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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. If you're talking about the b/w photo you originally posted, that's entirely possible. Plus, it's a publicity photo, so her hair and makeup would be expertly done.
  2. I don't think that pic of Jennifer Tilly is from today. Here's a pic from 2005 and she doesn't look all that great: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/File:Jennifer_Tilly_and_Phil_Laak.jpg I don't think the Jenner chick on the right is particularly pretty. But whatev. They're free to flaunt their life to the masses, and I'm free not to watch them.
  3. I doubt it, but I'm sure I don't know. I'm guessing the staffing company would fight that pretty well.
  4. Agreed. Two of their top nukular scientists were murdered by assassins on motorcycles (IIRC) some months ago, which some attributed to Mossad. Whatever works, man. It will be a great day when Iran is free again. They are lovely people.
  5. Nice rain here in Kennesaw near Town Center. More on the way, too. Woo hoo!
  6. Dang...didn't read far enough to see momof3 already posted about "supposably". I will admit to deliberately saying things incorrectly sometimes just to annoy myself (and others around me...). I also say "fixin' to"...it's a Southern thing.
  7. mei lan


    Another goodie to come out is that Sandusky's lawyer, when he was 49, impregnated and then married a 17-year-old. They now have two kids but are separated. He's now 63 and she's 32. Which doesn't prove he's not a good lawyer, but it's just one more in a hideously long list of bizarre things surrounding this case.
  8. mei lan


    I didn't, and can't watch the video here at work. But in reading the transcript, I found his choice of words vague and evasive. And pretty creepy. I read elsewhere that he paused after the question "are you sexually attracted to young boys", and that didn't sound good. He admits showering with these boys naked. Who the hell thinks that is a good thing to do? And WTH was his lawyer thinking letting him ramble on like that on national TV? Also, I read that McQueary told some folks in an e-mail that he stopped the rape when he happened upon it, and that he had to make some "tough, qui
  9. I haven't read this one by her, but I have read "Messies Anonymous" (I think it is) and I liked it. There's also a GREAT web site I found called unclutterer.com which is very encouraging about getting organized and streamlining your life. You can read the archives on different topics, etc. Great, great ideas.
  10. mei lan


    Actually, this is not true. In 1998, when one of the first accusations came out, the mother of the child called University police (I think it was) and they investigated, including having detectives listen in on phone calls between the mother and Sandusky. This was the case the DA who went missing decided not to prosecute. The 1999 (I think it was) incident the janitor saw was never reported to police. The 2002 incident was never reported to police. McQueary reported it to Paterno who reported it to Curley and whoever the other guy was who both reported it to Stanier, but nobody reported i
  11. mei lan


    Aaaaaand here it is: http://www.nesn.com/2011/11/jerry-sandusky-rumored-to-have-been-pimping-out-young-boys-to-rich-donors-says-mark-madden.html I have to go throw up now.
  12. mei lan


    They were as young as 10 years old. I don't think any of them were out of high school when the acts took place. The eyewitness account by McCreary and the janitor both describe young boys (two separate incidents).
  13. mei lan


    I agree with P Wilhelm...these were kids who didn't have advocates to begin with, which makes the whole thing even worse. I doubt they had solid family structures in place. RE: Holding Paterno more accountable - this is not some yahoo coach of some hick school in some backwater town in Division III. This is Joe Frickin' Paterno. He MADE that school. By all accounts, even the university president didn't take a dump without JoePa's say-so. He was a god. By his own admission in the grand jury testimony, he soft-peddled the graduate assistant's version of what he saw, so that his superi
  14. mei lan


    ABSOLUTELY. Words fail me...they truly do.
  15. mei lan


    Because at Penn State, EVERYTHING is under the control of Paterno. Even the univ. president deferred to him. He was like a god. If this had been some yahoo coach at some jr. college somewhere, I might buy your argument. But not in this case. Not with Paterno. He knew the graduate assistant well, and he knew how upset he was, and he knew what he told him he saw. Mandatory reporting and chain of authority be damned...every single person who knew of this and did not scream from the rooftops to the authorities has the guilt of what happened on their heads. BTW - the grand jury indictmen
  16. What he said. Oh, he doesn't get his big fancy truck. Wah. Let him work for that one. Oh, and show him the replies on this thread. heh
  17. mei lan


    Every last one of them should be in jail. Paterno may have complied with the letter of the law, but that he and others knew of this and didn't go to the police is against every fiber of decency and honor and goodness that exists in the universe. That they would allow young children to be raped by this monster and do nothing to stop it is beyond appalling. Even worse, these were children who were "at risk" and had no advocate to begin with! I cannot even fathom the original guy who saw the incident in 2002 not decking the Sandusky guy on the spot and calling the police immediately. But no.
  18. Valid points about the ins. and deductions. I, too, don't see how that many kids could get adequate nurturing from parents. Have you ever read Cheaper By The Dozen? (The book is infinitely better than either movie.) They loved their parents, and their parents loved them, but it's pretty clear they felt too "squeezed out" (for lack of a better term) in the love/attention department. I just can't see how her body holds up that well. Wouldn't you be sick of being prego for half your life? I mean, it's their life, but I just can't imagine myself in that situation.
  19. There you go. At least they pay their own way (with the show, as well as other business enterprises they have in Arkansas or wherever it is they live).
  20. Those allegations about Clinton did come up in the vetting process. They were ignored by the people who were for him (and downplayed by the media). I believe virtually all the claims (except Lewinsky, who wasn't in the picture at that time) were known - Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broadderick (sp?), Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and a host of others - when he was running. Hence the 60 Minutes episode with Hillary sitting beside him like a good little Stepford Wife wearing that silly headband. I agree that this is all part of the vetting process...it is what it is. I'm inclined not to believe al
  21. Objectively speaking, I don't think so. Anymore than Bill Clinton's actions disqualified him. What did disqualify him was lying under oath, but the Senate refused to convict him on the impeachment charges, so in the end, even that didn't disqualify him. Would it make a lot of voters not support him? Yes. But this is far from proven. We shall see.
  22. I think I would have stopped with the last one, considering the trouble she had. Oh, heck, what am I saying...I would have stopped like 13 kids ago.
  23. Believable witness saw this girl hugging Herman and talking to him at the Tea Party convention as if nothing were amiss not long ago in Chicago. Linky: http://www.suntimes.com/8592168-417/sneed-witness-says-cain-accuser-hugged-him-during-tea-party-meeting-a-month-ago.html
  24. mei lan

    Baby Drama

    Another article I read quotes her lawyer as saying yes, he knows she could be charged, but she just wants the truth to come out (and Bieber to support her and the baby). It's a misdemeanor in CA. She just doesn't care. I'd say she's just a wingnut looking for her 15 minutes of fame and it's not true, but as sure as I did, a paternity test would prove he's the father, so I'll not make any predictions.
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