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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. It doesn't come straight from the employee, but most employers factor in things like cost of payroll taxes, insurance, unemployment insurance, etc., when they set the salary for the worker. It's like a company raising prices to cover increased taxes to them. The consumer pays the increased taxes. Here, under the same principle, the worker pays unemployment taxes. And yes, I think this is a dumb idea (the community service thing). Sorry - should have read your post before I commented. Then I could have said, "Yeah, what Marteen J said."
  2. Dude. You stole my life motto. Give it back. Agreed; however, these syringes were found by three separate people at three different times. Could possibly be related, but I should think that sort of thing would be pretty easily discovered.
  3. Oh, my gosh...Caroline! How awful! And second grade?!?!? Ye gods!!! I swear, just when you think you've heard it all, something like this pops up and slaps you across the face. Yes, I've heard of the behavior, but NEVER in a kid this young, or even close to it. I'm so sorry. But I'm glad you found out. :heavysigh:
  4. Aw, now, that last one is perfect. I love that.
  5. OH, that just infuriates me. Great idea about getting a pic of the ring to pawn shops/jewelry stores/whoever. Besides infuriating, it's also scary. What if she'd been home and just asleep or something and didn't answer the door? I hate thieves. :angry2:
  6. I wonder how many times he has kicked himself since he decided not to run in the redrawn 11th thinking he couldn't win and Gingrey won handily?
  7. Just noticed this from a few days ago in the AJC. Shearin has decided not to run against Tom Graves. Heh. http://blogs.ajc.com/political-insider-jim-galloway/2011/11/23/jerry-shearin-passes-on-challenge-to-tom-graves-but-bob-barr-still-in-wings/ (Mods, move if you need to.)
  8. mei lan


    Excellent! Welcome home...kick back and relax for awhile and get re-acclimated to the culture.
  9. Ye gods. I could never live with you two! I'd be huddled in a corner nearly comatose. Seeing as how I'm a reptile, our heat's been on for awhile. I've even been known to use an electric blanket during coolish nights in the early summer. OTOH, I keep the thermostat set on 80 in the summer, so I guess it evens out.
  10. Of course, you goob, but only special people were supposed to know about it. Now you've told the whole world and there'll be less candy to go around.
  11. mei lan


    I did not know this, either.
  12. Long-standing running joke by some of us on this thread.
  13. Dear favorite weirdo - didn't Fred's close? Also, juleebella, you forgot toilet paper. :thumpingyouonthehead:
  14. Hey, that's awesome news, dearest! I've always said if I ever got married in Vegas that I'd do the drive-through wedding chapel in a convertible with us sitting on the top of the back (where the top folds down). I wonder if you can have an Elvis impersonator sing at one of those? At any rate, congratulations!
  15. I swear, people can't drive in the rain, can't drive in the sunshine, can't drive in the snow. I think I'm gonna resign from the world and become a hermit. heh
  16. 5"?!?!?!? Ye gods! Time to get over to the Ga. Outdoor web site and see what the weather geeks are sayin'. Geez frickin' Louise!!!
  17. At least pot. I don't see why that's even an issue. :sigh:
  18. Wow! Who knew I had so many friends! hahahahaha Hey, I ain't proud. Money from crap is still money.
  19. Occupying a dive? Seriously? That's a real charge? And compared to what they went in there for, that sounds like something they pulled out of their hat so they could charge them with something just so they wouldn't look silly. Esp. since somebody got killed. I'm on the side of law enforcement, but this war on drugs crap is just out of hand. Out. Of. Hand.
  20. Awesomeness! http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/lifestyle/2011/11/the-worlds-most-expensive-tea-made-from-panda-poo/
  21. Man, you have to give it to the guy...80 or however old, still playing tennis, still going strong...I love that! Yeah, he'll prolly pop back up somewhere.
  22. I did it years and years ago and wound up with a room 4 levels above what I paid for. I didn't know the cruise lines still did it. RE: Alaska - DEFINITELY get a balcony room if you go. It's chilly outside in the spring and fall, and the days are so long that you'll miss a LOT of scenery if you are forced to view from somewhere other than your room. :piningforalaska:
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