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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Well, whatever happened, the fact that he weighed just 87 lbs. is undeniable. Also, if the girls were not in school as has been reported, that's another thing. If they were home-schooled, the school system is supposed to keep up with what's going on, and they have to pass tests just like kids in public school. If that wasn't happening, something was wrong somewhere.
  2. I'll keep you and him in my prayers, Miss Laurie.
  3. There was an article in the AJC recently about this, and it said that these companies are indeed buying up these houses. HOWEVER, I have a fundamental difference of opinion than you on this topic, and that opinion is this: It's a free country. This is how free market enterprise works. Now, if S&D's Nana is right (and she's a smart lady, so I would guess she's not far off the mark) about fishy stuff going on, that's wrong. But these companies buying up properties to build up a huge rental company is perfectly legal. It is what it is. This mess in Paulding was caused in large part by
  4. As am I, my dear...AS AM I. This was, and continues to be, a travesty of the first order.
  5. Esp. if he'd added "black garbage bags" in there somewhere. However, as it is our surepip, we know that only excellent things would come from the bones in his freezer.
  6. As to what should happen to them, for starters, they should each be locked up (separately) in a dark room exactly like he was, fed as he was, treated as he was, for as long as he was. Then take them to trial and throw the book at them, and give her twice what his sentence is.
  7. I'm here in NE TN and the weather is cloudy and the air so nicely cool. Rain coming in tomorrow, I think. I'm glad it looks like we'll be getting some...it's awful dry at our house.
  8. I don't have my home address in my GPS, either. Also, I can't think anyone close to me would text a PIN to me, even if they knew it, which they wouldn't.
  9. I knew about the GPS thing 'cause I watch Criminal Minds. In that one, a valet used the built-in garage door opener to train a hand-held garage door opener and wrote down the address in the GPS.
  10. Born and bread hater here, too. I have never liked it. I've read the book twice and seen the movie more than that. But it's just SO DARK. I know it was a dark time, but dang. I like Rhett ok, because at least he's honest. But Scarlett - HATE HER. I mean, I REALLY hate her. I have a very hard time liking books where the main character is that unlikeable. The other problem I have with the book is that Mitchell got one major thing wrong - the only religion mentioned in the book is Ellen O'Hara's Catholicism. During that time in the South, church (esp. Protestant) would have played a m
  11. Rhett wasn't a carpetbagger...his family was Old Charleston Money. He was the black sheep of the family. RE: original post - reverse snobbery, I call it.
  13. Oh, bless your heart, Mo3!!! I would feel the same way. At least Papi has some good tips on how to get about.
  14. Duh. A huntin' rifle...it says right on the sign. Although I don't know what your question has to do with integrity of the representatives of the state of Georgia, or what Thomas Jefferson said about something or other, or what the people of South Carolina said to General Sherman or to Georgians or something.
  15. Awwwwwww!!! :shylyscuffingtoeindirt:
  16. I agree with this totally. WFAL's points do have merit; however, other school systems allow this (including my sister's), and it works out fine. It's no skin off the school system's nose...they're not out anything because the leave was earned and it's being taken...just not by the person who earned it but instead by the person to whom the person gave it. JTH has a good point as well; however, schools make use of long-term subs all the time, and many of them are certified teachers (esp. in this economy). I just think it was incredibly poorly-handled by the GCSB. Shame on them.
  17. A few minutes! Great minds, toots! I've been AWOL for about three weeks. This time of year is very quiet for me, and I've been feverishly working on some projects and doing some navel-gazing. (My own navel, not anybody else's. ) I was just takin' a break...now I bes back. What'd I miss? I do love you, girlie!
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