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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Dude...that is lovely. Thanks!
  2. Fed Ex Ground has had a sign out for awhile by the airport in Kennesaw that they're hiring. I'd say the number, but I might be wrong and I'd hate for some poor soul to get a slew of wrong-number calls. If I go by there anytime soon, I'll post the number.
  3. All I hear is blah, blah, blah is a man?
  4. I don't know what a Mac Mini is, but the reason they're not hit by viruses, spamware, etc., is because Macs make up 10-15% of the overall market and bad guys who write stuff want to hit the greater population. If Macs came to be in use a lot more, they'd see viruses and spamware just like the PC side does now.
  5. I saw them pulling into our neighborhood for the first time the other day. Made me wonder if the trash is elite or the pickup service is elite? Sort of like your doo-doo don't stink. Yes, I am a strange and weird person.
  6. OK, a) after letting my nephews play on my computer, I have decided that game web sites are the debil; and 2) I use Firefox...I hear it's very much more secure (but do not delete Explorer...apparently it has other functions). Also - have you tried running Malwarebytes? It's a free program from Microsoft, and gets rid of tons of crap.
  7. Woo hoo!!! Looks like it's going to start here in N Paulding any minute! Woo hoo!!!
  8. EWWW...that makes me think of the ice cream truck...now that totally creeps me out!!! GAH!!!
  9. American does as well. They gave us a separate can to put our recycling in, and we now recycle much more than we put in the regular trash can.
  10. I would point out that there are only 9 points difference between #1 and #24.
  11. Oh, noes! I love that area...I don't want it to burn up. 'Course, I don't want any area to burn up...just sayin'.
  12. I just happened to think...according to your profile, you live in South Paulding. The Crossroads I'm thinking of is in North Paulding (Hwy. 92/Cedarcrest and Dallas-Acworth Hwy.). Were you thinking of somewhere else?
  13. I'm near Crossroads, but we have no 8yo girls. Are you new to the area? I'm assuming she doesn't have friends at school? What about joining some sort of club, or church? There are more churches in this area than you can shake a stick at, and many of them have great kids programs. Laura Leigh Farms has a kid horse club, but not sure of the times/dates/whatever. She's a member on here, so you could look her up and ask. What about something like community soccer or karate lessons? Just trying to think here... Good luck to you and your daughter. It's no fun feeling alone.
  14. Agree with SP and teatime...when we were growing up, we were on the lower end of the economic scale. However, I realize now, we were not only rich, we were oh-so-politically correct! We had free-range chickens, grain-fed beef with no antibiotics or anything, home-grown garden food, used cleaning products like teatime describes, and as SP says, the strongest stuff we used outside was Sevin and Roundup. And we have always conserved water and electricity. RICH, I'm telling you!
  15. Every time I think of this, I want to throw up. SP, thanks for the updates along on the poultry industry. CAN THE GUBMENT BE ANY STUPIDER?!?!? (Don't bother answering...that was a rhetorical question. )
  16. Sorry I missed that...I adore her!!! What an interesting character! Love the story of how she met her husband in the old OSS (now the CIA) in WWII. She's still on the Cooking Channel...I LOVE when I can catch one of her programs. Delightful lady.
  17. Health Department? Marshal's Office? I dunno...
  18. Thanks for sharing, CE...well worth recording. Saith the person who has watched every single documentary about 9/11 like 30 times. NEVER FORGET.
  19. Well, a few thoughts, Zach. You are obviously a compassionate young man, and I appreciate your loyalty to your friends. But I disagree with a few things - First, a 21-year-old man is not a "kid". Thousands of 21-year-olds have served this country honorably in Iraq, Afghanistan, et al, and many of those didn't come home. I will grant you some leeway and agree that the others arrested are kids, and I do hope this scares the crap out of them and that they will walk the straight and narrow from now on. Second, I can guarantee you that I personally have never done anything I could ge
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