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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Good heavens. Even Jenilyn, queen of the creepy avatars, is creeped out. :runningtohide:
  2. OK, a) WELCOME BACK!!! I thought you wuz gone fer a long time! We missed ye! 2) Y'ALL ARE TOTALLY CREEPING ME OUT!!!
  3. What a precious story!!! :wub:
  4. OK, update - I feel so much better now!!! Just got off the phone with Cpl. Brandon Gurley of the SO. He called to clarify things he had sent to me in an e-mail responding to my questions about the possible gang tagging, etc. First, when he said they were working on leads and he'd let me know when something happened, I thought he meant very soon. Not so...that could take a Very Long Time as the detectives don't want to divulge information as they develop their case(s). Der...that makes total sense, and I'm glad I know that now. Second, and MOST IMPORTANT - the SO DOES have deputies
  5. Well, I am now completely and thoroughly disgusted. I just got off the phone with the secretary at Allatoona HS, and she said oh yeah we noticed that awhile back, but we figured somebody else would do something about it. No, they hadn't called the police, etc. GRRR. She guessed they'd see about having it removed before school. Turned around and talked to somebody in Cobb PD (they finally answered the phone), and a) the number I had been given was NOT to the gang task force, and 2) the guy who talked to me CLEARLY could not have cared any less about any tagging. I asked him what we cou
  6. Yeah, I kinda doubt we have some big-time stuff going on, BUT I wanna stay ahead of it and get the message to these yahoos that their crap is not welcome here. How long till you're unbanned? September? Too dull around here without you.
  7. Dude. You make entirely too much sense. You can never be a politician. And you get a bullet.
  8. That's sorta what I was wondering as well. I mean, so you had a snake on your car. You gotta make a movie and share with the frickin' universe? Sheesh...
  9. NO. I don't trust any politician as far as I can throw him/her, and I am not for giving them one more cent of our money. Let them clean up some of the messes they've made to date and then we might talk. The DOT is a money pit. MONEY. PIT.
  10. I couldn't watch the video, but I agree...that's what I would have done. Geez.
  11. There IS no gang unit in Paulding. Cpl. Gurley said they have detectives focusing on what's going on, and that he would give me information when he gets it. Gog8tors said they are working on forming one, but he didn't tell me that. :sigh: I wish they would. I have a call into the gang task force in Cobb PD, since Allatoona HS is in Cobb. They didn't come talk (we're a loosey-goosey association, so we had a very hard time pinning down times/dates), but they gave us some general information. They've been very helpful in general; just not much info about this.
  12. Who do you work for? I'm trying to get information (I'm the lead on our neighborhood watch), but haven't been able to get much information from the SO thus far. I want to know what the tags mean, what to look for in behavior of kids, who operates in what areas, etc. I want to know what we can do to make our neighborhood (and lives) safer. Thanks for any help you can give. Uh...YEAH!!! I am STUNNED at the things people let their kids do. The other day, I was driving through Acworth over near First Baptist Church, and there were about half dozen little kids (the oldest was MAYB
  13. Another story said they were both injured severely and one of them is still disabled. He was a contractor and didn't have insurance; he has lost everything because he stopped to save her. She had the wreck because she was depressed and trying to kill herself. From what I've read, this (suing people the person stopped to save) isn't all that uncommon, esp. if they find out the person was negligent/stupid/whatever in causing the accident. Edited for clarification.
  14. Video won't load for me (poss. because I'm at work). I backed out of the (enclosed) garage last summer on hot morning and as I got into the sunlight, a snake raised his head right up off the hood. I about fell OUT. It wasn't poisonous, but I still freaked. Thankfully, as I sat there in the driveway, he ambled off the hood and off into the woods. We had had a mice problem in the basement/garage, so I'm sure that's why he was there. But Geez Louise...heart attack!
  15. Stop taunting me!!! :runningawaycrying:
  16. Oh, dearest, you've ALWAYS been a productive member of society! We couldn't do without you! But CONGRATULATIONS!!! Great opportunity for you!
  17. Awwwww!!! :scuffingtoeindirt:
  18. I'm sorry - I don't care if you are sisters...she can't get anything but bullets due to that creepy avatar. :shuddering:
  19. Hmmmm...I don't like the sound of that. BUT before I'd go buy a new car, I'd check reviews online and see what others are saying. If scads of people are having scads of trouble with that particular vehicle in that particular year model, you might do better to cut your losses now. I had a lemon to beat all lemons several years ago. Cost $5,000 in repair work the first three years I owned it (about $2,000 of that not under warranty). One day at 69,000 miles, I just snapped when it was gonna be $350 just to diagnose the latest issue, and I traded for a Camry the next day. Lost a bunch of mo
  20. Oops...meant 55,000 miles, not dollars.
  21. Major ($2700) repairs at $55,000? What kind of car is it? What kind of trouble are we talking here? Is this something that could recur?
  22. Oops...my bad. Didn't mean to misquote. But he didn't say they were putting together a task force, either. I wish they would. Sadie said the Georgian got tagged big-time a few weeks ago. She said the HOA had it cleaned up.
  23. You make a great point. I should add that in my comment above, I was not endorsing vigilante justice. I simply believe it would behoove us to make sure ne'er-do-wells know we mean bidness and aren't going to put up with their crap. We will defend ourselves and our homes.
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