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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I submit that it was not for lack of something constructive to do that the Dougherty goobs went on their little spree.
  2. Squeeeeeeeee!!! One time one flew right into the side of Daddy's truck and it knocked the tiny feller out. Kitteh was most interested until I shooed her off, and then Mother rescured the tiny bird. She held it in her hand for about 30 minutes while it regained consciousness, turning its little head this way and that, and then closing its eyes as if it had a huge headache. Finally, it flew off. I so wish we'd had a camera handy. Somebody here told about getting one unstuck from a screen and/or a giant cobweb or something. I can't remember who...maybe they'll chime in.
  3. We recycle more than we throw away now, too. The one can makes it WAY easier!
  4. I like your style. I'm sure I would be glad to know your kids as well.
  5. I their mean little chattering, and if you listen closely, you can even hear their beaks clash once in awhile. Also, if you have shrubbery near your feeders, watch the vicious guard dog hummer hide in the shrubbery and rise up like a helicopter to zap any intruders.
  6. A picks up our recycling; even gave us a can for it. Where do you live? I'm in NE Paulding. Maybe they don't do the whole county for recycling? I'm happy with them SO FAR. Much better than W. We'll see if that lasts.
  7. They'll plead out and be back on the streets in a few, giving back to society as they have been.
  8. We've had both W and A...I greatly prefer A.
  9. I didn't comment because I don't have anything to say that I haven't already said 867 times.
  10. Utterly fascinating!!! But you are correct. I have seen videos of several at one feeder at one time, but I'm guessing they must have had a gazillion in the area and they were tanking up before their long trip to South America in the fall. They are PRECIOUS!!! I love standing near the feeder...sometimes the little boogers will make you think they're gonna stab you in the head with their beaks!
  11. Aw, now, I love you, buddy, but please do not confuse the Georgia (or national, for that matter) bunch of useless Republicans for the Tea Party. You may not agree with the Tea Party, either, but please don't believe they are one and the same, because they are NOT.
  12. Dunno, but I would say that EVERY time a person has a problem with their car, it's a certain amount of time after they got gas.
  13. Famine? Seriously? Are you talking Somalia or here?
  14. Pretty much. There's one on the left (that gas company) as you go into Cartersville on 41 that has gas without ethanol...more expensive than regular, though. Not open all hours, either. But they do sell to the public. I haven't stopped in there yet, but I think I'll make a point of it soon.
  15. I know. They are such awesome work dogs...that is truly when they are happiest.
  16. Oh. I got lost somewhere between the laundry and snake handling.
  17. What does that mean? I mean, I know what the words mean, but I don't get your drift...sorry so obtuse today.
  18. I know. I was just sayin'. I'm a big fan, myself. I think your home school idea is MARVY.
  19. I originally heard she encouraged the kids to do it. Then I read a story some days ago that they now think she hit the kid. But I cannot find any link, so please do not take that for truth.
  20. My initial thought is that if you don't have kids sitting in seats and teachers standing over them, the truancy/drop-out rate will skyrocket. I dunno...them's my first thoughts.
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