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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Tacky and low class is RIGHT. Amen, sister.
  2. mei lan


    And so rarely does it happen that I am nonplussed by the correct use of the word "nonplussed"!
  3. age 51, average six books a month
  4. SAY WHAT?!?!? Who does this? Ye gods. I hope the dear older lady recovers (physically and emotionally) soon.
  5. Awesomeness about your MIL. And dittos on everything else you said.
  6. Ditto here. And I can confirm the TN information. My brother lives there, and pays no state income tax, no ad valorem tax, and his property taxes IN THE CITY on a house that's worth THREE TIMES what mine is are lower than mine are. Sorry, but I'm voting NO. lowrider is correct on another point - EXTREME distrust of government. EXTREME.
  7. Aw, you're so cute. Bless your little optimistic heart.
  8. Here are a couple of web sites that show free movies of all genres. Lots of old stuff, and some of it very good! It'd worth a look anyway. http://www.openculture.com/freemoviesonline http://archive.org/details/feature_films
  9. This was a joke, people. OP, glad you're keeping an eye on things. Elevated livery enzymes is nothing to sneer at. Just thinkin' hard had some good points about causes. My brother's enzymes have been mildly elevated for several years (he lives in TN), and they can't find a cause. He's not a drinker, doesn't take tylenol, doesn't drink monster drinks, never had mono, blah blah blah. But his dr. keeps a tight check on them all the same.
  10. Ditto here...great principles to live by. I'm about to re-read First Things First.
  11. Seriously!!! You wouldn't want medical attention?
  12. Surely not! :runningaroundscreaminglikeanidiot:
  13. Hoo, law...don't get me started!!! I'll run everybody off with my sermonatin'!
  14. Ain't he that serial killer guy? (He knows I'm kidding.)
  15. Daincin' is the work of sssssssssatan!!! I'd say it depends on the kid as to when you feel they should have their doo-doo together. My siblings and I worked all the way through high school and college. My parents paid a lot of it (what wasn't scholarships/grants), but we paid our expenses, including car ins, clothes, etc. But my parents were hard workers, and I guess we just absorbed that work ethic from them. I could not agree more about women being more discriminating about the men they choose to have in their lives. I tell teenagers (and any other female who will listen), you
  16. Depending on the person (and the level of your friendship), you might have to dig a little deeper, be a little more forceful, etc. In this case, something like, "OK, I'm leaving, but you know if you need anything, any time, just call. And we ARE going to talk about what's going on inside of you." Many times depressed people don't want to bother anyone else with their problems (they believe they aren't worth the effort, and that the world would be better off if they'd never been born, etc.), so a little more forceful behavior is warranted. S&D's Nana is right...it IS their decision whet
  17. Agreed. You just have to step down the dosage (i.e., not stop them abruptly). I felt a bump in my emotions when I did this the first time, but otherwise was fine. The second time I was fine. (Two different meds.)
  18. mei lan


    Negative, Mrs. G. I used to work for an agency that provided helping services to the elderly (and some others), and APS will not open a case for a situation like this. I had a person who lived in a house that was falling in; she was about 90. She was in her right mind. They refused to open a case (and on several other similar ones I called about) because if she's in her right mind and refuses help, their hands are tied. They call it adult self-neglect. I personally believe it is an emotional/mental dysfunction, but I can also tell you that with people the age you're talking about, the
  19. Have I said no yet? NO!!!!!!!
  20. I thought she was talking about baseball or possibly basketball.
  21. Because every time ARC ever brought it up, it sparked a collective hissy fit in virtually every quarter. It's a dead dog of a topic. I agree with lowrider.
  22. I agree with the above. I have been on anti-depressants, and what I found is that the med did not numb me or alter my personality in any way...it just evened out my emotions and gave me space to deal with the root cause. My dr. said that it takes a year (after being at therapeutic dose) to re-route the pathways in the brain. I will agree with several others here...I have SOOOOOOO been there. I'm including a link below that I found that explains depression/suicidal thinking VERY WELL. You may indeed need to distance yourself from her, but if you can stick with her, it may mean all the w
  23. I stand corrected. I was going by what I was told by a PDOT underling a year or so ago.
  24. And IMHO, just not $8.5M worth of busy, esp. since the traffic light went in. But hey - it's free money 'cause we got it from the feds! Oh, wait...what's that you say? That federal money is from taxpayers, too? Well, that's ok. If we didn't spend it, somebody else would. GAH!!!
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