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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Sure she can. Just you wait and see...
  2. I agree with this. Also with vertigo, if it's the crystals/fluid bottling up (so to speak) in the wrong place, there are now physical therapy treatments that often will clear it up with not a lot of trouble. (Has to do with rotating the head a certain way or some such.) Ditto also what JTH said about thyroid T3 and T4 tests. If you are in ANY doubt about that, I'd see an endocrinologist. My dr. always does the T3 and T4 along with the TSH. And sometimes, even if the bloodwork is ok, the thyroid can still be out of whack. It just depends on the person.
  3. SHUT your mouth. Imma slap you for that, you heifer.
  4. Well, I don't know why not. They already don't have the same retirement the rest of the country has (they have a spiffy one), their current health care is special (and better), etc. I personally think that Congress should be subject to the EXACT SAME pay and benefits the average American soldier gets. Period.
  5. All you need to know...from the article: Hiram Wal-Mart Just sayin'...
  6. Wow. I know many, MANY people (including upscale neighborhood types) who use them and who are as happy with them as I am. They designed and installed my entire system, and it has never malfunctioned. They also call VERY quickly when I accidently set off the alarm.
  7. Ackerman. I've had them at two places for 13 1/2 years, and I've been VERY pleased with their service. I think new customers monitoring is $19/month? I think older customers monitoring is $20 or $21/month. Could NOT have been nicer each time I've needed to talk to them.
  8. Well, the FBI apparently questioned him and he said nah, he's not a radical, so they said ok thanks, and left. Also, the US has a history of thinking that Chechnya (and by extension Dagestan) politics doesn't really enter into stuff here. Also, the FBI's manuals were scrubbed of any references to radical Islam. So big whoop, huh?
  9. HAHAHAHAHAA You're such a girl.
  10. I just wanna know how, that's all.
  11. Well, if thyroid levels are good, my next thought is with DiehardKy - allergies. I am allergic to DOZENS of things in nature, year-round. Most of the time, they're well-controlled with Zyrtec, so my allergy dr. said I don't need shots. HOWEVER, sometimes - certain weeks in spring, a week around the 4th of July, and a week around Thanksgiving - the allergens overwhelm the meds, and I just feel like crap. I do get nasal congestion and runny/itchy eyes sometimes, but mostly I feel like I have the flu. My legs hurt, I just feel like CRAP, like I cannot go one more step. Be worth checking out
  12. ROAD TRIP!!! (I know, but work with me here. )
  13. I always think of Morocco. I've never been...let's go!
  14. Same thing with us. I just finally took it back into the garage and colored over their logo with black magic marker and wrote the current company's name in large letters. Now if I have overflow for one can, I can take both cans down and not leave a mess.
  15. I have heard of this, but I'm thinkin' perhaps a month before you plant, perhaps? I can't remember. Check out walterreeves.com and see what he says. OK, I gotta ask - why does Papi have to tote the little bag down to the basement?
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA Man, you just can't make this stuff up. Oh, and just to be a grammar nazi - bizarre. (You know I love you. )
  17. The only one I remember was the original "The Fly" when I was in high school. It was hysterically funny.
  18. I am STILL more afraid of my mother than any LE.
  19. Agree. I've never been a particular Loren fan, but she looked way better in that photo, IMHO.
  20. OK, when I get that, I know I'll laugh. just thinkin' hard - that is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I think the Scouts are a marvelous organization, and being an Eagle Scout is just WAY WAY cool! What excellent values they teach!
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