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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Which is one reason I want to get information out in the open.
  2. A topic was on here a couple of weeks ago about graffiti in S. Paulding (here: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/274069-anyone-see-the-grafitti-down-hwy-61-south/page__p__3492116__hl__gang__fromsearch__1#entry3492116 ). I have now seen graffiti in the NE part of the county and wanted to start a separate topic. The graffiti I have seen is on the big retaining wall on 92 at Allatoona High School. I have heard from some others that there is also tagging in Bentwater and other places off Cedarcrest. Can anyone confirm this for me? I spoke with Cpl. Brandon Gurley, and contr
  3. I know, although I would have preferred it not to be with tax dollars or in a better economic climate. I think it's just the principle of the thing, coming on top of everything else and the stupidity of gooberment officials of all stripes. :tryingtowindducttapearoundhead:
  4. Oh, I didn't think of that...awesomeness!!! Maybe I can head down there later to cool off. I'm sure it's cooler there than up here.
  5. Crap. Now I gotta go find my duct tape so I can tape my head back together.
  6. Do they blast in the middle of the night? Also - would this carry to New Hope? I'm trying to think of the distance...perhaps at night. But again, would they blast at night?
  7. Twins. GPS is not infallible. And I hate hearing that pedantic voice, esp. if I deliberately don't turn where she tells me to turn. "Make a U-turn; you have passed the turn. Make a U-turn as soon as possible; you have passed the turn." SHUT UP!!!
  8. USGS doesn't list anything for our area for the recent past. (They list anything 2.5 and up.) http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.html I didn't feel anything; I'm in NE Paulding. But I was asleep and I'm a fairly sound sleeper. I did feel the earthquake that rattled windows several years ago, though. Got an earthquake rider on my homeowner's ins. after that, too. Hey, it's cheap, and gives peace of mind.
  9. HWAM, you get a bullet for that avatar. Although, it could be worse. If you had something moving like DGITW (bless her banned little heart) or Monkeytail, you'd get two bullets. Sorry, Lucky, for the hijack. As you were...
  10. We always set our alarm, esp. after we know we're not going out again for the evening. I'm shocked at how many people have alarm systems and never use them. A friend works for an alarm company and doesn't use hers. And I personally cannot fathom parking in the driveway if the garage has room. I know some folks's garage is packed with stuff, but I personally wanna park in mine.
  11. It IS nasty and stealing!!! Why would somebody think that's ok??? Ye gods.
  12. mei lan


    Just my opinion, but I don't think a nanner can be too ripe. Just sayin'...
  13. I have the screens. My neighbor go the covered ones and has had trouble with them.
  14. When have we slackers ever stuck to the initial topic?
  15. Dearest, you have touched on one of my all-time soapboxes. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHOSE MONEY IT IS!!! IT'S STILL A WASTE!!! And HELLO, but who in hades do you think PAYS federal taxes (from which a lot of these "other pots of money" come)??? WE DO!!! That's my gripe about the Silver Comet Trail and parks and that STUPID proposed 4-lane road to connect Cedarcrest and 92 (both 2-lane roads) not a mile from where they intersect!!! I don't gave a rat's arse WHOSE money it is!!! It's a WASTE!!! STOP IT!!! STOP THE SPENDING!!! We are going to hell in a handbasket and all any politician can thi
  16. Oh, yeah, that one. I already knew about that one. I thought this was something newer and wastier.
  17. Agreed. I would just note that there seem to be many more crazies out to kill us all of a certain "Religion of Peace" than others... And I did not give you a neggie.
  18. Where is this sidewalk to nowhere? I might like to walk on it someday.
  19. That was about more than the popsicle. God bless her tiny heart.
  20. Nice video! I do love me some chickens. Don't have any right, now, but several of my neighbors do.
  21. EXACTAMUNDO!!! Always, always, ALWAYS take charge of your own medical situation! If you don't feel good about something, REFUSE IT!
  22. Dude. That is some powerful truth right there. Applies across many spectra of life.
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