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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I don't want everything to be political. Just like I don't want the government poking its nose into every corner of everybody's business. But I'll defer to your wishes and back out of the thread.
  2. Oh, this gives me the willies. I am SOOOO paranoid about cleaning my contacts properly. I now wear gas-permeable contacts (rigid, like hard lenses, but let in more oxygen...necessary for this weirdo eye condition I have), but if I still wore soft lenses, I would throw them away EXACTLY when I should, and would clean them like the instructions recommend. Oh, and even though they say you can sleep in them, most drs. don't recommend it. The thought of "topping off" solution already in my lens case is revolting!!! GAH! This is making my eyes itch. And twitch.
  3. It wasn't meant to be any more of a political statement than the original story. It was a sarcastic dig at the government wanting to protect everyone from everything. Yes, cell phone use while driving is dangerous. I rarely talk on mine, and I never ever text while driving. And if individual states want to outlaw it, fine. Personally, I think eating and putting on makeup in a car is just as dangerous (and I see it nearly as frequently), but I haven't heard of any proposed laws against those. JMHO.
  4. Good. We need more nanny-state oversight.
  5. Ga. Firing Line - corner of Canton Road and Piedmont. gafiringline.com (Edited to take out Adventure Outdoors since their range isn't open.) I think there's a Wild West something-or-other in Marietta, but don't have time to look for it.
  6. There used to be a good range up off Canton Highway somewhere. I can't recall the name, but I'll see what I can find.
  7. What a dumb question!!! JUST KIDDING! hahahahaa You know, I've never thought about it, but you're right. That's an absurdly long distance. I'm guessing some lawyer made them put that on there. Hey, that's an even better question. Hmmmm...I'm thinkin' it sounds nefarious. Let's make Blondie go investigate. Then we can disavow any knowledge of her when she gets arrested.
  8. I doubt it's staged like we're gonna hire these actors and have them pretend to buy a house, etc. I just mean it's probably staged in certain ways to maximize shooting time or lighting or whatever. I've known people who know people (!) who were on shows like that, so I'm sure they're real. That's what I meant by saying shows like House Hunters, Top Gear, Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs, etc., would be less staged than most. I do love me some House Hunters. I've been known to watch like 8 episodes in a row.
  9. Yer thinkin' is too logical there, missy. That cold done froze yer brain.
  10. hahahaha That one looks like the penguin is about to peck the guy in the ear. And the little girl is perched way up there away from the rest of the family. She's cute, though. Wait a minute...what's that there at the wife's left thigh? That rock thingy looks sheared off perfectly level and smooth. Is this a photoshop after all? I couldn't find anything on snopes.
  11. I like you. I do, however, highly recommend watching "So I Married An Axe-Murderer" with Mike Myers and Nancy Travis. Made before Myers went over to the dark side of making movies for 7th-grade boys. Way excellent.
  12. Oh, and BTW, if I get any hint of propaganda crap like man-made global warming, or whatever, I turn it off as well. But sometimes you can find interesting things. These days with immediate media (as this story shows), people can pretty much call them out quickly if something's way off.
  13. I thought that was photoshopped until I saw the little girl's arm resting on the back of the jaguar.
  14. All so-called reality shows are staged in some form or fashion. Some of them, like House Hunters, Top Gear, etc., are probably staged less than others, because the subject matter naturally lends itself to being filmed as is. However, if we only saw the raw footage on anything, I seriously doubt anyone would watch because it'd be so boring and so long.
  15. I agree!!! Some things are worth the effort. I'm a little late this year getting mine out, but they'll go out in a day or so. I've gotten two.
  16. I've never been to a chiropractor, but my dr. (an internal medicine specialist) refers people to a quality chiropractor when the need arises. He referred my mother to one; my brother's doctor does the same. I think with the rise of holistic medicine approaches, thinking/perceptions in the medical community are changing.
  17. I've read that adding a tablespoon of honey to an 8-oz. glass helps. It's still eye-wateringly tart for me even with the honey. I didn't use it long enough to find out if it works. One of the things I've been meaning to try again.
  18. The easy way out...that's always best... That is capitalism, my friend. If it were brain surgery, I'd say NO do not take the easy way out. But it's a documentary for the BBC. And you would know that, HOW? Don't get your knickers in a twist...I'm going by what they said in the article. As far as I know, no nature expert has said that what they showed doesn't actually happen in the wild. If something like that pops up, then I'll change my position. But I still stand by my statement that if they're duplicating what happens in the wild, I have no problem with it. Slight d
  19. I have heard that there are two schools of chiropractic approach (LPPT can probably elaborate) - the "old" kind that believed only chiro could treat each and every ailment known to man ("When your spine's in line, everything's fine!"), and the "newer", more holistic approach, combining chiro with MD care and physical therapy. If I'm not mistaken, refusing to teach the "newer" method was what got Life College's accreditation yanked a few years ago. (I used "old" and "newer" because that's how it seemed to me. There are probably more accurate terms for both approaches.)
  20. I agree with PWilhelm. Not everything can be filmed in the wild. They weren't lying about what happens; it does happen that way in the wild. But sometimes it's just easier/better/less expensive to film in a controlled environment. As long as they're duplicating what happens in the wild, I have no problem with it.
  21. I have approximately 179 projects (things to do and things to study, etc.) stacked up. I figure that'll keep me busy till I'm 110, and by then I'll have figured out how to spend my down time. Oh, and that nap thing...MAN, there's nothing better than an after-lunch nap on the sofa in front of the fire during cold weather when you don't have to be anywhere. I am def. looking forward to that.
  22. Seriously?!?!? I have never heard that. Not saying it's not true; I've just never heard anything like that.
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