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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'd rather see a pie chart than quotes from Thomas Friedman. Just sayin'. Oh, and just exactly how is the slacker OWS crowd going to hold baby boomers accountable for anything? They'd have to give up their spot in the park to actually do something...
  2. I didn't follow it all that closely, but wasn't that the one where he shot the drug dealer who sold his sister the drugs she OD'd on (and then wound up in a coma or some such)? And then killed the guy's girlfriend? Sounded like a pretty open/shut case. One of his attorneys is Jimmy Berry, so I'm guessing he won't get the needle (although this is Cobb, so it's possible).
  3. She said your avatar gives her nightmares, too.
  4. I hate you. Actually, I'm very happy for you; just wishing I could say the same. I hope your surgery goes very well!!!
  5. Which is what they want, so they can sue and get a hefty settlement/judgment. They are very suit-happy. There are other ways of blocking them from doing the loser stuff they do.
  6. What losers. I think they mainly exist to get people to scrap with them so they can sue them (several of them are lawyers, IIRC) and get settlements, etc. What losers. And yes, I repeated myself, but some things bear repeating.
  7. I dunno...that sounds pretty sweet to me. Maybe a toddler Bible with his name on it? I think your ideas are great, though.
  8. BTW, what do you do to them in the fall/winter? Do you just let them die back naturally or do you cut them off and over them with mulch?
  9. Nice. The only ones I've seen haven't bloomed well, I think because of the heat and dryness. I don't think I've ever seen purple ones, either.
  10. Thank goodness it wasn't worse. Pore feller...
  11. I did not know this! You get a cookie!
  12. God bless his big ol' heart. I pray for his speedy recovery, and thanks to all those who are giving for his medical bills. (Ditto the policeman who loves him and is keeping him.)
  13. :wub: I have Confederate Jasmine...HEAVENLY!!! And you can't kill the darn stuff. Fills in a lattice/trellis beautifully.
  14. Beauty, surepip. Thanks for the pic...seeing that makes me happy. I'm glad it's there.
  15. I sure did hate to hear that. What a visionary, and had the nerve and moxie to go for it.
  16. HAHAHAHHAHAA This is why I like you. hahahahaaaa
  17. Awwwwwwwwwwww!!! Our huge baby!!! I'm so glad you included pics! :wub:
  18. That is AWESOME. Congratulations!!!
  19. I think I just threatened to threaten to slap a baby. You be brave. :gazingatfbbcinawe:
  20. Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po...yes, I am a grown person with no children who knows the names of the Teletubbies.
  21. Nah...you just left out the I. And being such a fan of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, as I am (NOT), I couldn't resist thumping you. But only 'cause I like you.
  22. Dear Lord. That would be a hideous hedge. Oh, wait...you meant Camellias. Yes, those are LOVERLY. (Please don't hit me. I just couldn't resist. )
  23. Hilarious! I think I'd slap Jenilyn. She's got a weird streak, and besides, she's mean. (j/k...don't cry...there, there...)
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