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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. BTW - I'm with Tabby...I plant what I want where I want. In my case, it wouldn't help them to hide behind shrubs; I have windows on the deck that they could just walk right up to and look in. Which is why I take other precautions.
  2. I cannot second the alarm system enough. Not that it's gonna stop anybody who's determined to get in, BUT as the LE guys said, make it inconvenient, and most ne'er-do-well yokels will move on to the next house. Things like leaving garage doors down, lamps on timers, etc. I personally mostly have an alarm system (and YES, I arm it...you wouldn't believe the people I know who have VERY nice houses who never arm their systems)...anyhoo, I personally have an alarm system to protect ME. It won't stop anybody determined to get in, BUT it will give me enough advance warning to prepare myself.
  3. I say, Jasper - might he be willing to teach us a few things? I'm guessing more than a few would be willing to attend and maybe even pony up a few smackeroos...
  4. HWAM, are you TRYING to give me a migraine? GAH!!! A bullet for you ('cept I like you, so I take it back).
  5. A speeding ticket can adversely affect a career in the Navy? Who knew? I think Animal may be onto something...it could play better with no attorney with just you there saying how you responded (grounding) and throwing yourself (and your kid) on the mercy of the court.
  6. Thread winner. Everybody else pack it up and go home.
  7. I'm not sorry he's gone, but I completely agree with this. Bothers me, it does. (What's to stop some future President from deciding white Southern Christian girls - i.e., me - are unlawful enemy combatants?)
  8. OH EM GEE!!! THANK YOU!!! My brother and I have been saying this for years! Jesus could have been pitching a perfect game and Bobby would have pulled him in the 6th, I swear. He squandered so many chances and so much talent. I truly TRULY believe the reason the Braves did as well as they did is because Schuerholz gave them such a great team that they couldn't lose no matter what he did. We'll prolly get flamed for saying this, and I don't think he was the worst manager ever, but honestly, they should have done WAY WAY better than they did during all those years.
  9. I had heard that NYC had banned remote-controlled aircraft during the 9/11 anniversary timeframe and wondered what that was all about. Guess this is why. This is another example of the untruth of the myth that all these terrorists want to kill us because they're poor and impoverished, uneducated, downtrodden, whatever. I don't know what his motivation is (I can guess), but he's clearly not on the bottom rung of anybody's ladder.
  10. :noddinghead: BTW, I gave you a plus to counteract the minus. (I stay pretty much confused around here.)
  11. 'Splain, please. And where will you be when you are off the grid. Do you mean now or in several years? I would like to do this as well.
  12. Peo...er...some things don't burn too good, neither.
  13. You people what don't buy black trash bags are racist. Besides, a person might want to hide stuff sometimes.
  14. I wasn't doubting your knowledge; just affirming my lack thereof.
  15. I don't know about bottom of the market, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE those areas. If I were a city girl, I'd so be buying there.
  16. I also think it's a good idea to drive around the area you're interested in on different days (weekday, weekend), and at different times of the day and night. And not just because of crime or whatever...I once had my heart SET on a charming, perfect ranch in my price range in a very desirable neighborhood in Smyrna. I was in LURVE with this house. Until I drove by there at night and shining RIGHT into the back yard and back windows of this perfect house were the lights of some city tennis courts that I hadn't realized were within sight of the house (the entrance wasn't near the house). Nix
  17. Who was at Smoke on the Mtn. and couldn't meet y'all. Again.
  18. I'm serious!!! I gave you a plus to even you out.
  19. It's not a spouse, but my father died four years ago this week, and I cried last night as if it had just happened. (I don't do this all the time since it's been so long, but that goes to show that grief is deep and enduring.) Grief is a natural part of life and is our reaction to loss. What would really be sad is if when people died, nobody grieved (i.e., their death wasn't a loss). I pray God's peace and comfort on you. Please feel our hugs. I agree with the person who said remember the good times.
  20. hahahahahaahahahahaha :runningtobathroomtolook:
  21. Can't watch vid at work. What did he say? Why wouldn't he cooperate? Did he take it to the GBI?
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