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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Listen, we don't want to hear about y'all's bedroom troubles. :snicker:
  2. Does anybody know if W. Metro is open on Sunday or Monday?
  3. Not random at all, my dear. The Mormon thing I've heard of is to have a year's supply of food, etc., built up at all times. I believe they have a system for rotating it out so that nothing becomes stale-dated. I need to check that out.
  4. Jay Schecter in Rome is fabulous. He's one of the two drs. who created the clot-busting drug credited with saving so many stroke patients if it's administered in time. He was my dad's doctor, and I was very impressed with both his knowledge and his concern for Daddy.
  5. It's probably mandated under federal guidelines for the improvements. Not the decorative brickwork, but the sidewalk itself. IOW, if you want federal money to pay for your roadwork, you'll do it like we tell you to, and we say you build a sidewalk x' from every new intersection.
  6. You mean like what if the Hollywood trade unions went out on strike and we couldn't watch American Idol every week? It would be, like, awful and horrible. I can't even bear to think about it. Oh, wait...you meant a real catastrophe, like a dirty bomb going off and the entire metro area being sealed off from the rest of the country? Well, the government would just make sure we'd still get all our same stuff and everything would be fine. I don't get why you ask. Edited on account of I can't spell, thereby spoiling some of the effect. :sigh:
  7. I'd say road kill, but I think road kill would taste better.
  8. Oh, I pay attention to news about the McRib - my mother (THE best cook I have ever known) loves the icky things. She eats one nearly daily while they're here. :shudder: (I see you found the news about when they'll be here. Congratulations. )
  9. I read somewhere that they're bringing it back later this year in an effort to boost sales late 4Q12 and early 1Q13. Gag a maggot is what I say.
  10. Another great idea! I have been wondering about Dogwood Terrace, but keep forgetting to ask if anyone has eaten there. I'm so happy to know it's a good place to try!
  11. Yeah, gotta go with you here. I get the sentiment, but suicide is a vicious, ugly, destructive business, and even moreso for the survivors. I can't think encouraging such would be a good thing.
  12. Oh, hush. And give the Chief my love.
  13. Autoscopic doubles are not good company. They can also be evidence that things aren't exactly right in your brain. They come with migraines, epilepsy, post-traumatic disorders, encephalosis of schizophrenia — so you don't want them around, and you are probably happy when they go. Freaky. Anything involving brain dysfunctions is totally freaky, and is different from person to person.
  14. I've always found at times like this that it's good for me to take a step back, re-evaluate my life and priorities, and see what moves I can make that would be wise for my life at this time. Which is what I'm in the process of doing.
  15. What great information! Several thoughts: I never thought about focusing on it as a complement to the meal. I don't like it, so I didn't even think to stick it out through the entire meal. My gourmet friends do drink theirs with their meals, but they didn't bring out the points you did. I will try that when I sample it again.* I had no idea about the Reserve business...that makes perfect sense, as does the you-get-what-you-pay-for thing. Some of my friends choose excellent wines, but I'm sure some I've tried have been icky kinds. Not Mogen David icky, but still questionable. :sh
  16. LR and GT - you both have my prayers and condolences. I don't know what is up with the flowers, but I've heard that story more than once. I pray God's comfort for you both.
  17. I know - all my chi-chi gourmet friends have tried for years to get me to like wine. I have sampled just about every kind and brand of wine there is, and I just do not like it. Hard stuff, like brandy (my personal fave), rum, vodka, etc. - love 'em. Wine/champagne/beer...blech. Just gimme a cheeseburger and a glass of sweet tea. What is a Reserve wine? Is that a brand or something else?
  18. What a great idea! I'm home alone eating homemade vegetable soup and cornbread, but no less happy. But no wine. I don't drink right now (long story), but even if I did, I just don't like wine (or champagne or beer). I am such a bourgeoisie when it comes to food. And bless your heart for telling your folks they could come in late tomorrow. Kudos!
  19. I believe Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt say the same.
  20. I voted at Russom just after 1:30 and was in and out in 5 minutes. They said they had had long lines most of the day prior to that.
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