one of them to load. :sigh:
  14. Crap!!! I nearly broke my cardinal rule of not getting into these arguments. But thankfully, I caught myself in time and deleted my reply.
  15. SCOTUS already refused to fast-track it. But good ruling.
  16. Ooh...I don't like Swiss cheese, but that pickle thing sounds good with Provolone...mmmmmmmmmmm...
  17. God bless them and their families, every one. We salute you. :cray:
  18. mei lan


    Amazon sells it if you can wait a coupla days.
  19. Holy crap. That reminds me of baling and hauling hay (the old rectangle kind of bales that you throw up on the truck) when I was a kid. I'M SWEATING!!! :lookingfornearestrefrigeratortocrawlinto: PS - Great of y'all who are donatin' and stuff.
  20. I doubt they'll be closing any locations...their customer base is way more than Lockheed employees now.
  21. They bought that big bank building there at 92/Lake Acworth Drive and are remodeling it.
  22. Give 'em a couple of years months weeks. I'm with a credit union and have been very happy there. I haven't heard anything about them charging a fee, but I won't hesitate to not use my card if they get carried away. UPS dude - I've heard the same thing about merchants. :sigh:
  23. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. :sigh:
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