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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I have a 4BR, 3BA home in NE Paulding, so the value is higher than it would be in some other places. We do have a lot of coverage, including umbrella (we have a pool) and replacement (sorry, but I don't want to pay the difference if something, God forbid, should happen and I should have to rebuild). I have several of the usual riders (not expensive), and I do have an earthquake rider. I got it several years ago after that little quake epicentered in Ft. Payne. Hey, it's something like $12/year...not bad for peace of mind.
  2. See, I'm not the only person who was conned.
  3. Another red flag: A person who has no friends of the same sex. I've known both men and women in this category, and they were NOT well-balanced people. When a woman has NO women friends, there's a reason, trust me. Ditto men. Another red flag: If a man friend/relative doesn't like the guy or a woman friend/relative doesn't like the girl. This one is not infallible because many things could cause this. But if every single person you know is telling you to run, listen to them. SO TRUE. Obsessive types can be VERY charming in order to get what they want. But this is not good.
  4. I'm staying out of this discussion, but I will note that DC RED now lives in the Washington, DC, area (VA or MD, I forget which), and that is one of the HIGHEST cost of living areas in the country.
  5. EWWWWWWW. He's not even pretty-boy good-looking. First Bob the ED guy, now Leo. GAH!
  6. "The death penalty in 2011 is starting to reflect the unease that many people feel," Dieter says. "The practice has been flawed, and it's getting very expensive." Dieter points to the millions of dollars that states have spent on capital cases, the frequent exonerations of people on death row, and growing concerns about fairness. Most notable this year were the multiple protests on behalf of Troy Davis, who was executed in Georgia despite appeals that raised questions about his guilt. The expense and lack of certainty about guilt are the two big factors in this, IMHO. I am in favo
  7. I fell for it. The ONLY tax increase I ever voted for. Never Again. Oh, and the moving us from 6 to 5 on whatever that fire rating thingy is didn't decrease my ins., either. I checked.
  8. I just got mine, and I was happy to see it didn't increase very much. In 9 years, it's gone from $900 to $1164, which I don't think is too horribly awful. I'm with State Farm.
  9. OK, first of all, THANK YOU for saying that assertive women are attractive. I cannot tell you how many men I've met over the years who are totally put off by the fact that I can pump my own gas and buy a house and manage my finances on my own. (Since I am single, who else is going to do it, pray tell?) So many men want a helpless waif damsel-in-distress woman that they can "save". Unfortunately, if I may quote Dr. Laura here (and I don't subscribe to her every thought, but I agree with her here), most of the time those men find out that the women in distress are damsels in perpetual distre
  10. I could not agree with this more. I used to work with a lady whose grandmother had begged her not to marry her skunk of an ex-husband (who made very good money, left her for another woman and refused to support her and the kids). Her grandmother had said to her, "Honey, he ain't got enough love for you and him both." I must say that I have been VERY attracted to a few guys who, when I got to know them better, completely repulsed me. It really is what's on the inside. Also, I think the "looks" portion of physical attraction is generally more important to men than women. Men are just bu
  11. It's back now. Sarge moved it back, mumbling about some troubles or other he had. Sounded like a fishy excuse to me.
  12. I thought it was a good topic, too. But man...that outlook (the language of which got it moved to the tonk) is just breathtaking in its creepiness. To me, anyway. :shudder:
  13. Hmmm...this is the same guy who threw out all your Christmas decorations? Yep, crowbar to the knees.
  14. Holy crap. Yeah, I can see why you switched. What a royal PITA.
  15. I LOVE flying Southwest. Check fares often at places like kayak and expedia and you'll get a feel for what's a good price and what's not. I always double-check with the airline's web site because they often run specials you won't see on larger web sites. Southwest generally has an internet special, but they sell out fast. RE: rental cars - After a few bad experiences with other companies, I stick with Hertz, period. I go through their web site. I don't mind using Enterprise around here when my car is in the shop, but I just feel safer and more calm using Hertz.
  16. "Like what?" she asked, her innocent eyes wide with curiosity.
  17. Good one. I personally fired Delta a good while back, but I'm way outnumbered, so they carry on.
  18. Because people keep buying their services instead of refusing to renew due to bad service. I'm telling you - I could not be happier with DirecTV...I swear I could be a commercial for them. 8 1/2 years with them and I am still totally in love with them. Better selection, lower price, excellent customer service and the services goes out LESS than my cable used to. I will NEVER go cable again. I'm also happy with AT&T DSL (surprisingly), but I can see where some folks might like higher speeds than DSL can provide.
  19. I see the FDA's point, although I don't really see how much information they could post on a billboard and still be readable. But yeah, in their other marketing information, I totally agree. People need to understand that there is no magic bullet to cure obesity overnight.
  20. No surprise to me. (I note that ABC apologized for their report. How chicken-hearted of them.) I'm still amazed that a society that allows cigarettes and alcohol consumption willy-nilly shies away from allowing marijuana even in the tiniest amounts. That makes not one whit of sense. Sorry - that last was off-topic, but it did make me think of it. Anyhoo, I'm not surprised at the tobacco companies. It's shocking when you think about how much money they generate, and how many politicians, et al, are beholden to them in certain states (well, probably more politicians than just in tobacco-p
  21. God said, hey, now - don't be blaming me for fools.
  22. We discovered the Cooper Drive lights the other night; I'll look for the Gail Street lights this week. I just want to say to all who put up a big display - thank you. I love to decorate for Christmas in a big way, but the last few years have been really rough for my family in a number of ways, and I just haven't had the time or energy to do it properly. So your displays help keep our Christmas seasons cheerful. I know what a massive job it is putting them up and taking them down. I just wanted to say thank you. I hope to rejoin the ranks of the decorated ( ) again one year soon.
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